Things like this on my wall unit in the hallway! I mean REALLY! The things I have to put up with, I know it's only the wrapper... guess what? The contents are under his bed.... eeeewwwwww. Friggin boys.... actually... friggin girls too! I've had both eh?

Kids to school, take clothes to op shop, usual sort of stuff really. Stew is due home on saturday morning and it will be all go to move these boys out...
LYNDA: you did not offend me mate! Funnily enough what you said about Agents inflating ones price to get the listing is EXACTLY what Stew said to me last night!
I got a lovely surprise this morning! When I went to bed last night I forgot to get milk out of the freezer, so when I got up this morning I was so surprised to see one of the boys had done it for me... I'm picking it was Steve... ain't that lovely? Does not take much to make my day.
Onward... got to go visit a girlfriend who's birthday is today, she's turning 11.... lol. (really 44, but she's a leap year baby).
I've been quiet eh? I'm still here, still grumpy, still a bit down... looking forward to Stew coming home tomorrow... not much else!
End of day: a nothing much day...
NSV: eeeeemmmmmm.... none? didn't binge and emotionally eat, so that's something I suppose. nite nite.