Saturday, January 30, 2016


I just wanted to pop in and let you all know I am starting to feel SO MUCH BETTER!

My sickness from the new medication is subsiding and I'm not feeling so wretched all day now.

My head space is calming down too... learning to accept the new 'now'.  Learning to be calm about things I cannot change right now.

It helps knowing I'm loved and missed, thank you.


  1. Great news. Enjoy the weekend.

  2. christine11:52 AM

    Hee Hee! You snuck in a little post. So, I glad I checked in on you today. I know exactly what you mean but it is incredibly hard to accept the things you can not change. Especially, when it comes to kids. Not sure if that's your issue - but it is mine. Fortunately (or maybe unfortunately) I have some friends going through crap too. So, you are not alone. But ya. It is hard not to dwell on every move they make (or don't make). How do you just turn it off? Maybe it can't be done, yet we still try and that is why we are caring parents and stressed out!

  3. So good to hear! And you are missed!

  4. I knew there was a reason I keep checking every day! Woohoo!!!!! So glad you're feeling better. xx

  5. Thx for the pop-in. Always good to read your blog.

  6. Glad you are feeling so much better, that is excellent to hear. Long may it continue! Penny xo

  7. So glad you're feeling better (and blogging) Chris. Long may this happier space last!

  8. So glad you're feeling better (and blogging) Chris. Long may this happier space last!

  9. That's great news Chris!!

  10. Lovely to hear! And you certainly are missed in my world!!! I hadn't realised how many times I checked in during the day!! Hmm maybe that's why some days seem to rush by lol

  11. Anonymous4:10 PM

    So glad you are feeling better from your medications.
    I do love your blog and love your pictures and sharing!
    Praying for you and hugs~

  12. Yes, Sweetie - you are missed . So glad you are feeling better.

  13. Great to hear you're feeling heaps better. I miss your daily blogs (you could say I'm having caffeine (of the Diet Coke variety) withdrawals :)

  14. What good news. I hope you continue to feel better and better.
    Good luck with Open House tomorrow.

  15. Great news Chris, I'm really happy for you

  16. Yay! I check every day, and today I was rewarded! I miss you and pray for you.

  17. So glad you are feeling better. Feeling so yuck makes it harder to deal with all the other stuff going on.

  18. So good to hear you are feeling better...sometimes I wonder if the medication is worse that the original problem! Hope the calmness remains for you.

  19. Like everyone else im also glad to hear your feeling better! I also check every day 😊

  20. I'm glad you're feeling better. Love and hugs Chris!

  21. Great to hear you are feeling a lot better, been thinking of you x

  22. So glad you're feeling better.

  23. that's encouraging news how awesome.

  24. Good to hear your are feeling better. Seems as though you have had one very busy week. Keep cool.


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