Friday, August 31, 2007
Posted by
Chris H
6:12 AM
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Chris is in hospital...
Posted by
Chris H
10:30 AM
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Posted by
Chris H
7:18 AM
Monday, August 27, 2007
That is what I need to do, snap out of it ! I was in a funk yesterday, probably cos the scales went up instead of down like I expected... fuck I hate it when the scales can influence my whole day... so Today I am not going near them at all....
I am going to have a GOOD DAY so there ya shitty little electronic thing.
Today: kids to school, go walking with Janet and Izzy, then retail thereapy is called for! Might just go and buy something... anything will do ..... to cheer me up.
Well that was fun! It wasn't raining when we started our walk, but half way through it was... so I'm home, I'm wet and I'm happy! I love walking in the rain, such a dork!
NSV = NON SCALE VICTORY, and I had to ask someone what it meant too, so you are not a twit for asking! Right, time to get tidied up and go into town.... yaaaaa.
I got a comment from Anne this morning, saying she'd seen a girl yesterday who we used to see every saturday at our normal coffee shop, and this girl had asked after us, so I decided to go visit her at the coffee shop where she worked at lunchtime... and being the sort of person I am, I arranged for Anne and Chris D to meet me there (if they could) and they did! Stew came too... so we had another lovely catch up, and saw Shelly, who is due to give birth to her 3rd baby next week. The wee tart hardly looks pregnant from the back, and her baby is right out the front in this neat wee package... she's "one of those" who will not look like she's even had a baby in three weeks.... lucky tart. Anyway, here's a photo of Chris D, Me and Anne .... and loooooook, I'm smiling!
I'm home now, MANNING MY TRAPS.... did I tell ya we have MICE????? We bought 8 traps yesterday.... no dead 'uns yet, but you will know when we do get one cos...... I will post a photo!!!! *BIG BIG LAUGHS*
"While Mummy was away, the mouse did play" only he did not like my game! Nah na na na.... one down...
Now that's a NSV if EVER I saw one!!!! BLOODY HELL !!! I just spent the last hour scrubbing and cleaning out the cupboards under the sink in the kitchen.... cos there was 'evidence' of mice there too... and I had just finished, put everything back, and bugger me if I didn't catch another little bugger!!! This will be the last photo of dead mice I promise!!!
You can see how they are coming in eh? Up the water pipes.... eeeewwwwww. I have also put down poison, so we should be mouse free eventually!
Now, dinner .....ha ha ha.
Dinner - done
Grocery shopping - done
No # 3 mouse dead - done
NSV Today: Stayed on track, killed me some mice, did the dreaded grocery shopping.
Am a happy girl, nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
9:43 PM
Posted by
Chris H
7:12 AM
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Posted by
Chris H
7:00 AM
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Posted by
Chris H
7:41 AM
Friday, August 24, 2007
WHY ????
Posted by
Chris H
7:10 AM
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Posted by
Chris H
7:02 AM
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Posted by
Chris H
7:04 AM
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
I know I'm doing a detox (thanks Janene and Jules)... but cutting out diet coke totally is tooo hard! And while it is advised to not have any caffein on the programme, it is not totally OUTLAWED if you cannot do without it..... it is OK IN MODERATION..... so there! I am getting enough headaches already without adding caffein withdrawal to it. You try having no meat, cheese,dairy, fat, carbs, blah blah blah and stay sane! I am doing my best. RANT OVER, and this is me WITHOUT DIET COKE: I am proud of the fact that I am only having 2 glasses a day..... now... Today : Off walking with Janet and Izzy, into town to get da pills and potions.... then home to try and swallow them!
I just swallowed ***40*** friggin pills.... nearly gagged umpteen times... and it took me 30 minutes , BUT I DID IT!! Now I just have to do it 9 more times..... over 5 days.
TIFFANY: I don't know mate, I havn't stopped the diet coke!
