Friday, August 31, 2007


It's 6 am , I'm up cos I simply can't sleep any more.... went to bed last night at like 8pm!!!! Totally not like me but I just could not keep me eyes open, bugger if I didn't miss half of Coro Street too...

I am all puffed up this morning, dem buggers in the hospital pumped me full of bloody WATER didn't they! 4 friggin bags full no less, so I reckon that nullifies what I lost in blood , bugger it!

Today: Lisa and Steve are taking the kids to school, I will.... sit on me bum and read blogs!!! A girlfriend is going to bring the kids home from school for me, so I have no reason to go anywhere! Niiiiice. I am going to venture out asap and suspend my gym membership for a few weeks though, I don't think I want to pay for something I'm not using right now.... good idea eh? And I can slowly get back into it by using my eqipment here at home once I'm up to it.

So there ya go, today's post up and done nice and early, can't have you buggers worried again can I? later...


  1. Glad to see the night went ok and you're safe and sound at home. Put your feet up and just relax. All the best for a good day ahead. I will check back on you tomorrow morning. (2.26pm right now in Montreal)

  2. Take it easy today Chris. I hope your feeling 100% again soon. HUGS from Holland. Amanda xox :)

  3. good to see u posting
    think of me dressed in clown suit selling sausage sizzle and feeling like a twit...all in the name of daffodil day looking forward to 4 and it will be all over but for the drinking. Secretly that is why we all do it hehhehehe.

    Look after yourself

  4. Good to have you back on deck! Also good to hear you are taking it easy. Have sent you an email with a map - so go check your emails!

  5. Anonymous9:11 AM

    OMG, do you watch Coronation Street? I miss that programme so much!!! It isnt the same watching it on foxtel here because it is really old episodes!!!
    Sue x

  6. Glad to see everyone is rallying round to make sure you rest...
    Take it easy and hopefully we might catch up over the weekend..
    Missin our chats... Thank fk its friday eh!!

  7. Glad you're feeling OK. Make sure you DO take it easy. Get those kids to run around and be your slaves!

  8. So glad you're okay honey, have been thinking about you. Good idea about the gym too. You just make sure you sit on your bum today and really really do nothing, boy kind of nothing - not Chris kind of nothing!!

  9. OMG Chris, what a rough time you have had. Thank god you made the right decision to go to Hospital.For crying out out loud woman, please take it easy and look after yourself.

  10. Geez, Im away for 2 days and all hell breaks loose.... Im sooo glad your OK, a little wiped out but OK. Take it easy and relax all day
    Thinking of you

  11. Holy shit! I miss one f*ing entry! So glad you're back home and recovering from that nasty ordeal!

    Hope you feel better soon!


    And yes I was talking about you in my post. I knew you have some choice words for those Aholes! ;)

  12. Good to hear you are OK! But for God's sake woman - take it easy! :)

  13. Please take care of yourself. Put your feet up and don't do ANYTHING! Sounds like you had a horrible time and I hope you are soon feeling much better.

  14. Good to see you're up and about posting. I hope you are feeling better soon, and good idea about taking it easy and suspending gym membership.

    Look after yourself and have a good weekend.


  15. Jeez Chris... take it easy, that was one friggin serious thing that happened to you!!! LOl at the gas though hehe... they can do it when they have to huh? Get better, take it easy and let others do stuff for you. Over 2 litres is a lot of blood.

  16. Glad to see you up and about this morning.... Have a great weekend and dont forget to relax.

    Take care jaxx

  17. Great to see you are posting..

    Wow that would have been such a shock yesterday.

    Was not.


    I agree that suspending your gym membership for a little bit is a good thing until you get sorted aye.

    Love Chubbymum

  18. Sounds like you are on the mend - thank goodness!!! PLEASE take care of yourself!!! And feel better soon.

  19. What a day from hell you had yesterday mate. Glad it's all sorted now. You are a bit on the pale side. Just concentrate on you for a change and get a bit of colour back in your cheeks.

    After six kids mate I would have thought you'd lost any self consciousness about your nether regions. Lol. Does that mean you actually have a shy side to you, blush.

  20. Christ almighty you do look pale woman, sit down and stay there!
    Big hugs,

  21. I know you're a tough ass tart but for fucks sake, please allow everyone to pander for a few days. Listen to your body and relax.


  22. Anonymous4:14 PM

    r you're feeling ok Chris :) Make sure you take it easy. Putting your membership on hold is smart thinking, just get back to it when you feel up to it :)

  23. I totally agree with Beckie. All your devoted fans love you.

    Now do as you are told please.

    Make the most of everyone looking after YOU for a change

  24. Very happy you are well. You worried us. Keep smiling okay?? Take care of yourself.

  25. You do look a bit peeky hun, you need to get plenty rest so your body has a chance to increse the blood it needs.

    I WOULD MOVE if we had rats...thank god it was the house across the road from us, still a worry though but beleive me, I am keeping one very close eye out incase they come any where near here and if they do, I am putting MAJOR COMPLAINTS!!!!!! In to EVERYONE!!!!!! Who matters about those people across the road because they are doing nothing as far as I disgusting eh, it was never like this until they moved in.....scruffers eh?

    Have a nice relaxing evening

    Hugs to you

  26. Thank god your ok sweets, i was layin in bed last night worryin about ya, well done on takin it easy, now keep it up for a good week or more *mwah*

    ... Erica x

  27. hope you're tucked up in bed sleeping and resting....

    take care...sending you lots of getting better vibes!!

  28. my god!! where the hell have i been.. glad you are ok you make sure you rest ok!! you MUST take it easy!!

  29. Good to hear ya up and on the mend..a bit shaky on it, and yep REST!!

    take it easy girl,


  30. Anonymous1:59 AM

    Holy moly lady, what an ordeal! Glad Stew is taking such good care of you. Hang in there and RELAX!!

  31. Anonymous3:40 AM

    i hope you feel better soon! try and enjoy your weekend, get lots of rest, and enjoy being pampered! :o)

  32. Lol - definitely sounds like NOTHING can keep you down for long, glad to hear you're in better spirits and had a restful day. Dignity? What dignity? I learnt the same lesson after having 3 miscarriages.

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