Thursday, August 15, 2024



Today I'm off on an FBG walk again.  It is the last Urban Challenge walk, up for walking in August, that I want to tick off.

After today, if I go over to Cambridge for a walk (for the rest of August), it will only be a 'social walk'.

I am going to wear my 'new' sneakers today, to see if they aggravate my foot again.

The past two walks I've worn my old sneakers, and not suffered with a sore foot afterwards.

So, it's gunna be interesting to see if the problem WAS my new sneakers.

It's called a process of elimination.  

Once home, I'm going to do some sewing... I bought a new shower curtain the other day, as my current one was starting to look MANKY on the bottom.  Why do the white ones all end up going pinkish and yukky on the bottom???

Anyway, I digress.  The new shower curtain is too long, so I need to shorten it.

After that I've got a few other jobs on me list.

When Lacy arrives, I'm going to ask her to clean our 2 kayaks.  I am going to sell them.

It will be the THIRD time we have bought, hardly used, then sold kayaks.  I think we have learnt our lesson now!   DON'T BUY KAYAKS, cos while we enjoy kayaking, we just don't do it often enough to justify having friggin kayaks. 😣😫😖

I was feeling a bit down heartened yesterday after some plans changed, but upon thinking about it... things happen for a reason and we just have to go with the flow.

So, I'm feeling more chipper today.  Things will work out when they are supposed to eh. I strongly believe in fate, always have.  Do you?


Alrighty.  It's now 2 pm!  I have finally arrived home and had a chance to sit down and do an update.

First off, the walk this morning was lovely.  Nice cool, cloudy day.  

Foot?  Hated the 'new' sneakers again. Very painful after the walk.

Then I had to walk around in town to buy a new pair of sneakers.  

Which I found:

ABOVE: The price was an eye watering $260!  I then took them to a Shoe Repair shop to have leather put under where my big toes lift.  They should be ready by next Tuesday.

In the meantime, IF I go for another walk, it will be in my old sneakers.

I caught up with Stew while in town. 

As I was walking along the  street... off to buy said sneakers, I hear this loud voice yell out "HI MUM".

I glance to me left... and there goes Steve, off on some job.  Cute. 

ABOVE:  I had to walk past it eh?  So, of course I went in and bought some Giant Jellybeans.

Stew got some to have with his lunch.  I simply had them for my lunch!  lol

ABOVE: My day's walk stats... we all walked a wee bit further today, to the St Kilda coffee shop.

Where we will not be going again.  They FAIL at service.  The waitress could not read English, much less speak it well, so muddled up who ordered what.  My hot chocolate was lovely though, I can't complain about that.

Apparently, the girls went there last week and got dreadful service as well.   So today was a make or break visit.  BROKE.

Now that I'm home, Lacy will be here shortly to do a few jobs for me.  I think she's gunna freeze cleaning the kayaks!  Do I feel sad for her?

NOPE ... rather her than me!

And... sadly, Lacy arrived and wasn't feeling the best.   So I sent her home.

ABOVE:  Stew and I can clean these on Sunday, and I will list them on Marketplace on Monday, all going well.

They were a right bitch to carry up from around the back, but I did it!  I felt rather proud of myself, cos they are damned awkward to carry.

Now, I've got my heart set on getting back into the sewing room.

So that's what I shall do.

ABOVE: Today's walk photo.  

6.50 pm and I'm sitting here freezing me buns off. Stew is at the pub and I would usually be at Steve 'n' Bex's.  But Dante is sick and throwing up, so I'm not going anywhere near them today!

I am going to join Stew at the pub in a little while, have some lovely hot chips, then come home to hunker down with me heat pod and blankie.

And there ends my day (on the blog), I'll catch ya tomorrow with more OMG riveting day to day shit.  lol


  1. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Yes, I believe in fate. And karma. ;-) Good luck with the shoes. I had that happen with a new pair of New Balance. I had worn the same brand for 20+ years, but the last ones I bought gave me a big pain in the ball of my foot. I gave them away and bought another brand. I don't really like them, but they do not hurt my feet.
    Ky Girl

  2. Hope you figure out the shoe issue. Walking like you do requires good feeling shoes. I do believe in fate & even believe everything works out right in the end. Even if getting to the end is can feel like total crap. I bet you fetch a very fair gain on those kayaks. Will you be selling the trailer too? Might make a very attractive package deal.

  3. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Hope shoes ok for your your walk. I rember vividly walking the Dunedin half marathon with blood squishing out my shoes they took moths to repair...bought new shoes on a home. Possibly hiring kayaks if the mood takes you lol. Good luck selling them. Wow u lucky getting a shower curtain too long when I had wet area shower it was so hard to get a curtain long enough always had to add about a foot to the bottom. I soak mine in bucket hot water and bleach to get rid of the pink ick...then splash it around the shower floor after and it helps with the soap build up. FELICITY

  4. Prepare for some sore feet! I am guessing that is the source of the pain!
    Fate ---- IDK
    But having something NOT work out the way it was supposed to - can definitely turn out for the best.

  5. Laura M.3:04 PM

    Those shoes you showed look exactly like the ones a foot specialist recommended to me for my plantar fasciitis!! And they cost exactly 260.00 also. For me, it was well worth it. After a few days, the pain stopped completely. Until I tried a cute pair of cheap shoes, and then I was right back where I started!! I learned my lesson. I hope you have the same good results with those shoes.
    PS. I hope you're right about things turning out for the best. The grandson who ran away with his girlfriend came back about a week later. He agrees to stay as long as he doesn't have to follow "a bunch of stupid rules." Hmmm. I think my daughter is about ready to let him go and face whatever consequences come his way. We are all out of ideas to try and help him, so maybe that would be best??? I just don't know. I have no experience with teenaged boys. I had a long talk with him yesterday and wow, he thinks he knows it all. Why should he graduate when he knows everything he needs to know? (He says.) It's amazing the disrespect and sassy mouths these kids use so easily. I'm trying to take your advice and start focusing on my own life and not spend so much energy on what I can't do a damn thing about!! Thanks Chris!

    1. Some kids just have to learn the hard way eh? I am sure he will grow up and some to his senses, and appreciate all that his family have done/do for him. It just takes TIME. You are welcome also.

  6. Anonymous8:25 PM

    The pink on the shower curtains and sometimes in sinks and baths around the plug holes is a bacteria..I copied and pasted this "The “pink mould” creating slimy buildup in your bathroom is not actually mould at all: it’s a bacteria. The two most common bacteria causing pink shower mould are called Serratia marcescens and Aureobasidium pullulans. If you google it it tells you how to get rid of it...its really common , but can cause health issues in some people... Peta

  7. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Hi Chris just have to say I love how you change the faces of the dogs on your walk photos. LindaV


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