SUE : No mate, I don't rattle, I gurgle.... endlessly.... my tummy is really NOISY ! Who needs the kids at home with all the noise I'm making on me own!
***** NEWS FLASH******** Lynn Has NO INTERNET... but she is surviving!!! She will be back asap. Bummer.
I'm a pill popper, a pill popper, OOOOO Yeah! It's easier to do it while distracted... I'm watching Coronation Street... one of me favourite programmes... Real dinner tonight for me was some brawn rice and veges..... don't go and envy me now!
NSV TODAY: I went walkies, I 'did' the pills, and I feel bloody fantastic.
And for all you perves out there...NO, nothing has "happened" yet. And there will not be any photos either, so there~!
Posted by
Chris H
7:05 AM
Monday, August 20, 2007
Posted by
Chris H
7:18 AM
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Posted by
Chris H
7:21 AM
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Posted by
Chris H
7:33 AM
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Posted by
Chris H
9:22 PM
Ok, to say I am not nervous would be a lie, so... I'M NERVOUS!!!! It's like really early in the morning and we are getting ready to go ..... Mike is staying home with the kids, Stew is going to take me in then come back home to get the kids off to school.... and come back after that to wait for me.
I SHOULD be allowed home afterwards, depending on what they end up doing "down there"... all going well it will only be the biopsy's and removal of fibroids.... but ya just never know and that's the scary part eh?
I am not taking the computer in with me.... cos it would look stoooopid if I'm only there for the day! If by some chance I'm in overnight.. you will all just have to wait till I get home! So, see ya later tarts and the odd dude.....
Today: got to hospital at 6.45, Stew left to get kids to school, I was taken into pre-op at 8 and into the theatre by 8.30 ! That was quick! The anethetist would not gas me to sleep because......
I WAS TOO FAT....I'M TOO FAT, FAT FAT FAT !!!! So, I cried and cried, and shook and shivered. . . and generally was a mess... bloody sook I am!!!! They were ever so nice about it though, and all the people in theatre (hell like about 10 people)... all joked around and took my mind off the NEEDLE... and it was in and over with before I even realised what they were doing. I laughed about the theatre undies they put on me, like why did they bother, they were the first thing to come off.The surgeon joked he was wearing the same ones... so I tried to get his pants down to have a look, but he was too fast for me...darn!
Anyway, when I came too I was feeling like shit (normal) but OK. the surgery took about an hour and a half I think. They could not remove my fibroids cos they were in the muscluar wall of the uterus, so that's a bugger cos they are what's causing all my back ache and heavy monthlies... maybe a hysterectomy later on will solve that wee problem. So... I slept on and off in the recovery room for the next 4 hours, and Stew picked me up at 3.30 and brought me home, where I am now quietly sitting in me Lazy Boy and just taking it easy.
We should have the results of the biopsys late next week, so hopefully it will be all good news and I can move on....
Here's a pic of me snoozing....
No makeup, no jewellery, no knickers!!! ha ha ha. Talk about NAKED!
I am now soooo determined to get back to my healthy goal weight... I was gutted when the anethetist said I was too FAT!!! Really devestated actually.... know the feeling? I could cry again actually just remembering it.... fuck it all !
I love you all, I've had email, texts, phone calls, flowers.... THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! And I even heard from one of me out of town kids!!!
I have about 60 bloggers' updates to read, and I'm sorry, but I just can't!!! My eyes won't stay open, so just know I love ya all, and I'm sorry I can't read and leave you a comment today. I feel bad about that!
Right, I'm not sitting here any more, I keep making the most derrr mistakes... so will say nite nite.
NSW TODAY: Well, I have eaten nothing at all excpet a wee bit of coleslaw for dinner ! Oh and I actually drank 9 glasses of water in the hospital after my op!!!! AMAZING!
