Saturday, August 10, 2024



Its 6.43 ... Saturday morning.  And we have no plans for the day. 


Stew just came up with visiting the Matamata market,  but I'm not keen.

I'm leaning towards a walk along the waterfront... at Mission Bay, Auckland.

Sooooo... I'll let ya know where we end up... later. 😊


ABOVE: 9 am and we are on the road. Little bands of fog still linger, but that will clear soon. It's going to be a stunning winters day.

3 pm, and we are home after spending a lovely few hours in Auckland.
I was kinda shocked when we got out of the car... cos we had NO shopping!!!!
We did go to Ribbon Rose to look for a specific fabric, but they didn't have any.  Booo.  
But, luckily, I've found some at a local shop here in the Waikato, and can pick it up tomorrow.

Now, back to Auckland. 
Photos, in no particular order:

ABOVE: We parked at Orakei Domain on Tamaki Drive and walked to Mission Bay.
Some beautiful scenery along the way.  And lots of people!

ABOVE:  Okahu Bay Wharf.  Which we walked to the end of.  It wasn't too busy on the wharf today.  Just a handful of hardy peeps fishing.

ABOVE: Mission Bay, which was fairly busy...  but not on the actual beach.  The eateries were full.

ABOVE:  Mission Bay water fountain, which is looking fantastic after a complete renovation.

ABOVE: Achilles Point lookout.  Quite a few people here, and most were happy to take photos of others, so ya got everyone in the photo.

ABOVE:  The gorgeous views from Achilles Point, above St Heliers Bay.

ABOVE:  I was determined to do a 5km walk, and we did.  

After our walk, we drove to Sylvia Park and had lunch at Garrison.

ABOVE:  A standard 'pub' lunch.   It was very nice.  And our seating was right under TWO heaters, so I was super happy and warm.

Now... Stew is watching rugby (wow, what a surprise), and I'm going to blob out for a while.  I might even read a book.  I am part way through a murder/mystery book I found in our spare bedroom. 

8 pm, and it's been a lovely day/evening.  Time to sign off till tomorrow.


  1. Sounds like a nice plan 😁

  2. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Catching up on blog. Lovely pics. Blue skies wow. Just got sun here at 3pm. Kj

  3. Anonymous4:09 PM

    What is name of ya book Chris, like murder mystery. Your day in Auckland sounds nice. I've been chc for the day at a card workshop. Back again tomorrow so hopefully good sleep Felicity

    1. Postcard Killers, by James Patterson and Liza Marklund.

  4. Kiwionholidays12:32 AM

    Late to the Party again ( Hands in late note lol )
    Fab pics of your day trip some beautiful places we’ve missed up there so thanks for sharing ,
    Wont mention the 🏉😢
    but tomorrows another day 🥝💯
    Take care and loving the blog

    Cheers 🥂

  5. Your photos are always so pretty. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Beautiful! That sure is one long walk to the pier!


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