Wednesday, June 03, 2015


Well... I've seen a rug (or 3) that I really like in Hamilton... so today Stew, Brylee, Griffin and I are going to Hamilton.

We haven't been down there for a while, so, as it's back to work for Stew tomorrow, we thought it would be nice to go down today, get out of the city and have a nice day trip away.

I'm hoping to find a rug in a cream/taupe colour that will go in the lounge in place of the RUG FROM HELL...'The Never Ending Shedder'.


Last night's pie:

ABOVE: I cooked in it the bottom half on one of the new Roasting Dishes and it was perfect again.  And well... I did use left over mince so that's how it got it's name... *smiles*

I still haven't found a place for them in the kitchen.  I'll have to figure that out soon I suppose, they can't live on the bench forever.

Right, I better go and see if we are ready to leave for Hamilton soon or not.  No hurry I suppose.

We don't expect to catch up with any family members while in Hamilton, though I might text Russell and see if he's still not at work... he broke his wrist a while ago.  We might be able to see him?

Kelly will be working and Amanda... well we don't see her anymore.  Her choice.


Having fun in Hams!

Got TWO new rugs... had lunch with Russ and Ange and Taylor. Found new boots to DIE FOR!!!   Now Stew is choosing shoes cos second pair are half price.  Gotta love bargains!

YAAA... home after a lovely day out and about in Hamilton.

ABOVE:  The boys picking up fluff for the last time this morning.

ABOVE: Our TWO new rugs, a matching pair.  The rug from hell is gunna be going in my bedroom, once we move back into it at the end of the year.
The other lounge rug will be going into the family room at the end of the year as well.

 ABOVE:  a happy snap at the  mall after lunch with  Russell and Ange...

 ABOVE: Ange and her very lovely daughter Taylor.  

 ABOVE:  the weather on the way home was ABYSMAL!  And we saw lightening too.  Second day in a row we've had a lightening storm.

ABOVE:  I couldn't resist these two melamine trays ... to add to my collection.  The Fantails are just gorgeous, and so are the Kiwi.

I saw an advert in a magazine two weeks ago, advertising ankle boots.  I saw some I utterly loved, but could not find them anywhere here in Auckland, and had given up on finding any.

Then, while we were at Chartwell Square, we passed Hannahs and Stew said we should look in there, as the shoes were advertised as being at Hannahs.  So ... we went in, and they had them!
I fully expected them to be uncomfortable ... cos I loved them so much... but they were not.  So, I got a pair, and as they had a sale on, where you could get a 2nd pair of shoes for half price, Stew got a new pair of casual shoes too.

 ABOVE:  what do ya think of them?  The detail is stitched on, so can't fall off had it been beads.  
I will not be wearing them yet.  I have decided I shall NOT wear them until I have lost 10 kilos.
They shall be my 'reward'.


  1. Love the pie and letters...shame to cut it up!!! Hope you had a good trip to Hamilton.

  2. Hi Diet Coke! I still love your blog. Not sure why it is so addictive. I think it's because you are so faithful about updating every single day. It makes it fun to peek in. I just want to thank all of your friends and family that do allow posts! Thank you Stew, Steve, Bex, Brylee, Griffith, Coco, Talluhlah, and everyone else not in the immediate household that let "Diet Coke" share. Keep it up! We all have meals, and shopping excursions, and struggles: and it's nice to know we are not alone.

  3. Enjoy your day trip :-).

  4. Pictures of the rug, please, preferably with a dog or two or Dante or Archer on it! I love your blog. I read it every morning with my first cup of coffee. Tell your family members who object to just stuff it. You write about whatever you want to, and I'll keep on enjoying it.

  5. I store my baking dishes in the oven. Is that an option for you?

    1. Yeah could be, but I'm sure I can find a place in a cupboard by moving some stuff around a bit.

  6. How do you get the lettering on there?

    1. I cut it out of the pastry of course.

  7. Lol you hot your them

  8. OMG…I lure those boots!!!

  9. mmmm that was meant to be LOVE those boots !!

  10. I really love those boots, Chris.

  11. DB bought a very shaggy dark brown rug to go on a cream carpet. It looks good but sheds everywhere. HE doesn't see the problem!

  12. Anonymous9:29 PM

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  13. I love the pie and can see you getting loads of use out of them, love love the new rugs, Russell looks much happier. I love love love the boots!!!!

  14. Oh my God - those boots!!!!! I am so jealous & trying to work out how to justify buying another pair of boots.

    1. I think I have about 10 pair off the top of my head :-). Don't worry, I have figured it out - husband packed a wobbly & hiffed his phone across the room = new phone which therefore means I can justify NEW BOOTS!!! Works in my head :-).

    2. It would work in my head too! I now have 5 pairs of boots. That's not too many!

  15. Love those boots. Not sure I would have the discipline to wait until I lost 10kgs. I'd be wearing them all day every day. Probably explains why I still need to lose a shit load of weight!

  16. You have a great natural smile, you should take more pictures that way :) Love the boots, so cute!

  17. The weather here is abysmall too
    I'm thinking about getting a rug for under my desk at work


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