Posted by
Chris H
6:15 AM
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
My friend Carmen and his wife Kim had a wee baby boy yesterday... I have been eagerly awaiting his arrival.... I have already bought him an All Blacks jacket, but think I need to go get something blue..... can't help myself! Here is a couple of photos of the new arrival: Welcome to our world Christopher Thomas......6 pound 14 ounces of joy. NIIIIICE Name : Chris for short of course!
Sarah is a BIG SISTER..... I bet she is going to have some fun with him!
Ain't infants just gorgeous?
Today: shopping for blue ..... killing time really, just want tomorrow to be done and over with... must shave my legs, can't have the surgeon getting a rash from me legs! What about the va ja ja? Nah, let him forage! eeeewwwwwww. ha ha ha
I've had a lovely morning! Bought Christopher a lovely wee blue outfit, and Sarah a wee gift too... and some new flannels and coffee mugs... cos I felt like it! Then I met my friend Chris D and we had a lovely morning tea (well mocca) and a yak... that has killed the morning.... now just the afternoon and evening to go...
IT'S LIKE THEY NEVER LEFT.... I didn't even know they were here... they are all upstairs in Mike's room playing some computer game... all of them have a computer linked up to god knows how many others out in the universe!!! So funny! And...
They inform me that they may need to move back home for a while to save up a bond so they can get their own place without flatmates... cos all their flatmates are leaving to live in Wellington etc so they can't afford where they are now!!!! Like, didn't I just have a party to CELEBRATE THEM LEAVING !!!!!
CRANKY: and anyone else who thinks I've just gone mad... NO, I am not letting them move back into the house, they can stay in the GARAGE until they find somewhere else to live !!! Not in the house!!! I am not THAT NICE!!!
End of day, just have to shave the legs next, then I'm off to bed, hopefully to have a good night's sleep! Will know for sure if the kids are coming home (for a while) in a week or so.... will no doubt keep you all up-to-date! NSV Today: none really! nite nite
Posted by
Chris H
6:24 AM
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Posted by
Chris H
7:21 AM
Monday, August 13, 2007
- a support group for people who are struggling to stay on track with their diets and want to meet and talk with like minded people.
WELL ???? What do ya all think???? Common sense prevailed I'm afraid and I decided I could not have "Tarts" as it could be taken the wrong way by potential members!
Next ....Today: kids to school then straight off to the hospital for my pre-op appointment, where I will find out exactly what they plan to do to my nether regions.... how long it will take, if I have to stay in overnight, blah blah blah..... I'm not THAT nervous, really I'm not !!!!
AND.... today in the USA a wee man is being born (well they are 17 hours behind us, so maybe not quite yet) to Carmen and Kim..... and I'm so excited... his name is going to be Christopher.... I'm thinking I will call him Chris (what a fab name!).....later.....
Griffin is coughing fit to kill, threw up a lot yesterday and so I'm keeping him with me today... oh joy, a bored shitless 5 year old in the hospital with me.... hope he survives the outing without me throttling him.
SANDI : oh thank you so much for the kind offer of coming up with a LOGO for the group.... can't wait to see what you come up with!
Better get me "A" into "G" ......
All went well, saw the nurse for blood pressure etc, saw the anethetist, saw another nurse to sign all necessary forms, saw the surgeon, had bloods taken (the shits).. and all this took 2.5 hours.... Griffin did get upset so Stew came and took him home. Not so stressful afterall.... and all should go fine on thursday, and I am probably able to go home afterwards, depending on how the op goes, and how I feel afterwards. Then I suppose we wait for the biopsy results again....
Am home now, feeling fine!
Funny story:
While I was in with the surgeon I asked him if (on thursday) he could snip off a skin tag on my inner thigh while I was asleep... he said...
"It depends on where it is" ,
I said "I will show you", starting to take me pants off...
He said "NO NO, that's not necessary, leave them on!"
Too late, me pants were off and I showed him .... it was so funny cos here is me, usually so self concious, whipping me pants off for a man who is not my hubby !!! He even tried to stop me! Needless to say, he's gunna snip it off ..... how nice of him.
