Saturday, August 31, 2024



I got on the scales this morning.


I have gained 6 kilos!  Yep, since going off Trulicity a couple of months ago, I've been eating whatever and whenever I felt like it.

Like.  Totally lost the plot.  Totally OVER IT.

NOW.... I am feeling 110% motivated to lose the 6, plus the 10 I originally wanted to lose a few months ago.  I am aiming for the end of the year to be at my own 'PERSONAL GOAL'.  I know it's a lot to aim for, 4 kilos a month, but hell... I will do my best.

Goddam yo-yo dieting be gone please.

I need to sit down with Stew and talk about TEMPTATIONS.  We both cave in at the slightest temptation, or suggestion from each other to indulge, go out to dinner/lunch etc.  I need it to stop happening so often.

Starting today.  NO Stew, we will not be having lunch out.  We will have something light and healthy for lunch and dinner.  

And I reckon a walk is in order too.  Hmmmm... where to go?

I'll think on that while I lie here reading the news.


Well today is going well, so far.

Stew has gone to the supermarket, and I came into the sewing room...

ABOVE:  My view today, very overcast and gloomy.  It is probably going to rain at some point.  Ikkk.

ABOVE:  I just got this runner finished.  Only 5 to go of the 24 I made in the last 'run'.

I don't know if I'll do another one today or not... my batteries are pretty low.  Not as lethargic as yesterday, but still tired.

Hopefully we can get out for a walk a bit later on.

Funny story:   last weekend I went to the supermarket with Stew.  As we walked past the fresh pies, Stew said "Damn, I don't suppose I can get my usual Bacon and Egg Pie today!"   

I'm like, "You get a pie and eat it before you get home on Saturday mornings???"

Yes he does.  Sneaky sneaky little bugger.

So, I wonder if he had one today?  I bet he did.  lol

And the answer to that question was, NO.  He did not get a pie. He decided that as I was being 'good', he would too.  

We are having a chicken salad for our lunch.  Nice and healthy.  

ABOVE: Slight change to lunch plans, we had a chicken salad sandwich instead of 'just a salad'.  We'll have the salad this evening.

Stew made our lunch, he did a damn fine job of it too.  

It's now raining, so a walk is not on the cards right now.  Instead, we are watching the telly.

After lunch I lay on the couch and fell asleep!  Stew watched a movie, and now he's watching friggin rugby.

Rain on and off, so no walk.   I do have an FBG walk tomorrow morning, which I'm looking forward to.  I can tick off the latest 5 posted Urban Challenge walks once it's done.

Then there's only 4 more to do.  I'm so happy I've managed to do the Urban Challenge this year.  

So far so good with the pain killers btw.  I've been taking them every 4 hours, and it's keeping me comfortable.  I will keep taking them for another week, then taper off and see what happens.  

And I will be ringing the Doctors on Monday to see if there is any news re: my X-Rays.   No news is good news I think.

Well, the Trulicity has well and truly kicked in fast this time!  I sat down to dinner, and couldn't even eat a quarter of it!  Just felt full after a few mouthfuls.  So, let's see how we go over the next month or so.  I'm picking I'll lose the first 4 kilos (for September)... for sure.

Signing off now, we are going to have a nice, relaxing evening.  

Friday, August 30, 2024




I need to take a day to be totally relaxed and have nothing on.  For my back's sake, and because I am so damn tired.

I feel like I've been on the go for a bit too long lately.

There is nothing wrong with being a lazy tart for a day right?

So, I am going to lie here, in bed, for as long as I feel like it.  I had a much better sleep last night, thanks to the pills the Dr gave me.

Later on today, if I feel like it, I will get into the sewing room and work on another Braid Runner finish.

ABOVE:  A few photos from last's nights visit to Steve, Bex and the kids.


I had the best night in a very long time, I virtually slept ALL NIGHT LONG!  So relieved I went to the Doctor.

