Saturday, July 21, 2012


Our darling newest grandson got to go home yesterday afternoon... his Mum and Dad (Tess and Russell) live in a mining town in Western Australia called Kambalda.  Bodhi was born in Kalgoorlie hospital, which is about 50 kms from Kambalda.

So, they sent me a couple of photos of their wee man :

ABOVE:  dressed and ready to go... I can see our son Russell in Bodhi, but baby isn't the spitting image of him either.  

ABOVE:  all ready to go home.  How cute is he?  We make gorgeous babies... lol.

At lunchtime today (8am in Kambalda) we are having a Skype session with Tess and Russell... and we will get to see wee Bodhi and his sisters. I can't wait!  

While we wait... it will be:  do some housework time... boring as shit.
But...  'tis necessary dammit.

Yeah, and we have to do a grocery shop too... freakin not looking forward to that.  

ABOVE:  cos I can... here's another photo of our Bodhi!  *smiles*  He looks different in almost EVERY photo I've been sent!


It's been a busy day!  First off we got masses of housework done, then we did the grocery shopping.  That has taken most of this morning and half the afternoon.
My back is totally shagged.  It hasn't felt this bad in ages.  It aches so much sometimes I just want to sit down and scream!

But I won't.

I'm going to send Stew out to pick up Lacy and Keera shortly, they are having dinner here.

Our Skype session at lunchtime didn't go too well.. they were still in bed and I couldn't take many good photos of the kids/baby as it was too blurry, and I couldn't hear them properly either. We are going to try again tonight.

I did manage to get a couple of semi decent photos:

ABOVE:  Tess with Bodhi and Sienna.  Miss Sienna just wanted to grab her brother all the time... so darn cute.

Lacy and Keera arrived:

ABOVE:  looking intently at her Granddad...

ABOVE:  we still can't tell what colour her eyes are!  

ABOVE:  she's probably thinking her Granddad is talking a load of drivel!

ABOVE: Keera is just a tiny little dot.  It's hard to believe Bodhi is almost 2 pounds SMALLER!  I bet he catches up with his little cousin fast enough.

I've got sweet and sour chicken in the oven... looking forward to dinner I am!


  1. Yes do make beautiful babies ....can't get enough of them!

  2. Yes do make beautiful babies ....can't get enough of them!

  3. glad u had a nice dinner out with Stew you need to listen to the doctors orders :)
    Enjoy your skype session with your aussie family .

  4. Congrats again! Bodhi is a beautiful baby-love all the photos!

  5. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Bodhi is beautiful Chris!!!!!! so tiny!!!!!!!!!!!!! you forget how quickly they grow up

  6. OMG Bodhi is gorgeous and beautiful how exciting to meet your new grandson!!

  7. congrats on your gorgeous grandson...and granddaughter!

  8. What a special time for you family Chris. Bhodi is precious.

  9. Gorgeous photos - Keera looks so attentive and alert. I think I'm coming to your house for dinner - sounds yummy!

  10. It is not right that the internet goes down, that is not normal. Hound them so they send Chorus (the line company) to check it out. We managed to get them here for free and no more issues.

  11. Well I'm so glad little Bodhi is going home and Lacy is settling down to a routine with Keera. I'll bet having the extra people in the house means it's housework time now! Babies are a lot of work and you can't just vacuum whenever it's convenient for YOU. :)

  12. Oh man it's like heaven around there!

    Our internet is shit too. I'm always tempted to deduct from the days it isn't working but I'd actually have to keep track.

  13. Love the pics of Keera and Stew! He looks crazy about her! So sweet

  14. Anonymous11:39 PM

    The photos of Keera are so cute!! All that nice dark hair!! Bodhi is looking quite handsome himself!! ...debbie


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