The vet just rang... Izzy has an allergy peculiar to her... no virus, bacterial infection, fungal infection... so she has to have allergy pills often from now on... what a pain! Well, at least it is controlable eh? He wants to see her on Wednesday night to just check she's on the mend too... another thing to remember! I end up with little notes to myself all over my desk! Memory is going I swear.....
I have just had a lovely time 'yakking' over the airwaves with Amanda, CKK, and Marshy... Amanda had her Webcam on so it was quite surreal seeing her and 'instant messaging' too.

Posted by
Chris H
6:15 AM
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Posted by
Chris H
8:15 AM
Friday, August 10, 2007
A lovely friend in Aussy suggested I set up my own Weight loss group.... so I might ! Thanks CKK for the suggestion.
So this morning at our coffee get together I am going to sound out my girlfriends and see if any are interested ..... might start real small to start and see how it goes.
Lots to think about, to plan etc, but it is a challenge in itself so might take my mind off other pressing issues (Thursday) and stop me obsessing all the time about my weight going up and up. If I can help others maybe I will end up helping myself ??? Who knows, but it is worth a try. If this doesn't work, I will consider SureSlim or Jenny Craig or something similar... I am desperate!
Right! It's on.... we are a 'group', no name right now... only firm plans are:
- Meet on Saturdays, 10.30 am
- Take turns at each other's homes for now 'hosting'
- No rules or regulations
- No pressure to weigh
- No "specific" programme to be followed (whatever works for you is fine)
- Support being the operative word
- Meet and chat over how our week has gone, any tips/ideas appreciated.... all welcome
- $2 each a week to go into "kitty" for end of month biggest loser prize, based on % lost. If you don't weigh, you don't qualify for prize.
- Other incentives at discretion of "Founder" (ME!)
I am feeling quite excited!!! First meeting place will be my home, as long as I am "up to it" on Saturday... will keep you posted!
Failing that, it will definitely be "on" the following saturday.
This is what I am calling our Group for now.... all and any suggestions accepted, final name will be announced in due course.... bring it on....
I go out on a saturday morning to "play Ladies" and Stew is left at home to....
do the washing!!! How spoilt am I ?????
It has been a very quiet afternoon, a girlfriend came around for a visit....and that is it! Stew is making dinner (home made burgers) and I am really looking forward to that. Found a huge flea on Izzy this afternoon.... yik yik yik, my girlfriend thinks fleas might be the problem with her skin... but I'm not so sure.... I think she got that flea while she was in the Vets kennels cos she has been regularly de-fleaed.... I will be really upset if I've spent hundreds of dollars to be told the problem is fleas! Grrrrrr.
Looking forward to a quiet evening again, nothing much happens here in the evenings!
End of day... have had a sauna, nice and warm, going to bed to read....NSV Today: Setting up new Support Group ! nite nite
Posted by
Chris H
7:19 PM
Posted by
Chris H
7:56 AM
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Posted by
Chris H
7:27 AM
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Posted by
Chris H
7:20 AM
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
For the last three weeks I have woken up feeling like crap, sore tummy, sore back... and expected TOM to arrive any minute... IT FRIGGIN HASN'T... and I'm really getting pissed off. Why hasn't it??? I know, I know, menopause and all that crap is no doubt going on, but hell it's such a pain. So, now that I have talked about it... I'm hoping it will arrive and be over before I have my operation! I SOOOOOO do not want them to put my op off cos I've got friggin TOM.
Today: walk with Janet and Izzy (oh joy), then vacum this friggin house, it desperately needs it. And I've got a huge amount of clothes and stuff to take to the Hospice Shop, clothes that no one wanted, old china from my house (de-cluttering is fun)..... yarddy yarddy yarddy....
Not walking, too wet... taking Izzy to the Vets in a minute, her skin condition is going crazy.... hope it's nothing too bad!!!
Last night, Stew came home from work and said "what's on OUR blog today?" HUH??? Like, when did it become "our" blog????? Should I be worried???