I stayed in bed until .... NINE THIRTY!  It was just pure bliss.

Then reality hit, and I got up and got a load of washing on and flung open all the windows, as it's a really nice day out there.   Sunshine and a nice breeze.  Perfect for airing the house out after it being closed up for weeks with the shit weather.

We had an amazing thunder and lightening storm last night.... and I slept through it all.  Sad, cos I love storms.

Brylee informed me that she hid under the blankets! She is a pussy. 😂😏😅

Now that my jobs around the house are done, I'm going to continue watching Bridgerton.  

This evening I will be starting the Trulicity injections again.  I'm trying not to get wound up about it.... I KNOW it's just a tiny prick!

Talking of pricks... the spot where the Shingles injection went in yesterday is now goddam sore as.  But I know that will pass in a few days.  It's the price you pay to try and stay safe.

THOUGH, my Doctor said he and his wife got Vaccinated against Shingles, and then he got Shingles a while later!!!  He said it was DI-A-BOLICAL,  the pain was the worst thing he'd ever encountered.  So 😖, clearly you can still get it after being vaccinated.  

Pretty much the same as the Covid Vaccinations eh?  I still got it twice.

ABOVE:  I love wandering around the garden, taking progression shots.  

That lot was taken over about 3 weeks.

ABOVE: And then we have the plum tree (above) and the PeachCot (below).  The peachcot is a hybrid Peach and Apricot.  We are yet to get fruit off it, maybe this year we will?

ABOVE: nicest room in the house right now... so pretty looking out at the garden.

ABOVE:  Every time I look at this tree I have to laugh.  I thought we were buying an Apple Blossom Tree, but it turned out to be a Peach Tree!  It's blossoms are still pretty.    It had lots of peaches in it's first season, so I'm expecting the same again this year.

I've been doing NOTHING this afternoon.  It is so good to just relax for a change.

It sounds like my neighbour is getting a new kitchen.  Lots of banging and cupboard doors being hauled out of her house.   I used to think our kitchen needed an overhaul too, but nah.  I like it just the way it is.

5.55 pm:  I just had a shower and washed me hair.  I can safely say that was the most energy I've expended today! 

I have been inordinately tired today, found it hard to keep me eyes open.  Marie (Melbourne), maybe it was due to the Shingles Vaccine?  Or the fact that I've been walking more this week?  Dunno.

Stew is due home shortly. He's having Spag Bog for his dinner.  I'm having.... le' jab.

7.22 pm:  And the jab is done, and anticipation is always worse than the actual injection.  Glad that's done... now I just have to work on my head space.  

Looking to just chill out this evening, watching the telly and hanging with Stew.

Catch ya tomorrow.

Thursday, August 29, 2024



Today I'm off to Cambridge AGAIN!  Luckily today's walk doesn't start until 9.30, so I don't have to get up too early.

After the walk I must take my car key in to get a new battery, before I can't start my car.  The KEY light has been flashing for a while now and I didn't realise it meant the battery was getting flat!  True blonde moment when the kids told me last night!

Once I've got the key battery sorted out, I'm heading back to Hamilton to have lunch with Lacy.  I am looking forward to that.

So, until later....


OMG... the worst night ever. No matter what position I lay in, my goddam back hurt LIKE HELL. I took copious pain killers all night long to no avail.

So I decided after my walk to go to the doctor.

Walk was awesome.  I took Coco, and she managed the 5.7 km distance just fine!

ABOVE: I've always loved this swing outside a home for all to use.

ABOVE: Lunch at Lacy's was just lovely. I am now here...

ABOVE: Sitting in the car park, outside the doctors, waiting for them to open at 1pm. 

I'm third in the queue,  so shouldn't have to wait for too long once the doors open. 

Mini update... more when I get home.

Look what I've got:


It is now 4.08 pm, and I am FINALLY home.

The doctor was wonderful, gave me painkillers and the combination to take them in, so hopefully the pain can be controlled.

