Sunday, August 18, 2024



See his nibs above, using the weight bench?

Well... he better not think he's doing that again!

After his recent hernia operation, and the possibility of him getting another, THIRD hernia, I'm going to sell that weight bench from under him!

He's not averse to the idea either.

He knows it's not good for him anymore.

So, photos will be taken today, and I will list it on Marketplace.

Still decluttering!

I doubt there is much more I can get rid of though.  The house is looking and feeling so much less cluttered now.  I am LOVING IT.

It completely frees up your mind.  You just don't need that much STUFF!!!

I think I'm addicted to it now... I walk around the house going ... "Hmmm, do I need that?  When did I last use that?"

If I LOVE IT, I keep it.

If I like it, and use it, I keep it.

If I am ambivalent about it, and don't use it... I ain't gunna keep it. 

SUCH FUN.  😂😊😉

I think we are going to get more potting mix for our planters today.  I want to get them ready for summer veges.  Lettuces and tomatoes are top of the list.  AND I'm going to put cucumber plants in the garden out the back door again this spring, they grew so well there last summer.

Our rhubarb plant is finally growing quite well, but the new passionfruit vines are looking a bit sad.

I hope they come away in spring.  I love passionfruit, but have never had much success growing them.  Maybe this season they will grow and produce fruit for me?

I've got a BIG blue pot that is empty, so I'm going to try growing potatoes in it.  I wonder when seed potatoes will be available?  I'll ask at the garden centre today I suppose.

It's neat gearing up for spring, which is not far away.  I'm totally over winter.  It's been so cold, wet and FOGGY.  Totally ikkk.

After all that, I'm getting back in the sewing room to work on finishing a few more of those Braid Runners.

I sold a few yesterday, and I really need to keep my stock up for the coming summer markets.


11.44 am, and the planters are sorted, ready for planting veges in ...  come October.

I wanted to get some cute flower plants for a little pot by the sun room door,  but forgot. I might go back after lunch.

Talking of lunch,  we are at Chartwell Square right now, about to enjoy a nice lunch.

After lunch... flower shopping. 

Our lunch was delicious as per usual, Robert Harris coffee shop never fails us.

ABOVE:  I got two nice flowers for this pot, I hope they don't die on me.

It's still too early for the vege plants... a couple more months yet.

We are now relaxing, watching some cops 'n' robbers programme on the telly.

6.04 pm:  We ended up watching a movie, and it  was utter rubbish!  Halle Berry and Mark Wahlberg did a stellar job of bad acting, with a dumb arse story line. I should have known better than sit through it all.

I could have finished a Braid Runner instead.  Derrr.

We are having a naughty dinner, rissoles and bought hot chips.  

Why not eh?   

After dinner we shall do bugger all, as per usual.  It's our norm to just relax in the evening.  Our days are usually busy enough after all.

Right.  Signing off for the day.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. I wish I could grow food easily. I'm the person that spends $100's of dollars on soil, nutrients, pots, and end up with a fifty cent pepper at the end of the season!

    1. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Sounds like me. I've got heaps of pots and troffs to get rid of. I've bought and never used them. Kj

  2. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I started decluttering in 2018. Aggressively decluttering.

    My experience, if you have gone thru everything, pause for 6-12 mos, then go thru again. It will be amazing what can go the next time you sort/declutter. Then pause and go thru again, 6-12 mos after that. Each time, things have changed, you see it with a different outlook.

    I have been thru the house, garage, and attic 3-5 times.

    This summer I have been decluttering the yard and my flower beds.

    I also aggressively clean out the cars once a year. I take every single thing out and have them detailed/cleaned. Very little goes back in the trunk or glove box each time.


  3. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Get him off there Stoopid Stew! Freezing down here today. Got to move heaps of stuff for op shop truck, carefully. Am self medicating for a few days to see if I can get rid of dizziness. Had Chinese for lunch yesterday but nearly fell. Must be msg. Thinking of making Emily a granny rag doll with clothes for her birthday. So she can give it all the hugs she used to give me! Kj

  4. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Smart move to not let Stew use the weights anymore. I hadn't thought about weightlifting and hernias!! Ky Girl

  5. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Seed potatoes in store down here so sure they up there too. I grow spuds in containers (last year had vege garden but containers so much easier). This year I've keep an old laundry basket height ove width. Felicity


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