Wednesday, August 29, 2007


There is good news... The nasty teenagers are NOT moving back home, they have found another sucker to take them on! A young married couple who want boarders/flatmates to help with the mortgage etc !!!! And apparently the girl hates a mess.... heee hee I ain't gunna tell her about OUR PIGLETS !!!

So, this is fantastic news cos it means I can continue killing mice and not turn into a cat-killer too! Talking about mice, yesterday was FUN!!! I am getting the little bastards with crunchy Peanut Butter... they can't resisit it!

Ya know what's the best start to the day? Reading the comments that come in overnight... cos I usually end up having a good laugh ! Some people are rather funny....

Righty ho... Today: kids to school, walk me dog,


  1. No teenagers and no mice. Life is good.

  2. Pleased to hear you are not getting the kids back (this time!)

  3. haha i know how you feel about those mice! i would kill them all if i could....
    oo by the way im a new reader... hope ya dont mind!

  4. God, I can just picture you stalking - the Great White Hunter.

  5. EWWW that is a lot of mice... especially when your house is like spotless and clean.. where the hell are they all coming from EWWWWW... makes the back of my neck crawl.


  6. YOU go girl... keep on killing those mice!! Had to laugh at the one that tried to escape... Cheeky bugger. Loved the piccy's too... nothing like a bit of killing to keep the day entertaining!!!

    And good for you that the teenagers aren't moving back in.

  7. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Am I the ONLY one who wants to vomit when I hear of mice being killed?

  8. hate mice too glad I didnt see any when sleeping on the floor hehehe then I would have made racket...well more of a racket than i did make after a certain phone call. u r brave emptying the traps I wont even do that.. not so keen on setting them either for that matter.

  9. LMAO @ mouse number 6!!! Poor little bugger never stood a chance.

    Good news about the teenagers finding somewhere else, lets hope they LEARN to be tidy otherwise they might be needing you after all.

  10. I can just imagine you bashing that poor mousey over the head with your bin lid - What a laugh.

    It will be interesting to see how the teenagers go in their new set up. Wonder how long they will last.

  11. I know mice are yukky, but I hate to see any animal suffer - I'm a softy.

  12. I am laughing at "sue"..
    that's kind of what I was going to say...

  13. Wooohoo no teenagers and you are lowering the mice numbers in the city.......well done :) Wish I could have seen your face when that mouse tried to escape LOL

  14. periods are sucky central...pissed off is better than being pissed on?!

    yay for the kids not coming the nicest possible way that is meant to sound hehehe...

  15. Chris H - The Mouse Hunter! hehehe.. good on ya chick! I hate the little buggers too!


    Come on hun you might be like me and gain with your monthly and it will all come right when you finish your monthly... PLEASE don't undo all the good that you have in the last week. It will show up hun!!

    Go back to counting points because it DID work for you... and get your butt off the sorry couch and stop feeling like this!!!

    I AM SORRY but for Christ Sake hun you can do this and 1 week gain is not going to stop you!!! I WON'T let it because I know you can do this and you know you can do this.. and with all that you have been going through in the last couple of months you need to take a deep breath and just point!!

    Just go back to eating what you like in moderation and stop depriving yourself of Diet Coke and things that you like but instead have it all in moderation...

    OMG I believe in you!!!

    NOW you have to believe in you.


  17. Maybe a quick phone call to your doc re the clots - but I'm sure it does sound like the after op thing going on. That was how I used to be - constant, and know what you mean about being scared to move. Pleased to hear you are taking it easy!

  18. We get it all here, readers...dead mice, mice clubbed over the head with rubbish bin lids, and blood clots! LOL! Bloody hell, no wonder I drop in, eh? YOu crack me up!

    Stop eatin'. Stop bingin'. You'll feel less pissed off if you do that.

    Got it girlfriend?

  19. These are great mice traps - we live on a farm and caught 4 in one day with them last summer! A great tip we were given is use small peices of Mars bar as bait - works a treat (not very buddhist I know....)

    Have a great day / night/ whatever!

  20. Anonymous10:41 PM

    I hate mice too! One time I was up REALLY late. Everyone else were in bed and I was sitting on the lounge reading. All of a sudden I heard something and looked around. I nearly freaked as I saw 3 mice come from different corners of the room, meet in the middle as though they were talking and then scurry away in opposite directions again. Now I'm such a wuss...I got DH up to set the traps and I went to bed and hid under the covers...LOL

  21. Yuk to ttom...they sux more than mice!!!

  22. Well Chris no one can claim you dont live an exciting life! Once you are done tho with your mice would you mind being a dear and coming to collect the ones that are starting here?
    thanks sweetie! ;-)

  23. You're a FAR braver woman than me. I don't do mice - dead or alive. We don't use traps, only baits...that way they usually disappear and go die somewhere else. On the rare occasion I discover a dead body somewhere, I run screaming from the room and won't go back till the man of the house has disposed of it.

    Pathetic, really.

  24. Great job on the NSV.

    I wouldnt start gloating yet there missy about the teenagers not coming back. Remember what happen when you gloated when they moved out...

  25. My Gawd.... I hope you are ok are you alive!

    Hey now that you've got rid of those teenagers would you be interested in some young adults from Canada.Oh my goodness has my house been turned upside down, with the return of DD and DS has turned into an ubber pig. I'll be hosting the mice before you know it.

    Hope your TOM situation has settledown for goodness sake!

  26. You and I would make a fine pair right now! Grrrr...

    Get those damn mice!

    Take care of yourself and eat something with iron in it to make up for all the blood loss! Yikes.

  27. Where are you Chris... You have normally well and truely posted by now...I hope you are ok....Got me worried now..I always get out of bed and come straight to your blog to catch up before i go to work.... Text me and let me know you are ok plzzzzzzzzz

  28. Hey mate you ok. It's 9.25 and you haven't blogged. You got internet probs again?????

  29. Hi, thanks for all your lovely comments. Buggar about the mice - spiders and snakes don't scare me but mice do - I couldn't be emptying traps - so really impressed with your bravery. Hope the flood stops soon -have only had TOM 4 times this year and guess what - got it first week of our holiday - but luckily it's no big deal for me. Take care Z xx

  30. We have bloody mice at the mo too! Just pulled out a bag from the linen cupboard and it was full of mouse shit. Bloody little fuckers.

    I have a cat but she hasn't seemed to do any good.

    Off to the mousetrap store I go.

    PS you alright, you usually have posted by now.


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