Then he sent me for an x-ray, to make sure I hadn't damaged anything when I initially hurt my back.
 I feel like there's just been one thing after another with my aches and pains of late!
Not fun.

Anyway, x-ray is done and the technician reckons it's a muscular issue, not bones.  So do I.

I got my second Shingles Vaccination while at the doctors, so lots going on today.

So happy I have Trulicity again... seems you just need to know where to go... and my Doctor did.  So I shouldn't have a supply problem again.
It DOES curb one's appetite, and that's what I really need.

I've been home long enough to get some dinner cooking (Spaghetti Bolognese), which Stew and I can have either this evening, after he's been to the pub, or we can have it tomorrow night.

I'm utterly knackered.  I felt quite ill around midday, just soooo tired really.  I sure hope I can sleep tonight cos this relentless pain is horrible.
I thought I was coming right, until LAST NIGHT!

ABOVE: Today's walk photo.  I don't know why I decided to take Coco today, but she LOVED IT!  I could never take both dogs, before you ask.  It was challenging enough with just Coco, her darting here, there and everywhere non stop.

ABOVE: The walk stats.  It was a bit longer than advertised.  If I'd known it was that long I might not have taken Coco, but she managed the distance just fine.  You would never know she was 14 years old!

Before I left Cambridge, I stopped in at Super Cheap Auto and got both my car keys batteries replaced.
I'll not let them go flat again.

Now I'm just waiting for Stew to come home, then I'll take him to the pub and visit Steve, Bex and the kids. 

We've had a lovely evening, I enjoyed seeing the family, and the dogs had a play date with the kids.
I joined Stew at the pub at 7 pm and we had hot chips (shared at the table with anyone who could reach them - lol), then home to wind down and watch the telly till bedtime.

The combination of pain killers the doctor prescribed has WORKED!  My pain in now under control.  Thank Goodness.

Catch ya tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


 Third day in a row, I'm heading back to Cambridge for an FBG walk!  I'm doing ANOTHER one tomorrow as well.

I'm on a roll.

This morning's walk starts at 6.45 am... so a really early start for me.  But I don't mind, it is nice seeing walkers that only do early walks.

There's about 90+ members of our FBG group now, so some members I never get to see/meet as they walk at times I don't.  Or they are 'just' Social Members, who come to the Quiz Night, or the Book Club etc.   

The FBG group has branched out in several different directions, it's NOT just a walking group now.  

Which is NEAT.  Lots of people mixing and mingling, making friends and not being lonely or isolated.  

It is a very supportive group.  Our motto is 'WALK TALK AND SUPPORT'.

I am always going to be a member!  I've made far too many friends to leave it.

After my walk I am coming back into Hamilton and visiting Lacy's house.  She won't be home... which is good.  Cos I'm going to do a good turn for her, and do some tidying and organising for her.  She's been so busy lately things have slipped a bit at her home.  

I'm an expert at tidying!  

She has also done heaps for me lately, so it's called paying her back.


9.30 am, and I'm home from my walk.  I also did some more grocery shopping while out and about.

I now don't have to go to Lacy's, as that tart did all the work before I could!  Oh well, I had good intentions.

ABOVE: Thanks to 'M' from the FBG's, for gifting me this lovely panel!  I intend turning it into a couple of wall hangings for my sewing room.

The walk today was neat!  I got to walk on the new streets that have popped up right beside where we used to live in Cambridge.

And it didn't rain.  Rather typical, as I wore my raincoat.  😂😏😅 

ABOVE:  Our walk stats for today.  It as a perfect distance, not too short, not too long.

I now await the official walk photo... which won't be too long off as 'C' is pretty prompt with them.

Coco can STILL climb!   The girls were in the garage, behind the pet barrier.  That makes them safe for when I drive back into the garage after being out.