I've had a very busy past hour, took Izzy to the Vets, she got ADMITTED !!! Wasn't expecting that! She has to have biopsys, skin scrapings etc... $296.00 Thank You !!! I have to pick her up later on today.... I felt so awful leaving her there, a dog was already out there howling it's head off...poor Izzy.
Then I ducked into the supermarket to see Mike, and ran into three seperate people who I knew and ended up yakking with.... so what was supposed to be a 15 minute outing took much longer.....
Picked up Izzy, she's sleeping it off... then picked up the kids and rather typically it poured down bang on 3pm when we were walking home.... and what have I been doing today??? The following picture should tell ya what happens when you sack your Ironing Lady....
I friggin well ironed!!! Gawd I HATE IROINING !!!! Now I shall do the vacuming....hmmmm, I do seem to be putting that off don't I ?
I did the vacuming (10 points to me), and Stew came home and asked me if I loved him still, considering the fact that he's an Arsehole...... ha ha ha... I told him "Yes"... of course.
Izzy is ok now, not very happy with me though. She's got a couple of stitches above her eye and on her rump from the biopsys....
This look says it all.... "I am pissed off mate" !!!
I am off to bed, soooo tiring being a good wee wifey.... shan't be doing those friggin shirts again for two weeks....WANNA: you just a jealous tart eh? nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
7:47 AM
Monday, August 06, 2007
Posted by
Chris H
7:00 AM
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Posted by
Chris H
10:42 AM
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Posted by
Chris H
7:08 AM
Friday, August 03, 2007
RAINBOW....OK mate, your blog has gone private, just where is my invite eh???? I have missed you, come on girl!
TODAY: Got lots to do .... kids to school, vacum entire house (oh that should be worth a few points!), make up beds, sort out stuff for tomorrow.... oh and wash the hair... put on me face....try to figure out what to wear on Saturday.... shit so much to do.... better get started then....
HELENA: I just made 3 lots of Weight Watchers Jelly, JUST FOR YOU MATE!! See, thinking of you.....
Posted by
Chris H
7:04 AM
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Posted by
Chris H
7:08 AM
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
WHAT DO I LOVE??? About not being fat anymore....
I love STILL BEING ALIVE, and loving every aspect of my life now.
Before I lost weight I just wanted to die, I was that miserable... I was actively looking at my options, how to kill myself without pain... then I decided I actually wanted to live, I did not want to leave my family, so I did something about it, and I thank myself every day for taking that first step towards a new life. After that first step, I have to thank all my friends and family for the support and love shown to me on my journey back to happiness.
Right, now that's over....
Today: Kids to school, then off to the hairdresser for a colour....and it will not take 3 hours!!!! Woooo hooooo
WRONG... it still took 3 friggin hours, and it is YELLOW!!! If it is still "IN YOUR FACE" by friday I am going back to have it toned down.... can't be looking like a fright for the PARTY now can I????
Ha ha , onward, having lunch (coleslaw and beef rissole) then it's some housework.... yipee!!! *smirk on me face*.....
SEEEEEE: It's kinda yellow on top.... what do we think??? Go back or wait and see if it settles down on it's own???
I want to feel my best on Saturday, not worry about looking like a Troll....I took another photo of "the hair" .... does it look better up??? Shit this is bugging me!
Hmmmm, the next dilema ... do I have nachos now, or wait and go to Body Balance like I should, and have dinner after??? I am starving.... but want to be good.....far out!
I went to Body Balance, it was way harder than I anticipated! Holding certain positions for a length of time... phew! I enjoyed it though, and will definitely be going again.... anyway, home now, had my dinner, yakked to Felicity who's come up from the South Island for the Party, and now I'm going to chill out and watch some telly. nite nite.
NSV TODAY: going to Body Balance
STEPS: 7725
Posted by
Chris H
7:16 AM
It's 5 am and I'm wide awake....
Posted by
Chris H
5:08 AM