Wednesday, August 22, 2007


I have a few dresses in my wardrobe... they don't fit across me boobs... I tried them all on yesterday and I reckon in a month or two they will all fit again! Yipee... I am LOVING how positive I am feeling... this detox has certainly got me back into the right mode again. I highly recommend it, really I do! Maybe not the pills... that part sucks, but still....

Today: Kids to school, walk Izzy, friggin housework, then ??? Might try to get to the gym? I have been thinking of getting on the eliptical machine... havn't been on that particular bugger in a while and it's a real killer when you first get back to it. And while I am not allowed to do anything too strenuous for a while, that should be just fine. Did I mention I'm not allowed to partake in "marital relations" for 6 weeks???? Found myself thinking about "it" the other day... then remembered and thought "Oh bugger". *BIG SIGH*.....


  1. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Wow, I'm impressed, I don't think I could do this 'cleanse' that youre doing...well, not as strictly, anyway!

    Hope your lady parts are feeling better =) and that you and Stew can hang in there for the next 6 weeks!

  2. 6 weeks!!!!! Bloody hell.....

  3. GOOD FOR YOU not giving up!!

    Keep going!!

    6 weeks.....easy....HAHA

    Hugs to ya

  4. you know, if you compare them last 2 pics there's a striking resemblance...

    I'm off before you throw something at me...

  5. Good on you for not giving up. Remember nothing worthwhile is acheived without perseverance! Hang in there Babe, you are doing great!

  6. You look so grumpy in that piccy!!! I hope you start to feel better soon... and that the detox makes you feel all clensed and positive.

    6 weeks!! Far out... and I complain that a week without is too long!! Hang in there hun... we're all thinking of ya!!

  7. oh that face.... don't give up, you were feelin so healthy and good yesterday, maybe that will pass?????

    *going now b4 you smack me up the side of the head*!!!hehe

  8. 6 weeks, crikey that even longer then what they 'recommend' after having a baby.

  9. I may need to look into this cleansing thing....but I am not sure if I could take being more grouchy! :)

    PS: With regards to Junior Mayhem....try not to be jealous of how much my excellent parenting is keeping him out of trouble! (hee-hee)

  10. I need some of your motivation!

    I am going to have to look into this cleansing thing!

    PS: With regards to Junior Mayhem...try not to be jealous of my well behaved son! (hee-hee)

  11. You are a determined woman! I admire that~

  12. You crack me up! I know you can do it!

  13. Wow, that is scary!

  14. You'll lose that kilo when you start pooping!! And no we don't want to see it. ha ha ha

    Good on you for not giving up, you'll soon start to feel better.

  15. Hi ya Chris, just saw your comment on Jo's blog........nope you wont be the shortest.......that will be me, ROFL. When I stand beside Jo & Helena they can rest their elbows on my head LOL
    Well done on the are a better woman than me...I'd be gagging at the first capsule..LOL
    Look forward to meeting you on Sunday :)

  16. Mate 1kg, honest you know you're just full of crap.

    Besides you are nearly finished and you've stuck to it. You need a bloody medal.

  17. Going well Chris!!! I reckon we are in for some positive results this weekend.

  18. loving your pictures hahahaha

    YOU GO GIRL..!!!

  19. Glad your feeling better after your big 'event'.....LOL

    Loved that photo of you, looks like your about to throttle someone.

    See ya Sunday....YAY

    We can eat vegetable or salad together *sigh*

  20. you can do it, you can do it, you can do it!!!!


  21. LOL. Love your pictures today. 6 weeks lady? You are going to have to have a stick to keep him away!

  22. LMAO. Told you so. Feel better now. Ha ha

  23. Ok, way to go and glad you are feeling better tonight.
    6 wks of no nookie! I could do it! ha. Maybe the man couldn't though.

  24. Have fun at the movies, mmmmmmm popcorn, glad the detox is going well! they are so hard especially if you have to cook for others :)

  25. have fun at the movies!
    sounds like the detox is going well

  26. YES YOU CAN DO IT CHRIS!!! Keep going the right way and you will get there! PS You have been tagged :) HUGS Amanda...

  27. You bloody crack me up woman - that photo - I nearly wet myself!! hahahahaha

  28. well if its any consolation ... when I did my detox in March, I didnt lose any weight either ... felt good, but it didnt drop the weight ... cant remember what my turds were like LMAO!

  29. Omg...5 days without crapping...
    Thats cruel...
    glad you are feeling better...

  30. Thanks for your comment Chris. You are such a hoot and I really needed that today! I'm smiling as I type this...


  31. Naaaaa, despite the attitude we know your a sweet gal.....but what a grumpy face!

    Nice job on the NSV

  32. You're hysterical...

    I seem to recall seeing a comment here and there that said you were "full of it".. hee hee..

  33. Good for you sticking to your guns. I'm sure it must be a pain. 6 week I will be praying for you! Hope you enjoyed the movie, my DH loved that one too.

    I posted an answer to your question on my blog, just incase anyone else was interested. So here you go.

    Well the crowds did not bother me too much in Rome. Thankfully we had purchased a Roma Pass that allowed us to bypass some line ups it was well worth the 20 Euros. I would not have liked to line up for hours to see the Coliseum. We got to walk right in.

    In Venice and Florence the lines were just too long so we could only view everything from the exterior and to tell you the truth I was quite happy with that.

    It was just nice being in the presence of everything. But I have never seen so many people in one place at one time just touring.

  34. *grrrrr* (thats me growling at your grumpy face hahaha) aqnd as for the 6 weeks... MY GAWD! If i had to wait 6 weeks i'd be so blody horny i think id friggen explode! Good on ya for keepin up with the detox, im starting liver cleansing Today (thurs)

    ohh and I should add that i read your comment "stew loves shoot em up bang bangs" as "stew loves shoot em up gang bangs" pmsl.... i think i have a dirty mind, jase tells me that im oversexed or highly sexed or some shit... my response? shut up and enjoy it, i'll allow your complaints when im holding out on ya and say "NO!" he laughed and responded with "yea right, like hat will ever happen ya horny bitch" pfftttt men LOL!

    ... Erica x


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