Today?  Coco was OUT in the garage, she'd climbed over the barrier.  So I had to park on the drive and shepherd her into the house before I could put me car away.  That dog never ceases to amaze me, what she can still do at 14.5 years old!

She's an escapologist expert!

My back is SO MUCH BETTER today!  It still hurts, but not as much as the past few days.  Such a relief.  I hope it continues to improve.

ABOVE:  And there we have today's walk photo.

I've been busy since arriving home, sewing and getting dinner ready.

Brylee and Dom are coming for dinner this evening, so I'm cooking corned beef in the crock pot.  Should be good.

DOM FIXED THE PHOTO ISSUE!  Well done family computer Guru!

Thrilled to bits!  Thank god for clever kids.  Dom can stay.  We rather like Dom. lol
They are now having dinner, and it looks like they are enjoying it.  That's great, corned beef is almost always a hit.

10.07 pm:  And the kids have gone home, and we are off to bed shortly.
Catch ya tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024



Whoop whoop... I'm off on another FBG walk nice and early this morning.

The walk is at 7.30, so not too early.

The weather doesn't look that bad, so it isn't likely to be rained off.

I hope there's a coffee shop visit after the walk, I've missed having a chat with the girls this past week or so.  

After I'm done in Cambridge, I'll no doubt get into the sewing room and get another Braid Runner done.   I'm slowly getting through the 24 I did in a 'run' a while ago.

OH and I can continue watching Bridgerton... which I am thoroughly enjoying.  


OMG, my computer has had a hissy fit, and my photos are all f*cked up.

I can download them, edit them, but saving them to then be able to put them on the blog?  A nightmare.

I've spent almost an hour trying to get them on here!   Got there in a very round about way, but will have to get Dom or Steve to look at it and sort it out for me.

Anyway... .the walk ended up being a very wet one.  I'm very happy it wasn't cancelled though.

ABOVE: Out of order thanks to the muck up... lovely hot chocolate after the walk.  Everyone admired the artwork done by the barista.

ABOVE: The walk photo.

ABOVE: And our walk stats.  A nice short one today, which was good considering the weather.

Of course, now the freakin sun is shining!

It's now 11 am and I feel like I've spent far too much time sitting here getting all frustrated.  Time to move.

2.17 pm, and I've done the grocery shopping, put it all away then had some lunch.  Nice toasted sandwich.  Now?  Struggling to stay awake!

I was awake this morning at around 5 am, and didn't sleep after that.  Just lay there clock watching till I had to get up for me walk.

Might... have... a... Nana Nap!





But, all is good.  Painkillers are wonderful things.

Stew is home a bit early today, which is nice. Might go and spend some time with him. 

ABOVE:  My darling took me out to dinner.  Indian of course.  AND I had a little bottle of wine.  

We are now home and just chilling out in the family room, feet up, dogs on laps, watching the telly.

Catch ya tomorrow.

Monday, August 26, 2024



Righty ho.

I've got all my usual Monday jobs lined up in me head.


Water plants.

General tidy up.


I'm hell bent and determined to get at least two runners finished today.

Not an impossible task.

I'm happy to say I've got FIVE FBG walks lined up for this week!

The first one is this evening.  Then I have one on Tues, Wed, Fri and Sunday.  That will wipe out the next 5 Urban Challenge walks in one foul week's swoop. 😊😜  After those 5, there's only 4 more to get done.  Then I am going to RELAX.  It is going to be the last time I do the Urban Challenge. 

Next year I will only do a few here and there, to keep my toe in the group so to speak.

ABOVE:  Lacy sent me this photo last night.  It's Keera as a baby sitting in my Dad's Lazy boy chair, and her on it yesterday.  That chair is easily 34 years old, and has travelled with us from house to house to house for at least 24 of those years.

It's also been at Lacy's home on and off for part of that time too.  It's at hers right now!

I wonder if Keera will be posing in it in another 10 years?  😚😛

Alright, that's me for now, I'll catch ya later.


