Monday, August 27, 2007


Think I know why I gained over the detox time...TOM has kindly arrived again, after only 17 days!!! How friggin lovely, no wonder I gained, it will be fluid retention... big sigh of relief. Hope to see those extra kilos piss off this week then.

I had planned to go back to the gym this morning, but maybe not... knowing my TOM's I will be flooding .... too much information I know, but who cares really? NOT me.

Today: kids to school, some housework, lots of piddling if I'm lucky, might just play with Izzy ! Oh and I will get some exercise, I will get on our exercycle and do some weights too. Right time to check out some blogs while I drink me Latte...Stew, where is it man?


  1. My period has also returned after only 2 weeks. I am keen to get rid of this implanon, but will wait until David gets the snip! I think my TTOTM has something to do with my weight staying the same too!

  2. Yeah I think your face is thinner.
    Enjoy your day, and there you go, there had to be an explanation for the gain!!

  3. I had to laugh at the look on your face at the expo when you saw the stand selling the detox pills!

    You are right - your face does look thinner. You've put in a huge effort and I know it will reflect on the scales - hang in there!

  4. TOM and all things related should be banned.

  5. Anonymous2:13 PM

    You should smile in your photos Chris.... :)

  6. Enjoy your lazy day. Who cares if you do nothing. I use a hottie too or snuggle up to Col, whichevers the handiest.

    Yes, the same detox as you and Lyn. Just finished a lovely plate of fruit for lunch. So far so good, no pains or headaches. Fingers crossed.

  7. How's the top lip then?

  8. You do look great!! Have a great time hanging with TOM.

  9. You definitely look thinner. At least you know why you have gained. 17 days - bugger - what's going on there????

    Cute picture of the kids. How does your son see anything through his hair? LOL

  10. oooooooooooooooo yay!!! TOM!!!

    yes your face is very thin looking!!!! YAY!!!!

  11. It was great to meet yesterday. I thought everyone looked good and so focussed. :)
    How's the spot where the 'mo' used to be...LOL You were braver than me, and as for that blood pressure check I think her 'thingie' might not have been reckon LOL !!!!
    Enjoy your lazy day :)

  12. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Chris YOU nutter... my MUM wants me to be up the duff, not ME!!!

  13. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Your face definitely looks thinner! It will be interesting to see, after the dreaded period leaves, if you show a loss for all of your efforts. These detox programs fascinate me, but I don't think I would be able to stick to it... no wine! =)

  14. Smile girl! Your dial made me jump - thought I was in trouble! :P

  15. Oh I can relate completely to TOM and feeling like crap - i'm about to head off to bed and feel sorry for myself for exactly the same reason!

    Some days a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do - even if that is nothing, good for you!

  16. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Can I ask what's probably a stupid question: what does NSV stand for?

  17. Ouchies,I on;y ever had my lip waxed once - never again.

    We all need lazy days every now and then

  18. Oh hope your tummy is better by tomorrow. Things always feel flat after a good time. I'm sure things will pick up tomorrow.

  19. You are more than welcome. That entire website rocks my boat. Love it. So much stuff to choose from!

    TTOM has hit me too. I feel like eating everything in bloody site.

  20. can even take a so-so do nothing day and write a good post about it.

    My post would have said something like,

    Bored. Did nothing. Read blogs. THE END


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