Monday, August 05, 2024



It's 6 am, and I'm out of bed!  Meh.

The five new Challenge Walks for August have been released.  And I am going to start today with a 7 am walk.

I am determined to get all the FBG Urban Challenge walks completed this year.  I've not completed the Challenge for several years, and want to make this my 'swan song' so to speak.

I fully intend continuing to do FBG walks next year, and for years to come, but I will not be doing 2-3 a week ever again, or completing the Urban Challenge.

Next year I want to attend walks once a week, if that.  I will certainly keep up with the Social aspects of the group as well.  I don't want to lose touch with all the girls/guys I've made friends with, that's for sure.

ABOVE:  I finished cutting out all 24 batting and backing fabric pieces I needed yesterday.  So now all 24 are ready for quilting, then binding.

Once I get home from Cambridge, I will be straight into doing as much as I can today.

I'm thinking of now finishing one, before moving on to the next one.  Instead of doing all the quilting first, then binding them.

That way I will have some new, finished ones to take to the Tamahere Market in two weeks.

ABOVE:  Lily can now sit unaided.  She says "  Bub bub, Dad dad, Mum mum, and Ha ha ha".  And she can growl when annoyed too.

She giggles and laughs, it's so cute!  She rolls both ways, wriggles around in circles and backwards, and is just starting to get up on her hands and knees and rocking!

She LOVES her Jolly Jumper, sometimes jumping so much she is puffing!

She had two teeth, and the drool!  OMG the drool!  She is constantly wet through, even with a bib on.

She is a delightful addition for everyone in our family.

And now ... time to get ready to leave for Cambridge.

I'll be back later.


I left home in the pitch darkness, with a light frost on the ground.

Arrived in Cambridge, then a fog drifted up from the river.  So, dark, frosty with a fog.  Brrrrrr!

Then we started walking, and I was warm with me long sleeved, polar necked thermal on, plus a thick jacket, plus thick gloves, hat and scarf.

Then me bloody tights kept rolling off me fat arse belly, so I vowed to go and buy some braces!

By the time the walk was over, I was warm.  The sun was up, the fog had dispersed and the frost was also on it's way out.

We went for a hot drink.  I had a hot chocolate and a date scone.  Very nice way to start the day, after a damn cold walk.

ABOVE:  A nice view over lower Cambridge.  Behind me was an even better view!

And older bloke was out on his freeing cold, concrete driveway yakking to a mate, and he had on a long shirt.  Nothing else.  No trousers.  No socks. No shoes.  I HOPE he had undies on!  I told him it was tempting to take a photo of him, but I thought, best not!  He agreed.  lol

ABOVE:  It was just 8 of us this morning.  But a nice group to walk with, not the usual people I walk with at 9 30 am.

ABOVE:  I found the perfect braces to wear at Farmers.  I have them around the 'wrong' way, so I don't have two straps running up and over me boobs, that would be annoying as fuck!

This way works perfectly.

ABOVE:  I then had a quick browse in H & M, and found this lovely purple sweatshirt to wear on me FBG walks.

It is weird how the best sweatshirts for size and colour/patterns, are in the men's section!

ABOVE: I really like this one.  And it's super warm.  Perfect for frosty morning walks.

It is now 10.20 am, and I'm going into the sewing room to start sewing again.

1.07 pm:  And I have totally finished ONE braid runner.

Lacy called in to visit, which was very nice.

Then I had left overs for my lunch.

And now I'm going to do one more runner, then take a break.

ABOVE: The 'Official Walk Photo'... with the doctored faces of course.  I look like a bloody chipmunk, πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜‰.

Well... I sewed till dinnertime.  I ended up getting three Braid Runners totally finished.  I was happy with that.
Now we are just watching the tv till bedtime.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. She is certainly a little doll! Those cheeks!

  2. Anonymous9:51 AM

    I want a Lily. She is so gorgeous and so clever. I doubt I'll ever see the next generation of my family since they've written me off. So I'll just enjoy the photos of Lily and the boys.have fun today Chris.kj

  3. Joyce O10:53 AM

    Love the hoodie mum😍x.

  4. lol on the suspenders. My mom tells as story of her grandpa buying her some but not having anywhere to put them since she had/has big boobs.

  5. Anonymous11:30 AM

    17 years today I became a grandma. Such a fantastic weekend Chris. Forever memories to cherish. FELICITY

  6. How much was the Hoodie πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ it

    1. Anonymous6:20 PM

      I knew you would want one πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ GM πŸ’™πŸ’™

  7. Why do you need braces (suspenders)? Although - that is an interesting and practical technique.

  8. Anonymous1:20 PM

    You are brilliant! I would never thought of suspenders nor putting them backwards.

    I agree, better to do one runner at a time, a finishing it, good plan.


  9. Better hide the hoodie or Lacy will grab it! LOL! It is really cute!

  10. Me feels the hoodie may
    Be claimed lol.
    Lily OMG she’s just adorable.

  11. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Great post...lovely pics...Lilly is a adorable ..she looks like a little doll....Peta

  12. Great resolution to your travelling pants problem. LOL What a little sweetheart you have there. Keep warm.


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