ABOVE:  My latest 'tweak' in the sewing room.... I wonder if I will EVER stop moving shit around?

We have the most gorgeous day out there today... and I am loving having such a gorgeous view.

I feel like the neighbour who watches everything going on, and can report back what's going on in the street. Like a nosey neighbour!  😂😉😊

I am happily sewing, in my happy place.  AND...  I am finally watching the latest episodes of Bridgerton!

It's taken me ages to feel like I want to... it's a bit like saving the tastiest morsel on the plate till last.  To savor it.  

So far I've not been disappointed.

ABOVE:  First one for the day, done and dusted.

Because I will be out this evening for a walk in Cambridge, I just made our dinner.   A Macaroni Cheese dish, with sausage and onion.

It will be in the oven for his nibs when he gets home.

I can have mine when I get home, after the walk.

My damn back is STILL hurting!  Just as bad today as when I first did 'it' in.   So annoying.

I hope it doesn't slow me down this evening, on the walk.

I might just take some pain killers a couple of hours before the walk, that might help.

Nice slow afternoon here.   I haven't done another runner, I thought I'd give my back a complete rest.  So I've just sat and watched the telly.  

In a little while I will sort myself out in readiness for heading over to Cambridge for the walk.

ABOVE:  The walk was almost cancelled this evening, due to torrential rain.  But, luckily by the time we were to walk, it has cleared up.

Which was just as well, cos I had driven over there hoping it wasn't cancelled by the time I got there.

It was a really nice walk, not cold either!  I just wore a t-shirt and high vis, sleeveless vest.

My back was niggling the entire time, but not enough for me to regret doing the walk.

ABOVE: Walk Stats.

Probably won't have a walk photo till much later, if not tomorrow.

Now, it's 8.40 pm and I'm all snuggled up with me blankie and hot pods till bedtime.

Catch ya tomorrow.

Sunday, August 25, 2024



We have another fairly quiet day ahead.

First up, sleep/lie in as long as possible!

Then we are going out to window shop for a new BBQ table.  We just want a small one to use out by the pool and brazier.  Luckily, we already have the chairs:

ABOVE:  We have two of these, Lacy has two and Steve has four, they were all part of a really BIG BBQ setting we had in Cambridge & Auckland.   

We will bring them up from the garden so we can sit at a little table over summer.

The grey outdoor seating we already have is starting to fall apart at the seams, which is so disappointing!  The seating is only what?  4 years old?

We bought it for this home, so yeah, it's not standing up to the sun and weather.

It's going to be gifted to some friends who want it, even though it's falling apart a bit.

Paying It Forward.

After wandering around the various places that sell outdoor tables, I think we are having lunch out again.  

Then we are going to visit Lacy and Keera in the afternoon.  


Well clearly there's nothing to comment about today.

All good.

We looked at the fairly limited outdoor tables for sale right now. None caught our eye. We will keep an eye out as summer gets closer  there's bound to be more available then.

Lunch at the mall, nothing special. 

We visited Steve, Bex and the kids.  

In an hour or so we will go see Lacy and Keera. 

ABOVE:  Visited with this little miss and her mum ... and ate chocolate biscuits.  lol

Totally blew any diet I was on this weekend!

Not too worried, I've got lots of walks lined up this coming week to make up for it all.

It's now almost 5 pm, and it is starting to really cool down again.  Time to get up and close the curtains.

We are having marinated steak and ??? for dinner tonight.  I might get Stew to do baked potatoes. 

8.23 pm:  And Stew did an amazing job making our dinner.  The steak was perfectly cooked, and the baked potato was delicious.

10 outta 10 darling.

We are now winding down for the day, just watching the telly for a while before bed.

Fingers crossed I sleep better than last night, where I tossed and turned until 2 am!  Does my head in when Stew falls asleep within 90 seconds, and I can take HOURS to get to sleep.

Right, I'm signing off, catch ya tomorrow.