Saturday, August 17, 2024



Well... after last months shitty market, I don't have high hopes for today's one because the weather is looking very iffy.

But... we are going, we are keeping our spot, and we are hoping to see a good turnout.

At least it's not FREEZING!  Though I am going to be dressed like we are going to Antarctica!  lol

I can always take some layers off if it is warmer than expected.  WHAT AM I SAYING?   It's still gunna be cold! What a twat.

I might take my book with me in fact, just in case I need something to pass the time with.

And now... I'm off.  I have to get up, get dressed, put some face on bla bla bla.

Catch ya later.


ABOVE: 7.44 am. All set up. No rain so far. And its not too cold either.

The new rubber mats have made a HUGE difference... NO MUD.  Such a fantastic feeling knowing we don't have to try and work in bloody mud. 

Twiddling our fingers now... waiting for people to arrive.

11.45 am.... and sales have been slow but steady. Much better than last month thank goodness.

Well, the weather forecast was bang on!  It started raining (not too heavy) by 12 o'clock.

All the stall holders started packing up at 12.30, as all the shoppers had left.

Home by 1.30, unpacked and feet up by 1.50 pm.

I've got a beef roast all ready to go in the oven for our dinner.  I can now relax.

OH yes, we did ok Re:  Sales today.  NOT spectacular, but worth going.  Two of my runners are off to Malaysia soon, I love it when my runners end up overseas.

ABOVE:  I got to hold one of the Malaysian ladies goldfish while she did the banking transaction.  I found it amusing.  That and trying to make friends with their chihuahua dog.  It wasn't keen on being my friend, can't think why?

ABOVE: Selfie of the day.  I didn't need my big puffer jacket today, it just wasn't that cold.  I'm very thankful for that, cos it makes the day bearable if I'm not freezing.

It got cold... so I'm now sitting with the heat pump on, a hot pod AND blankie on me lap, AND Coco!  

ABOVE: She's not silly, she's sitting slap bang on top of the hot pod!  Cute little bugger.

I can smell our roast beef cooking... I'm dreaming of a rich gravy with onions and mushrooms added.

Well, we were not that impressed with the roast beef. Next time I will cook a roast in the crock pot, long and slow.
The gravy was AMAZING.  lol

Time to sign off for the day, we were up at 5.30 am,  so we are both tired.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Good luck, I hope it goes well today 💕

  2. Good Luck, hope you have a good day.

  3. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Hope you rushed off your feet and no time to visit those tasty morsel stalls. FELICITY

  4. Anonymous12:24 PM

    How can people resist your beautiful work! Kj

  5. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Glad you had a reasonable day considering. Waiting on the rain here in Melbourne, very overcast and approaching dark clouds. Marie, Melbourne

  6. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Chihuahuas are never friendly lol my aunt had a long haired red one called Pedro and no matter how hard I tried, he didn't want to be friends

  7. Hello! Today I finished my three day job as Production Assistant on a "short film". Which got me wondering where to watch short films. I found this one, on youtube, and it immediately reminded me of Bex. It so so SWEET and beautiful. Then I read the blurb about the video and found out it was an Australian film nominated for an Oscar. You, Bex, and kids should really watch it! It's like 6 minutes long.

    1. I will have a look-see at it later. How's the new dog???

    2. Anonymous6:31 PM

      I just watched this Dogstars - it's sooo cute and very emotional!! Thanks for the link (although I've now gone down a rabbit hole of short animations on youtube haha)
      Tracy, Cornwall, UK

    3. I am also going down the "short film" rabbit hole. It's kind of fun. You get a complete unique story in a short period of time. No endless episodes season after season waiting to see what's on the NEXT episode. But much faster than a full length movie which I often don't have the patience for! But - the one I shared above is certainly a "must see".

    4. The new dog is certainly "Dog-Like". He is the HAPPIEST creature on the planet. EVERYTHING gives him so much joy! Sticks are the greatest find of all time. He always carries a toy or stick. He loves people. He loves dogs too - but was much too exuberant for my Moms older dog. Jethro (Yes - that's his silly name) keeps jumping on the other dog and receives growls and snaps in response. But, he catches on after a few minutes and there is peace. He has some bad habits, like jumping on people. So we are working HARD on stopping that. He is much too big for jumping (9 month old, golden retriever) . I plan to train him to be a therapy dog (a dog that is trained, and passes a safety test - and can visit in hospitals, retirement homes, library reading programs for kids... and the like) . He is very sweet! But also a handful because he is big, and energetic, and loves to play.

    5. Very cute Christine.

  8. Congrats on the ok day! I cook roast in the crock pot a lot we usually just make sandwiches out of it.


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