Tuesday, August 06, 2024



Guess what?

Today is gunna be exactly the same as yesterday!

I'm leaving in the dark, and going on an FBG walk.

Then I'll come home and sew more runners.

I shall wear my lovely new purple sweatshirt, and of course, hat, gloves, and BRACES to keep me tights up!  

Thank god I got the braces, I am sick to death of me tights/pants rolling down to me hips, then threatening to fall down to me knees.

So, I suppose I shall go and get dressed, and get outta here.

Catch ya later.


ABOVE: Its 8.50 am and I'm sitting on the side of the road in Cambridge,  waiting for the fish cart to arrive and open. I would like to get some of their salmon dip. 

Today's walk and hot drink after is done and dusted. A slightly longer walk today.

Not quite as cold as yesterday,  but still pretty cold!

Once I've got me salmon dip, I'll be hot footing it home to get on with some work.

ABOVE: The official walk photo.  I look cold!  I was cold, but rather happy it wasn't a frost, just heavy dew and fog.

ABOVE: The Fish Van was a bit late arriving on site this morning, but he was kind and served me before he was even set up.  I got the last two little pots of salmon dip too.  Lucky.

Right, update done, I can now get on with me sewing.  The heat pump will have warmed up me sewing room by now too, cos OMG it's cold inside my home.

12 ish, and a vehicle arrived ... I don't recognise it at all.

So, I stop sewing and look out the window and it's  .... GRIFFIN!

How wonderful to see him.  We chatted and caught up for a while, then I said to him, how about we visit Lacy?  He had not seen her little home.

So, off we went to Lacy's.  While there, I got Stew to come over as well.  So we had a little family time together, which was so lovely.


2 pm:  Griffin was in Hamilton for a dental appointment, and has gone back home to  Tauranga now.  I'm back home, about to have some lunch, before getting back in the sewing room.
That was such a lovely surprise visit.  Made my day in fact.

4.46 pm:  And I'm done in the sewing room for the day.  I'm tired today.  I got two runners finished.  I've got the next two days to do more, cos I don't have a walk scheduled till Friday now.

I'm cold, so might put the heat pump on, and just relax till Stew gets home.

9.07 pm:  Fed, watered, tucked into bed... lol.  The dogs I mean.  And it won't be long before the same can be said for me.  I'm knackered for some reason.

I am going to thoroughly enjoy sleeping in tomorrow!  Until at least 8 for sure.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Gawd you’re keen it’s a frost to kill all frosts up our way, but at least it’ll be sunny day.

  2. Anonymous8:36 AM

    I’m curious to know how comfortably they work for you. I’m sure more comfortable than your leggings sliding down, but let us know. That might be a good hack for me. Enjoy your day!

    1. The braces worked PERFECTLY. And not uncomfortable at all. Well worth it.

  3. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Stupid question you may have answered and I've just missed it - but why not get smaller tights? Or can't you get any (seasonal changes in the shops etc). I was horrified to find shorts and summer clothes in my local Big W recently! It's still 3 degrees at night and 14 through the day here! Hahaha! xx Colleen

    1. I don't want to get smaller tights until I am where I ultimately want to be. 10 kilos to go... have been at the same weight for a year now! I'm stalled, but feel like my motivation is coming back.

  4. Anonymous2:08 PM

    What a fun and thoughtful surprise, he looks great!

  5. πŸ’― made my day πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’™

    Thanks for suggesting to come visit me xx

    Thank you Griffin xx was so good to see you xx love you so bloody much πŸ₯°πŸ˜˜

  6. WOW! Griffin!! He looks fantastic! I can not believe how he towers over you and Lacy!
    I have a Pickleball skirt that does as you describe! Can you imagine wearing backwards suspenders with that? It is super bright, multicolorful, and obnoxious on it's own - that would be hilarious!

  7. Anonymous3:36 PM

    How special to have a visit from your boy the giant. He looks good. Also great Stew and Lacy were able to get to c him too. I'm sure Stew would have been guttted if he'd been working out of town as he does sometimes.

  8. How nice to have an impromptu visit 😊

  9. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Griffin is looking very handsome...pity he lives so far away....Peta

  10. Family is everything 😘

  11. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Griffin has grown into a very handsome man

  12. What a wonderful surprise. Family time extra special.

  13. What a wonderful surprise. Family time extra special.

  14. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Oh wow Griffin looks so handsome. How lovely Δ₯e called in to surprise you. KJ


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