Saturday, August 25, 2018


Well... I'm determined to have a good sleep in today. No getting up early and going walking in the frost and fog today!

After I get up, we are going into Hamilton so Griffin can do some shopping, and we can just take some time out from jobs around here.

They never go away, but we can put them off till the afternoon.

Once home again, I'm going to show Lacy how to use the water blaster, and she can start working on the back patio. She owes me 12 hours work! lol

If the weather holds, Stew will get the lawns done, though they are not too long, even with all our rain of late. It's not been warm enough really for them to grow much.

I really hope to get some sewing done today too... I'm starting to get a backlog of runners started, but not finished. And there's so many more projects just waiting to be started too!

If I get into the Tamahere Market in September I will have two markets each month, so I will need plenty of stock. And with Christmas coming up in just a few months, I hope to make some good sales.

So... it is probably going to be a fairly quiet day ... catch ya later.


 ABOVE: This photo is going to be of no interest to anyone but my MUM!  Hey Mum.... guess where this is? Think way back to the 1950's!
I saw it on Facebook.

ABOVE: Sunrise yesterday morning, just remembered I had taken this photo.  Makes me shiver!  lol

LYNISE:  I never knew that!  When did you leave Tok?  I was 15, and we moved out to Upper Atiamuri and I went to Rotorua Girl's High and the Polytech there.

2.05 pm:  Home from town, where Griffin got a snazzy new cover for his new phone.  I got some hair product as my hair is ruined by the cheap supermarket dyes.  Think I should stop using it!

 ABOVE:  I hope this works!  I nearly cried when Lacy brushed my hair out after I washed it today!  It's like straw and knots up ALL. THE. TIME.  Grrrrr.

 ABOVE:  The girl in the Shampoo & Things shop gave us these samples to try as well.  She was a really lovely sales girl I must say (at The Base) in Hamilton.

After shopping we sat down at the Food court with the intention of getting some lunch, but then Stew suggested we go to Hello India in Cambridge and have Butter Chicken!

When we were there the other weekend we noticed the signs out the front saying $10 lunch, and the times they were open.  So off we went, back to Cambridge for lunch.

But, when we got there the bloody place was shut!  NO one home.  Times on the door indicated they were OPEN 11.30 - 1.30 for lunch.   But there weren't, so we ended up at a run of the mill cafe for lunch.  So disappointed.

Home now and Griffin is vacuming, Lacy has taken herself off into town to the $2 shop.  She seems to have a thing for shopping.   Hmmmm.... wonder where she got that from?
Brylee is at work, I'm about to head off into the sewing room and Stew is chillin'.

Well we finally got our Butter Chicken!  We went down to Hello India for dinner and it was lovely.  

Home now and happy to say I finished a Christmas Runner today.  Even the hand stitching.  Happy about that.

Time to wind down ... watch some TV then off to bed.


  1. wake up, check blog, job for today Water Blasting....check lol 😂

  2. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Is that tokoroa?

    1. Yes it is. I was born there.... and the street we lived on when my siblings and I were very little is in the picture.

  3. I was born there too.

  4. It's started to be a bit foggy here in the morning and finally under 100 during the day. Still too hot though.

  5. Hehe Shopping while also saving :)

  6. Chris what product are you using to colour your hair, I have home coloured mine for many years I use L’Oréal and silk,oil,Of Morocco hair products and my hair is never dry and knotty.

    Do you use a very wide tooth comb

  7. Hi Chris, you might remember I've been dying my hair at home for over 20 years! Yes, it's dry, but it's also long and curly!!!! The conditioner / treatment I swear by is Dualsenses 60 Second Treatment by Goldwell..... I'm sure you can get it in NZ..... Christy xxx


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