Friday, August 09, 2024



I'm up bright and early this morning, in the hope that the 7 am walk over in Cambridge is on.

Not too sure what the weather is like... might be ok?

One of my Braid Runners (Brown/Black/White) got sent off to Melbourne, Australia a couple of weeks ago.

I was thrilled to bits to get several photos over Messenger yesterday:

ABOVE: There's the runner, gracing their dining table.  It looks FANTASTIC, and suits the dining suite so well.  MC, you have good taste I must say. 😂😊

I really do love seeing my runners in people's homes.  It's a warm, fuzzy feeling knowing that people do love my work.  I'm like "I made that!"

On that happy note, I'm off to get dressed and probably head off for a walk.

IF the walk is cancelled, I'm getting right back into my bed!


10.20 am, home from my walk.  

Blogger is having a glitch, so no photots right this minute. I'll try again later.

ABOVE: the only way to get the photos on right now is directly from my phone. At least that still works.

So my day started in pitch blackness, and a super heavy fog.

I spoke too soon.  The glitch continues.  Our FBG Facebook page is affected as well... so it's some sort of widespread glitch.  Hopefully it resolves soon.

ABOVE:  Woo hoo!  Got another one to download.  Our walk photo.  Daylight, but still super foggy, and a very wet fog at that.  My hair was quite wet afterwards.

ABOVE: Walk stats.  A longer walk today, but I didn't mind at all.  

ABOVE: The only hill today, and it was just a short, sharp one.  

And there ends the photos for now.  Lucky the glitch seems to be over, at least with Blogger.

Now, I'm off to the sewing room to work on the next runner that needs finishing.

ABOVE:  Midday, and for once the fog has totally gone!  AND we have a gorgeous day out there.  I'm happily sewing, looking out the window as the clouds glide by.

6.36 pm.  Sewing in ongoing, and I'll be doing some more this evening cos I have only managed to get one runner finished so far today.   I will work on till I have a second one done.
Stew will be happy, he'll watch sport on the telly.
And that's me for the day.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Wow, the runner looks amazing in its new home—what a fantastic match! It’s wonderful to see your work appreciated so much. I hope the weather holds up for your walk; otherwise, enjoy a cozy return to bed. I just posted a new blog post (, I invite you to read and let me know what you think about it. Thank you!

  2. Anonymous6:15 AM

    That runner does look beautiful Chris. Enjoy your walk. Kj

  3. YEP! Those neutrals look great and would go in so many homes.......

  4. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Agree, runner lovely on her table.
    Also eyeing the interesting garden outside her window.

  5. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Thanks for sending the crappy weather down here 🙄🙄 it's pissing down and freezing I wanna go home and put my Oodie on and tuck up on the couch GM 💙💙

  6. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Lovely photos, happy post...enjoy your day....Peta

  7. Ohh how lovely that runner looks on her table 😍

  8. Kiwionholidays11:51 PM

    Wow that a runner looks stunning and like you say goes with the setting of the Home
    Happiness for you and MC 💯❤️
    Good on you sticking with your walks despite the 🌦️ weather there at the mo

    Cheers 🥂

  9. I'm nervous. We are adopting a dog tomorrow. I wasn't planning on that..... We got a bit used to living dog-free. Am I crazy?

    1. No you are not crazy! I can't wait to see your new family member. I hope you post him/her on Facebook.


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