Tuesday, August 20, 2024


 Yeah.  Didn't sleep well thanks to my back being sore.

When I get up I'm going straight to the medicine cupboard and take some pain relief.

I want to get a few things done today, not have to sit still, trying not to breathe too deeply, thanks to backache.

I'm also going to turn on the heat pump, cos it's FREEZING.

ABOVE: I can't think what is 'wrong' with my Princess Maud Azalea!  It has started flowering, but it has virtually no leaves, it's all woody.  It's too late now to prune it back to see if it comes away better.  Anyone know much about Azaleas, and what I can do it perk it up?

ABOVE: While down the back on the weekend, I noticed a few spare pool fence panels, and thought, hmmmm.   I wonder if I can use them to hang my little braid runner strips on?

Well... seems I can.  Now I just have to work out how to fit 2-3 panels in the sewing room.  That one above is the smallest panel, the other 2-3 are much bigger.  I'll probably try to use the bigger ones.

ABOVE:  I moved this pot from the front bedroom to the sunroom a couple of months ago.  The big leafed plant (I think it's a Monstera?), kinda withered and packed a sad.

I cut off the worst leaves, then put some succulents in the pot.   Then it got put back in the front bedroom.

I really hope it comes away again, it was such a magnificent plant, till I pissed it off. 😂😊

My new sneakers should be ready for picking up today.... I can't wait to get them and see how they feel on a walk.

Back to today, once I'm outta bed I'm going into the sewing room to finish off a couple of Braid Runners.  So long as my back doesn't play up.

Catch ya later.


12.25 pm:  And I've done bugger all this morning.  I took some painkillers and they didn't kick in till just a little while ago.

Lacy has been visiting me all morning, which has been lovely.  She did a bit of housework for me, stuff that I can't do, given the back strain.

Gosh I hope this back strain doesn't last for weeks, as has happened before.  Pain just sucks the life outta ya.

After lunch I am going to head into the sewing room and work.  At least I'll be sitting down.

OH... my new sneakers are ready, so I will be off for a walk (here in Hamilton) tomorrow.  I can't wait!

ABOVE:  I've managed to get two runners finished off today.  I particularly LOVE this one.  I have to say it, they never look as good in a photo!  This one really is gorgeous.

It's now 3.15 pm, and I'm ready to take a break.  My back is holding up really well with me sewing, such a relief.

Well... my back is feeling quite good right now.

I am sitting watching a movie on Netflix, feet up, and the sun is streaming in the windows.  It's so nice right now.

We are having left overs for dinner, so I don't even have to worry about that.  

8 pm:  Our dinner was just lovely.  Now, his nibs is doing the dishes and I'm waiting for my hot pods to warm up so I'm nice and cosy.

Coronation Street is on in 90 minutes, and after that I'm off to bed.  It's been a busy day.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous2:49 PM

    I'm sorry about your back hurting. I've been there where it hurts to even breathe. I hope it is better soon. Ky Girl

  2. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Goodness, I hope the back heals up quick. I am traveling again so my phone makes me anonymous it’s dogstars! Get a tall moss pole for the monstera and attach the plant to it. I just did that to mine a few weeks ago and the plant is happy now !

  3. Ohhh back pain is the worst
    I hope it doesn’t drag on.
    You still managed to get heaps done though

    1. Well anyone who knows me should know that it would take A LOT to slow me down when I'm on a mission! Finishing my Braid Runners is top of my list right now... lol!

  4. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Glad your back improved somewhat today . Love the new tablerunner. Best wishes for a comfortable night. 🫂

  5. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Home made pizza for tea here yum yum Felicity


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