Thursday, February 18, 2021


 ABOVE:  I'm still bloody tired!  Don't ya just hate it when you have so much stuff going around in your head, ya just can't sleep.

I literally don't want to get out of bed today.  

But... I must.

I have another runner to sew, and my shop to open at midday.

As with everything I sew, I know it's not going to be to everyone's taste.

And that's OK.

So, in saying that... here is my latest runner, it's a Christmas one, I'm getting a head start on them. 😄😊

ABOVE:  I think it's cute, and not only because I chose blue hats for the gnomes.

In that photo some of the fabrics look like they have a yellow hue, they don't.  It's just from the flash of me camera.

Today I am going to make another one, only this time the hats are going to be greens I think.

I've got plenty of green fabric to choose from.

COVID:  I'm so relieved the country has not got a full blown Covid outbreak again!  It was looking a little worrisome a couple of days ago.

I still don't think we are out of the woods in relation to the Auckland 'cluster', but hopefully it doesn't spread any more.

Back to today, my plans are to sew.  I know, it's getting rather boring on here eh?  Sorry, not sorry.

It's just my life, and what I'm doing.

We will be having another weekend away next month... I promise there will be photos, and more interesting shit to read about.  Well... I hope so!

It is now 10 o'clock and ALL I have managed to do so far is the housework, and sit down and compose an email!

The email is going to be put on hold for now... it's one that Stew has to look over for me.  I'm a far too reactive sort of person!  I tend to fire off all cylinders and hit 'SEND' before stopping to think some more.  Anyone else do that?

Time to head into the sewing room I think... my happy place.  Thank god I have that.

I'm sick of having a headache.  Please make it stop!

ABOVE:  A solid 6 hours sewing so far today, and I'm up to NOSES!
I'm hoping to finish this one sometime tonight.

It's very quiet around here, no one in the shop.
The only visitor has been Lacy.  I had no left overs for her either.

Stew is in Rotorua today, so he won't be home till around 7 pm.  I've got out some beef sausages for dinner, think we will have some rice with them.  I'm outta potatoes.
Which means grocery shopping tomorrow.

7.27 pm:  Stew arrived home safely.  We have just had our dinner, which was lovely.
I finished the next Christmas Table runner... will show you tomorrow.
Right now, I'm done.
8 hours sewing today.

Time to put my swollen feet UP!  Sitting sewing all day is not good for me legs, that's for sure.

9.13 pm and I simply cannot keep my eyes open!  Off to bed, catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Omg it's gorgeous!!

  2. I LOVE THE Gnomes. I would definitely recommend red hats instead of green. They look like the traditional Swedish Christmas Troll called Nisse or Tomte. Red hats! Plus red looks great with grays. I really love the blues too!

  3. Anonymous8:24 AM

    I do like the new table runner and the colours are on trend. As Dogstars said red and green hats would look great.
    Take care of yourself

  4. Love the understated colours on the gnome runner, definitely different from the others, you have such a good eye :-).

  5. I wish I didn't live in another country! I need table runners and I love your Christmas Tree ones. And I just LOVE this gnome one!! The only one I have to use right now is your wonky house runner you gave me (which I get lots of comments on!!)

  6. Anonymous10:34 AM

    As far as being too reactive when it comes to emails, a "wise" person said to me some years ago "always read an email before you hit send and imagine it had been received by you and not sent by you" and this always stuck with me. Good idea to get Stew to read the email before you send, cos you can't get it back once sent!! Audrey

  7. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Love that runner. My favourite one yet!!! As for reactive emails. I was once very upset by someone and had to send an email to a third party about as it was an “official “ matter .... in my upset and because I didn’t wait to calm down first I accidentally sent it to the person I was complaining about! Michelle from Oz.

    1. Oh shit! That must have been awful. I hope you sorted it out at the end of the day without too much egg on ya face. :)

  8. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Love, love, love the gray runner with the gnomes w/blue hats and can't wait to see the green hatted gnomes. My head is full of stuff right now too and it is exhausting. But everything works out in the end or we just accept it, so then it is what it is. Hang in there. XO KY Girl

  9. Kiwionholidays12:34 PM

    Please don’t ever say and think the blog is boring Chris ,we all live such different lives and will go through or have been through lots of life’s ups n downs ,,

    Your colourful n fab photography you add n daily wee goings on are a kind way that you pass on Aroha to others

    Fab idea to get Stew to read your email , writing things is often good and rethinking and rereading them again is a great idea

    Once sent there’s no return button 🎡
    Take care n love the pics of the hols. Homesick much when I see all those places

    ,,,,but we still happen smiling so all good

    Cheers 🥂

  10. Go for a wee walk or a swim to de-stress :-)

  11. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Chris I absolutely love the table runner. Have you ever sent anything to Perth, Western Australia, is it a horrendous price? I’d love to buy one, Jo

    1. Yes I have sent to Perth. And No, the cost is not that prohibitive. My runners are $60 NZ. If you like I will get a Postage cost so you can consider it with full knowledge of costs.

    2. Anonymous12:36 AM

      Yes please, thank you

  12. Loving the Gnomes
    I am tired too been shifting a house lot from Palmerston North to Taupō first of many loads *sigh*
    Taupo glorious sunshine when we arrived friggin roadworks down and back 4.45 hrs to get home #bigger sigh#

  13. Chris can you make me a grey gnome one with red and green hats?

    1. I have sent you a message on Facebook Messenger.

  14. I love love that gnome table runner. The colors work so well together. I agree with other people who said it is your best yet. You are so creative and clever!

  15. I just love those gnomes. They are gorgeous. Make loads!! I bet they sell like hot cakes. Green Hats, blue hats, all the colour of the rainbow hats. Everyone loves gnomes.
    And look after YOURSELF.

  16. Love your gnomes! Have you ever thought about getting an embroidery machine? So many brilliant projects you can do in the hoop- Tattered stitches have a hundred gorgeous gnome patterns 😊

  17. Love the gnomes. 😀

  18. I know you said you have had no luck selling on local websites. I find the same thing here/USA. I can sell fabric and patterns (when I am cleaning out). But when I have listed finished projects (still cleaning out), no luck. (It worked out because things found homes with extended family and my goal was cleaning out.)

    However, for you, wanting to sell, I would suggest posting the gnomes with a note that pick up is at your shop, it might get you traffic. They are very very eye catching. I would do the same thing with the soup cozies, to see if you can get traffic, they are eye catching and practical.

  19. Love the gnomes. Hope your headache is better. Take care.

  20. Love the table runner, you will sell that quick. Gnomes are popular here although I don't really like them for myself


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