Friday, August 02, 2024



Yesterday I was like... How the hell is it August already???   It is scary how fast the months roll by now.  Is it an age thing?  

It's gunna be Christmas before we know it, and for once I've done NO present shopping yet.  Usually I have done half of it by now.

I better pull finger!

ABOVE:  A couple of nice photos I took last night of the kids.  

Lily was intrigued by the 'selfies' I was taking... seeing herself on the phone.  

ABOVE:  I hadn't planned on starting another runner late yesterday afternoon, but well... as you can see, I couldn't help myself.  So, today I am going to finish that one, and do a couple more.

I'm feeling quite keen to move on to the next phase now.  Quilting and binding them all.


ABOVE: The view outside my window today.  Beautiful.   Happy dogs.

ABOVE:  # 20 I think.  I am now going to make another braid runner top, BUT.... it's not going to be like ANY I've made before!
Wait for it...

ABOVE: There it is.  A dog Braid Runner.  I think it's rather cute.
Might make another 'different' one after my lunch.
It is now 1.15 pm, certainly time to take a break.

3.30 pm:  lunch is done, and I've started the next runner.  But my back is actually killing me, so I will need to stop for a while I think.
Perhaps I will finish this next one later on this evening?  Dunno.

Stew arrived home, and we decided to go to our local Indian Restaurant for dinner.
We ran into a dear friend of ours (B), which was neat.  Had a quick catch up with her before our dinner arrived.

ABOVE:  I thoroughly enjoyed my Butter Lamb, and two bottles of Lindauer Brut.  Teeny, tiny bottles... and I was ever so slightly pissed.
Seems I 'butt dialled' Brylee while sitting in the car on our way home!
LOL... I didn't know till she rang Stew and I answered it (he was driving), so a funny conversation was had with her.
Nice to hear from you Stick-it.

Now... time to sign off and just relax for a couple of hours till bedtime.


  1. Anonymous8:14 AM

    The greens are beautiful.

    Lovely photos of the kids too!

    I think it is age.
    I agree, the months just fly.

    Secret of Adulthood: The Days Are Long, But the Years Are Short. Gretchen Rubin May 27, 2014


  2. Anonymous9:43 AM

    I love the green. It was never my coloùr but iys grown on me over the years. Might have to sort my lounge today and get onto some sewing. Crap day outside. Warm inside. Kj

  3. Great pix of your kids. You look wonderful for your age. I would never guess it. Hugs.

  4. Anonymous1:34 PM

    I've been meaning to ask...has there been any developments re the neighbours yapping dog?! Felicity

  5. That brown on is nice love it, cold fresh day WINDY AS

  6. At first I saw NUETRALS. Then I saw DOGS. It's two new things!
    Love the selfies!

  7. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Love the doggy one. I bet that sells quickly. Kj

  8. As always they are lovely. You are very creative.

  9. Rhonda9:57 PM

    Love your runners but absolutely love the doggie one. You’ve pumped out a lot of runner tops this week and so glad you relaxed for Friday dinner and drinkies lol well deserved. Have a lovely weekend


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