Monday, August 19, 2024


This week there's no walks over in Cambridge that I want to do, as I am totally up to date with the Urban Challenge.

There is a social walk I could attend, but it's got several ups 'n' downs in it, and I simply do not like hills! 

So, this week is going to be totally devoted to getting more of the Braid Runners finished.  There's like, 15 ? or so still to finish, so I won't be idle.

I will probably get on our treadmill, or take myself for a walk from home base.  I won't stop walking, that's for sure.  Maybe I can get Lacy to join me on a couple?  That would be nice.

And that's me for now.

Catch ya later.


11.38 am:  I went to the supermarket, grabbed just a few things.  Looked at some books in The Warehouse.

Called in and visited Bex and Lily for a little while.

Got home and SOMEHOW or other I've managed to tweak my back.  It hurts to breathe!

So, I'm not going to be getting much done today.

Most annoying.

I now have to sit down with a heat pack on my back and try to ease the damn pain.

3 pm and I can finally breathe again without too much pain.  But it's still there.

So I really have done NOTHING today!  I've pottered around the house, straightening this, tweaking that, doing a load of washing, and so on.

It's getting REALLY DARK outside, so we are in for some really heavy rain shortly I'd say.  It's rained on and off all day.  The WIND has been incredibly strong and gusty... and cold a.f.

LOL as I speak, here comes the rain!  Right in time to get all those people picking kids up from school all wet.  Yuk.

I am so thankful that is not me EVER AGAIN.

I was just outside, and it started to rain.

OMG those raindrops felt like ICE!

Sooo so cold, freezing in fact.  It has got to be snowing in the central North Island/South Island.

Well, Stew arrived home from dinner.

I made our dinner, then we just sat and watched the telly till bedtime.

Which will be rather early tonight.

My back is till damn sore, so I finally relented and took some panadol.  I can't think why I didn't think to take any sooner!

Derrr.  Blonde moment I suppose.

And that's a rap on the day.  Very slow and boring.  


  1. Maybe your body is telling you to have a few rest days 😊

  2. I hope it mends itself quickly. Backpain can be so unpredictable.

  3. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Get heat on it ASAP and anti inflammatory cream if you have some. I did mine a couple of weeks ago by christ it's painful 😒 aside from that it's a great way to get the other half to run around after your 😂 GM 💙💙

  4. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Sun shine here but bitter wind off the snow. Wind caught my driver door near ripped it off hinges. Goes for wof on Thursday so hope it hasn't damaged it...seemed to shut ok Felicity

  5. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Hi sent you an email ...Peta

  6. Anonymous11:20 PM

    It’s raining and 15 celsius here in Toronto this morning. It’s mid summer here so can’t imagine how winter will be. I would prefer your weather. I see Lacy wearing shorts in winter and wish I could too.

  7. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Good news about your back and other things you have been doing.

  8. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Last comment from anonymous was me Maggie Melbourne Au


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