Saturday, August 03, 2024




The plan for today?

Stew goes to the supermarket for our weekly Diet Coke supplies.

Then we both go to Spotlight to find (hopefully) more 'doggy' fabric.

Then we both tackle some yard work again, this time we are cleaning up around the back sheds.

THEN... LUNCH TIME.  Probably just stay home for that.

IF we find some doggy fabric, I will then make the last two Braid Runner tops in my latest 'run' of two dozen.

Then I can start work on quilting and binding them all.

OMG, that's gunna be a mission and a half.

There ya go, that's me for the day.

What are you doing?  Going anywhere fun?  Going shopping?  I love shopping!

But ya knew that right?  lol

OH yeah!   I did indeed finish the 'next' Braid Runner top late yesterday, after taking a couple of hours break before dinner.  #22!

ABOVE: We have owls on this one.  It's a bright, cheerful runner.
I hope someone loves it.


Well I've spent about an hour going through all my fabrics to see if I had anything else suitable for Braid Runners.

I only found ONE other fabric really.
So I mucked around with some possible combinations, and came up with this:

ABOVE: What do you think????  Two different combinations using that dog fabric.  The fabric at the very top would be the 'center piece'.

3.10 pm:  We have been working in the garden again this afternoon.

ABOVE:  Stew pretty much hacked down the pittosporum in the corner, and topped the lime tree.   OMG the lime tree is VICIOUS!  Such sharp thorns on it.  It would make an excellent hedge!

Now the pool will get more sun over summer, making it swimmable for longer.

ABOVE: Stew in action.  It was quite a job cutting down that tree.  He did well.
We are hoping to have the trailer fully loaded and ready to head off to the dump before it closes for the day.  We have an hour to get there.

ABOVE:  All ready to go.... and we got there in time.  We were very surprised to arrive to no queues at all!  Usually on the weekend there's queues down the road and around the corner.
Not this afternoon.
We got it all out quick smart and were out of there in less than 15 minutes.

Once home, I carried on sewing, and Stew tidied up the driveway, which was a bit of a mess.

Now?  It's nearly dinnertime, and I haven't even given it a thought.  Something simple tonight for sure.

Dinner tonight was pork 'n' apple schnitzel and potato wedges.  Yum.
Now we are watching some movie where the world is ending...  oh ya.  
Time to sign off for the day, catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Oh my GOSH - I love the Owls runner !!! Very boho and I love it !!! Dawn P. Albany, GA USA

  2. Ohhhh the owl runner is so cute.
    I’m working again sadly… ho hum

  3. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Yes, themed runners (dog and owl) very very cute.

    We have rain today! No watering!


  4. My day the usual Saturday. Gym, library, housework then helping Samyson shift back home - well I get to first the movers & supply lunch since I am still not allowed to lift stuff 😁

  5. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Dogs on the fence - love them.

  6. Anonymous5:21 AM

    Maybe this has already been discussed. Have you considered a solar panel to heat your pool?

    Our old neighborhood pool (which was massive) had a cover for each section. They put them in place at 8pm when the pool closed. They left them on until the pool opened late morning the next day.

    It really worked for an unheated pool. It did not make the water hot, it just eliminated cold.

    Your pool is a reasonable size. The cover would be manageable. It would likely extend your pool season both in spring and fall.


  7. Love the owls. Good job opening up the area around the pool. It will make it warmer for sure.

  8. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I love the owls Chris. I'm going to K Mart and supermarket then ho.e to measure where i can mo efurnitue


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