Sunday, August 04, 2024



Yesterday I showed you a couple of laid out dog Braid Runners.

Well, I got one finished late yesterday:

ABOVE:  I must say, I am very happy with how it came out.

Today I will make the 2nd one, using white fabrics instead of brown/cream.  I'm hoping it looks as good as this one.

ABOVE:  A big, fat bumble bee in the garden.  I was actually very surprised at how big he was.

Surely there's not been much nectar to feed on over winter?  Oh well, I was happy to see him looking so healthy.

ABOVE: The very first Azalea flower of the season.  In two months that shrub will be totally covered in flowers.  It's amazing to see.


I didn't get an early start today.  I lay in bed for two hours listening to Stew snore.

I dared not get up in case I woke him up.  He clearly needed to sleep in well.

So, I finally got to leave bed at 8.45 am!

And I went straight into the sewing room and got #24 done:

ABOVE:  I wasn't sure I'd like it as much as the one from last night, with the dogs and brown/cream tones.  But I do like it, very much.

So now....

ABOVE: This starts.   Cutting out all the batting, and backing fabrics.  THEN quilting all 24 braid runner tops.


ABOVE: Famy came around... so we are all ensconced in the family room watching a movie.
What a neat way to spend a Sunday afternoon. 

6.20 pm, and the family have gone home.  Once they left, I headed back into the sewing room, where I got ALL the batting and backing fabric cut out for all 24 Braid Runners.

What a big job that was.
Now.  I'm watching Stew cook our dinner.
First time he's cooked in at least two weeks.

We will have our dinner, then watch more of the Olympic Games on the telly till bedtime.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. My internet is sh!t today. Just saying hi. The pics won't load for me ATM.

  2. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Chris I love bumble bees. We don’t seem to have them in Melbourne. Have seen massive ones in Europe though, I think you’re lucky in NZ. Marie, Melbourne

  3. Those dog runners will sell so quickly. People just love their dogs .

  4. Anonymous12:41 PM

    You are amazing. I'm not sure I have the patience to do all the work involved. I'm going out to do shopping to hear me up. First day without Vest migraine. Fingers crossed 🤞 kj

  5. Replies
    1. No cake 😭😢 The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare was the movie. Shoot em up... based on a real life story.

  6. I just watched a video of the New Zealand women's rugby team doing the Haka after winning gold! How awesome! Congrats to them!

  7. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Wow Stew Steve and Dante look really engrossed in the movie! Lol


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