Monday, November 09, 2009


So... 'PINKY' is finished.. and it rocks! I have yet to make a bag I don't like! Every one is cute in it's own way.

I am now taking a break from sewing for a few days because...

THE MACHNE GOES BACK TODAY for the 7th TIME. And if it EVER... EVER... EVER craps out on me again after it comes back they HAVE TO REPLACE OR REFUND. I have been nice enough about this eh?

Therefore, this morning I am going to Howich to drop off said machine, then I am going to come home and do.... blog reading! I need to catch up on what you buggers have been doing while I've been enjoying my weekend! lol

And after that I might just do some lovely housework. Stew's sister Khady is coming by this evening to pick up the bags I have ready for her Gallery... I hope she likes them!


11.48am, just got home from dropping the machine off and getting the groceries. I tried out Pak N Save in Botany, not a bad shop. GUESS HOW MUCH I SPENT? Come on.... guess!.. it is a fortnight's worth....(and NO BLONDIE, ya won't win a prize!) lol

WHOOPS! I am putting the groceries away and...

Found these... ummmm.. can ya tell we don't eat many potatoes now? Can ya? *smiles*

End of Day: have had a lovely visit from Stew's sister.. and a lovely dinner too. AND she loved the bags for her Gallery.. which was neat. Good boost for my confidence. Time for bed! nite nite.


  1. Good on you being strong about that damn machine!

  2. Cute bag, I love the heart button.

    Good luck looking forward with the machine. One way or another it'll be resolved soon at least!

  3. You have been beyond patient with those folks. The bag is beautiful. I can't imagine the patience that took.

  4. Stay strong with that machine...damn thing!!!

    Love pinky, well done.

  5. Assuming it is a weekly shop it would be $200 but am sure it will be more as your weekly shopping is heaps more than what I would spend for a family of 4 lol....

  6. Family of four? Two weeks? ... about $480 would be my guess...

  7. I love the pink bag think its mu favourite so far
    The buttons are just so cute can understand y u had to have them.
    Great u got to talk to machine man lets hope it is right this time.
    A good day by sounds.
    I love looking at open homes.

  8. OMG, those potatoes are just so funny!! I've never seen anything like it - now how much did you spend... two weeks... I now spend around $200 on me, S and J and F come for dinner around three times. You would have spent $800??

  9. That bag is sooooo cool. I would guess the shopping would be about $550 a fortnight

  10. Anonymous2:27 PM

    OH MY GOD... those spuds! eeew.

    Although, we are the same in our house and they do tend to get like that in the cupboard...

    So glad you took the machine in!

    Kate (Rogers)

  11. Anonymous2:35 PM



  12. Anonymous2:58 PM

    I LOVE the bag- it beautiful!!!! You are one talented lady!!!!!
    I hope the machine gets fixed- and fixed for good (or at this point don't ya just want a new one)

  13. Hmmmm... I would say $600 - $650.

    Hope you finally have some joy with your sewing machine

  14. I can't even guess on the groceries. I don't cook much and don't much like to grocery shop, but I bet it was a bunch. I agree that all your bags are cute in their own one-of-a kind way. Once again, good luck with the machine.

  15. That bag is beautiful! Love it!

    Those potatoes are too funny. ;-)

  16. WOW! Love the potato thing there. I think you should plant 'em and see what happens. Really.

  17. $380???

    Love your bags

  18. Awesome bag and like you I too have yet to find a bag that you have made that hasn't appealed to my likes! :)
    LOL @ the potatoes and I thought our ones could get bad!
    And my guess with your groceries is about $650!

  19. Love the new bag mum

    Daughter #3

  20. Reminds me of my in-laws. Sometimes they forget to bring in their groceries and the vegetables and fruits end up spoiling in their car on hot days.

  21. the bag looks great Chris, i love pink. wow they are some crazy scarey looking spuds,

  22. NO NO I guessed : A: you would spend money B: you would be inspired and C: you would come home with new projects in hand !!! I GUESSED 3 things so there (pokes out tongue!!!!)

  23. your potatoes: gross!

    the loser's bible...funny. 'cuz I never would have thought of that!

  24. Wow - those potatoes certainly are a bit . . . ummm . . . "vintage!"

  25. I love that bag too Chris! You do those very well. We don't eat a lot of potatoes here anymore either, so I think thats funny that they started sprouting!

  26. Love the bag. Good luck getting your machine fixed or replaced once and for all. You should plant your seeded potatos.

  27. Love the bag!

    Holy crap, just go throw them out in the garden and you can make your own potatoes ;o)

  28. those potatoes are ready for a hole in the ground! Not sewing? Well get on a plane and come and see me I have a good bit to do, as in drapes.

  29. That's a beautiful bag! Keep strong about your machine. The stubborn people with the company would drive me crazy!


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