I had a very lenghty, fraught conversation with the 'Boss Lady' from the sewing machine shop on Friday night.. she has asked me to try THIS AND THAT.. and to see if it makes any difference to how the machine runs. I could have screamed... but decided to give her ideas a go... and...
It's FUN. But hard on the back and shoulders working at the sewing desk for hours. Shame you can't charge for your time and effort nowdays! *boo hoo*
Today: NO PLANS yet.. Stew is getting up really early to watch the rugby... and I'm hoping to stay in bed till LATE. Maybe he will bring me a 'wake up' hot chocolate drink in bed??? Ahhhh, I live in hope. Until then, I will read some blogs eh?
Upon getting me butt outta bed (no hot chocolate I might add)... I decided to go to Calico Christmas, which is the BIG Auckland City Quilter's Guild Annual Show.. I havn't been to one before so am GOING. I hope to spend no money... but it might be DIFFICULT.
After that we will do the grocery shopping.. oh YAAAA!
I am so glad I went .... I got to talk face to face with the Sewing Machine Importer (Richard)... and he wants my machine back tomorrow so he can look it over personally, and fix the problem once and for all. He seemed nice enough. Time will tell.
Did I buy anything? Ahhh.. yep! But not masses of material! I got:
It's now mid-afternoon and it's time to chill out for a wee while before we do the freakin grocery shopping.. which I HATE... totally HATE I TELL YA!
End of Day: we went out looking at three Open Homes in our area this afternoon... all big houses, all gorgeous, and all too freaking expensive! I want a bigger house! But I don't think it's gunna happen. *sigh*... just as well I do like this house eh? Going now to finish off the 'Pinky' bag. Just got some hand sewing to finish it off. nite nite.
Ooh - this one's gorgeous. And re the machine - if you have to do all sorts of things to get it to work then it hasn't been sold as 'fit for purpose' which means you have the right to have it fixed - and since they've had more than enough tries at that they need to replace or refund. Enjoy the expo. Z xx
ReplyDeleteI'm not a PINK person BUT I LOOVVVVEEEEEE that bag !!! I am off to watch the AB REPLAY on my friends SKY! IM SURE you will spend IM SURE you will be inspired IM SURE you will come home with NEW PROJECTS in hand!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is my favorite bag yet. And I've loved them all. See how you paid an outrageous price for the change purse, an "outrageous" price should be paid for your purses because they're one of a kind. Good for you someone is taking a look at the machine.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on the grocery shopping....I do not like it. Button shopping looks like a lot more fun.
ReplyDeleteI think your purchases are beautiful. Hope the review for Griffin goes well and that the machine either TOTALLY behaves itself or totally gets replaced. You should NOT have to rig it up all funny and pray over the thing constantly. :P
ReplyDeleteOMG you know what would be SOOOOOO cute?? If you made lunch bags. Do you know what I mean? Those cute little lunch sacks? I have a Vera Bradley one that I love and I think you should make them and if you do I would totally buy one and pay for shipping to the US. YES!!! Do IT!!! And I know I don't comment much anymore but I am reading every day and I still love you and I am thinking about you and if you have one more problem with that stupid mother effing machine I think you should throw it through the shop's window and tell them to kiss your totally awesome bag making ass. (I've had a couple beers, can you tell??)
ReplyDeleteYep, grocery shopping is simply a waste of good sewing time! Krissy - Singapore
ReplyDeleteSEE I WAS RIGHT!!!! Now do I win the PRIZE (ohhhh I know A PINK BAG!!!!) haha (inserts Tui Ad I know) ***skulking off with big fat juju lips sniffing***
ReplyDeleteOw For cring out loud woman.....just stay in the frigen house your in ya tart Lov num 2 hohoh
ReplyDeletei laugh when i read this entry because i know you well enough now that if you casually mention something on the blog, you end up doing it!!! woohoo...can't wait to see your new BIGGER house....