On Friday, while in Tauranga we visited the Bernina shop, and I bought some fabric.
One (on a bolt) appealed to me, so I got some.
Now, most fabric on a bolt is what you see...
ABOVE: That's what I could see on the bolt. That is what I thought I was buying.I didn't see the lady roll it out and cut it, as I was in the bathroom.
IF I HAD, I probably wouldn't have bought it, as this is what it ACTUALLY looks like:
ABOVE: NOT exactly what I thought I was getting!I was going to ring them and ask if I could bring it back, because I couldn't imagine using it for anything.
But, give me long enough... and I reckon I can use it for runners.
Live and learn though, bloody well check out what might be hiding behind the folds.
Oh and FYI... Bernina Tauranga's prices are some of the highest I've seen anywhere in New Zealand!
Like the price per metre just keeps creeping up and up!
In Bernina Tauranga, most fabric is $33.80 a metre. Just so ya know.
Happy happy! I got a parcel from SPARKING MERLOT (Aussy friend) on SUNDAY.
Yep, our posties are working every day of the week right now, to get all the parcels delivered after a huge backlog thanks to lockdowns.
ABOVE: Bex bounced on these! She is going to make them up for the boys.
ABOVE: Cat fabric. Yes, I know I'm making cat runners... doesn't mean I like cats like you SPARKLING! Freakin' cats. That fabric screams some sort of friggin cat runner I suppose.
ABOVE: SPARKLING makes runners too! Only she weaves hers. She sent me this one... it's gorgeous, I love it. Thank you so much Chick.
link to SPARKING'S blog: https://sparklingmerlot.blogspot.com/
Go visit her, ta.
Yep. Hold ya breath.
ABOVE: About a week ago Lacy jumped off the woodpile on the farm, caught her leg on a piece of wood, landed badly. Hurt her knee.
Put up with the pain for a week, then finally went to A & E. Several x-rays later she was told she'd done some serious ligament damage, if not more.
Now? Has to see an orthopaedic surgeon. Wonder how long that will take?
For now, she's wearing a knee brace, and is on crutches.
So, what am I doing today? I will do a bit of sewing, but not all day. I will work till lunchtime, then come in and put me feet up.
Summer plays havoc with my fluid retention, so best I take a bit more care over the next few months.
8.30 am: I sent an email to the asphalt company yesterday, asking for confirmation of when they were doing our driveway?Bearing in mind she said she'd confirm the date last Friday, but didn't.
Well I heard from her bright and early this morning.
Seems a couple of men will be around today to sweep the loose stones etc off the driveway and then look to seal on Friday.
Ummm, what does 'look to seal' mean? Is that a definite, or a maybe?
I have put my car out on the road, so it's not in the way. Here's hoping they turn up. It's raining! So welcome, means I don't have to water the pots outside, or top up the pond.
I've just had me breakfast/lunch. Muesli with fruit. That should keep me going all day.
It's now 12.10 pm and I have been a busy girl.
I had to get more black backing fabric from Spotlight, so off I went.
Did that in record time, bought a few Christmas things too.
Was gobsmacked to get up to checkout to find the fabric was reduced HEAVILY, and my bill was like, HALF what I was expecting! Gosh I sure have some luck with bargains.
Got home, put that lot away and decided to clear the driveway of overhanging vegetation and all the pots and bins.
ABOVE: I'm really happy with how much I got done! The asphalt contractors now have one less job to do.
ABOVE: Well, actually two less jobs cos I moved everything off the driveway and put it on the concrete slab over there.Except ONE big pot. I couldn't move him. The men can do that one.
ABOVE: This is the messy corner outside my sewing room. The contractor said he would tidy it up with asphalt. Should look way better once it's done.
ABOVE: JUST in case you are wondering why we are re-sealing the driveway... try walking on those loose stones! And every time you drive over them and into the garage, you bring stones inside the garage as well. And then they get traipsed all around the house on the bottom of shoes too.
NOT nice to stand on in the garage or house I can assure you.
So, that's a good job done. Now I wait to see if the guys turn up to sweep the driveway?
I found a long worm and a snail while 'gardening'. Thought, hmmm... wonder if the goldfish would like them?
Why YES! Yes they did. There was a literal fight over who was gunna gobble up the most!
LOL... must find more for them.
Time to go and get changed. I got pretty wet working outside in the rain. I'm starting to cool down.
ABOVE: And I got three finished today. Tomorrow I will start stitching the 3 'Wine' ones. That will take me a while!
Time to stop (5.20 pm) and make a start on our dinner. Humble sausages and veges this evening.
11 pm: And it's been our usual quiet evening, just watching TV. Time to call it a day.
Catch ya tomorrow.