Sunday, August 25, 2024



We have another fairly quiet day ahead.

First up, sleep/lie in as long as possible!

Then we are going out to window shop for a new BBQ table.  We just want a small one to use out by the pool and brazier.  Luckily, we already have the chairs:

ABOVE:  We have two of these, Lacy has two and Steve has four, they were all part of a really BIG BBQ setting we had in Cambridge & Auckland.   

We will bring them up from the garden so we can sit at a little table over summer.

The grey outdoor seating we already have is starting to fall apart at the seams, which is so disappointing!  The seating is only what?  4 years old?

We bought it for this home, so yeah, it's not standing up to the sun and weather.

It's going to be gifted to some friends who want it, even though it's falling apart a bit.

Paying It Forward.

After wandering around the various places that sell outdoor tables, I think we are having lunch out again.  

Then we are going to visit Lacy and Keera in the afternoon.  


Well clearly there's nothing to comment about today.

All good.

We looked at the fairly limited outdoor tables for sale right now. None caught our eye. We will keep an eye out as summer gets closer  there's bound to be more available then.

Lunch at the mall, nothing special. 

We visited Steve, Bex and the kids.  

In an hour or so we will go see Lacy and Keera. 

ABOVE:  Visited with this little miss and her mum ... and ate chocolate biscuits.  lol

Totally blew any diet I was on this weekend!

Not too worried, I've got lots of walks lined up this coming week to make up for it all.

It's now almost 5 pm, and it is starting to really cool down again.  Time to get up and close the curtains.

We are having marinated steak and ??? for dinner tonight.  I might get Stew to do baked potatoes. 

8.23 pm:  And Stew did an amazing job making our dinner.  The steak was perfectly cooked, and the baked potato was delicious.

10 outta 10 darling.

We are now winding down for the day, just watching the telly for a while before bed.

Fingers crossed I sleep better than last night, where I tossed and turned until 2 am!  Does my head in when Stew falls asleep within 90 seconds, and I can take HOURS to get to sleep.

Right, I'm signing off, catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Just back from the movies. We were dangerous. An ok kiwi movie. Bitter cold wind and rain predicted for later so an inside afternoon. Maybe making cards I think. I need a sympathy card so perhaps that be my plan. FELICITY

  2. Ive been pretty lazy so nothing exciting to tell ya 🤣

  3. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Maybe watch the listings on Facebook Marketplace for a table. Or other similar local listings.

    Did you put the outdoor/gray furniture away in the winter or leave it out? I can’t remember. Would that make a difference?


  4. Lovely here today,
    Getting sheets and towels done today.

  5. The right table will present itself one day & you will see it & know it is “the one” 😁

  6. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Luckily it’s not quite sitting outside weather yet

  7. Keera looks more and more like her mom everytime I see a pic of her. She is getting so tall too. Lovely girl.

  8. Keera is so tall and yes a mini me Lacy for sure no mistaking
    Mother daughter there.


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