Friday, August 30, 2024




I need to take a day to be totally relaxed and have nothing on.  For my back's sake, and because I am so damn tired.

I feel like I've been on the go for a bit too long lately.

There is nothing wrong with being a lazy tart for a day right?

So, I am going to lie here, in bed, for as long as I feel like it.  I had a much better sleep last night, thanks to the pills the Dr gave me.

Later on today, if I feel like it, I will get into the sewing room and work on another Braid Runner finish.

ABOVE:  A few photos from last's nights visit to Steve, Bex and the kids.


I had the best night in a very long time, I virtually slept ALL NIGHT LONG!  So relieved I went to the Doctor.

I stayed in bed until .... NINE THIRTY!  It was just pure bliss.

Then reality hit, and I got up and got a load of washing on and flung open all the windows, as it's a really nice day out there.   Sunshine and a nice breeze.  Perfect for airing the house out after it being closed up for weeks with the shit weather.

We had an amazing thunder and lightening storm last night.... and I slept through it all.  Sad, cos I love storms.

Brylee informed me that she hid under the blankets! She is a pussy. 😂😏😅

Now that my jobs around the house are done, I'm going to continue watching Bridgerton.  

This evening I will be starting the Trulicity injections again.  I'm trying not to get wound up about it.... I KNOW it's just a tiny prick!

Talking of pricks... the spot where the Shingles injection went in yesterday is now goddam sore as.  But I know that will pass in a few days.  It's the price you pay to try and stay safe.

THOUGH, my Doctor said he and his wife got Vaccinated against Shingles, and then he got Shingles a while later!!!  He said it was DI-A-BOLICAL,  the pain was the worst thing he'd ever encountered.  So 😖, clearly you can still get it after being vaccinated.  

Pretty much the same as the Covid Vaccinations eh?  I still got it twice.

ABOVE:  I love wandering around the garden, taking progression shots.  

That lot was taken over about 3 weeks.

ABOVE: And then we have the plum tree (above) and the PeachCot (below).  The peachcot is a hybrid Peach and Apricot.  We are yet to get fruit off it, maybe this year we will?

ABOVE: nicest room in the house right now... so pretty looking out at the garden.

ABOVE:  Every time I look at this tree I have to laugh.  I thought we were buying an Apple Blossom Tree, but it turned out to be a Peach Tree!  It's blossoms are still pretty.    It had lots of peaches in it's first season, so I'm expecting the same again this year.

I've been doing NOTHING this afternoon.  It is so good to just relax for a change.

It sounds like my neighbour is getting a new kitchen.  Lots of banging and cupboard doors being hauled out of her house.   I used to think our kitchen needed an overhaul too, but nah.  I like it just the way it is.

5.55 pm:  I just had a shower and washed me hair.  I can safely say that was the most energy I've expended today! 

I have been inordinately tired today, found it hard to keep me eyes open.  Marie (Melbourne), maybe it was due to the Shingles Vaccine?  Or the fact that I've been walking more this week?  Dunno.

Stew is due home shortly. He's having Spag Bog for his dinner.  I'm having.... le' jab.

7.22 pm:  And the jab is done, and anticipation is always worse than the actual injection.  Glad that's done... now I just have to work on my head space.  

Looking to just chill out this evening, watching the telly and hanging with Stew.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Chris, a whole day of rest would be best. Read a book or watch your Netflix. But I know you're a hard worker and that is tough. Photos are gorgeous. I wonder sometimes what that cutie is thinking. Have a restful day my friend. Kj

  2. Omg cut cute pics... she's adorable 😍

  3. Good grief, lady! You are TINYYY. I go away for a little bit and pop over and it looks like you lost half your body weight. I am guessing Trulicity is similar to Ozempic but I dunno, I got bogged down with all the medical bla bla bla when I tried to look it up. Anyway you look GREAT and so does the babyyy and oh my goodness so does Stew! He has lost a bunch too! Congrats all around!

    1. HI there!!!! Long time no see-ish. I lost my weight BEFORE starting Trulicity actually. I have only done 3 months of Trulicity, and it did WONDERS for my Hba1c (blood sugar count). It is a diabetes medication after all.

  4. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Remember - you have a great bath tub!


  5. Shingles sucks. I still have nerve damage on my back. It has been 8 years or so.... I never even heard of Shingles before I got it. And, BTW, I was too young to qualify for the vaccine at the time.

  6. Rhonda3:51 PM

    Enjoy having a day of rest, something you rarely do. Nice to rest and take in the lovely house that you and Stew have created

  7. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Definitely the shingles jab Chris. I have a little part time job and couldn’t go to work the next day, was sooooo tired. But was ok the next day. I have a married couple friends and they were really tired for both jabs. Marie, Melbourne


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