Sunday, August 11, 2024



Today we are going out to Bower Bird (fabric shop) at Tamahere.  They have a specific fabric I want more of.

I got the last lot from Ribbon Rose in Auckland, but sadly, they have sold out.  It's going to be a case of BUY IT ALL today, because it's another fabric that is no longer being manufactured.

MOST annoying when you find a fabric you love and it's taken out of production.   It happens ALL.  THE.  TIME.

Once we have been and bought the fabric, we are heading back into Hamilton to have lunch with Steve, Bex and kids.

No idea what's for lunch, I left it up to them.  It's so nice to get invited to lunch.  😋😊

AFTER lunch, we will go home as we are expecting a visit from Lacy and Keera.

It's a day to spend with family.

And ... that's all for now.   I'll be back later.


1.25 pm:  And we have had an excellent morning.

I got the fabric I wanted, plus an extra one, for the hell of it.

ABOVE: This is the fabric I really, really wanted.

ABOVE: And I got this one because it complemented the other one. And , well, why not? lol

After fabric shopping, we had a very nice lunch at Steve 'n' Bex's.  Fresh roast chicken, coleslaw and cheese on buns.  

That is what Stew and I used to take on picnics with the kids almost every time!  A family favourite in other words.

ABOVE: A couple of nice photos of Lily and I. 

Now we are home awaiting the arrival of Lacy and Keera.   

ABOVE:  The tart has 'new' wheels.  It's OLD, but reliable (we hope) and way less beat up than her other car!

ABOVE:  Miss Muppet and I having a snuggle before they left.

She has a nasty head cold so I tried to keep my distance.  Fat chance.

ABOVE:  Marley assuming her rightful spot. 

ABOVE:  Lacy took three 'selfies', this was the best one!  Says a lot for the other two.  *snort*

ABOVE: Don't mind if I do.....
And... our dinner was delicious.  You just can't beat a good Indian dinner.

Home now, and looking forward to 2-3 hours of relaxing before bedtime.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Great to hear you managed to get the fabric you were after. Lunch sounds lovely - you can never go wrong with cooked chicken, coleslaw and rolls. We've had them for tea the last two nights. Lily is growing up so fast!

  2. Omg look at Miss Lily, she has grown so much. Lovely pics of you both to treasure.

  3. Love the family photos.

  4. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Lovely pictures...Lily is so cute...Does Keera spend all weekends with Lacy now?.....Peta

  5. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Lily looks like she wants to jump off your knee and get running. I think she looks like you Chris. The fabrics would look good in a picnic blanket too. They're gorgeous. Stew and Marley are so cute. Kj


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