HERE IT IS... Brylee's Finished Quilt! I started this quilt on February 19th, 2009... and finished it yesterday... July 19th! Of course I would have finished it much, much earlier if it hadn't languished at the quilters for over 2 months! But I'm rapt with it... I HAD planned to sew buttons on the corners of each block, but so can't be arsed doing that now! It looks pretty enough on it's own.

ABOVE: 54 blocks... each one took a good hour and a half to make... not counting the cutting out etc! THEN lets not go into how long it took to join them all, put the sashings on.. the backing..the binding.. bla bla bla!
At least I didn't have to quilt it too! There is no way I could do that!
ABOVE: sooooo much hand sewing! I doubt I will ever make another one like this. Cathedral Window Blocks are ever so pretty though.
Today it's back to school for the kids (YAAAA HOOOOO), Then I'm off to the gym for my first assessment in over 2 and a half years! Bloody hell it's going to be BAD. *smiles*... but you have to start somewhere eh? I am really looking forward to it.
After gym ... home to do the big cleanup after having kids at home for 2 weeks.... IF I can move the bod after being at the gym that is! LOL
ONWARD...Well.. the gym assessment went pretty much as expected... I did their fitness test and came out at 2/5.... 1 being abysmal and 5 being amazing.... so I'm just above abysmal. NICE.
After that I came home and I've been plodding along doing the housework.. watching some telly, having lunch and generally just being a happy housewife. Got to love my days getting back to normal.
I heard from Steve today, he's down in Palmerston North for a few days, when he comes back up to Hamilton he is probably going to bring his little brother with Mike can come here and recover from his broken ankle for a while. That will be nice.
Remember that coffee liqueur I found in Thames called Totara Cafe'? Well... I found a shop that sells it here in Auckland... just 5 minutes drive away even! So.. I popped out and bought a bottle... cos I could... and I even stopped in at the local patchwork shop... and well... ya can't ever leave empty handed now can ya?
ABOVE: pretty eh? I seem to be compiling quite a store of fat quarters.... and last night I sorted them into 4 piles:
- Brights
- pretties
- Kiwiana
- Fish/Nautical
Now all I have to do is get the time to do something with them! I don't think they will all become quilts somehow, it's exciting thinking about what to do with them!
I'm off to get the kids shortly... think I will walk! Much as I love taking ROXY out, it seems a sin to drive when I can walk there in about 4 minutes! (and for once it's not raining).
End of Day: totally knackered after all my housework efforts today! Didn't stop till dinnertime. Tired. nite nite.