One happy little boy.... following in the family tradition of opening presents on Mum and Dad's bed at 6.30 in the morning. So much for a weekend sleep in... ummm what's that? We are looking forward to 12 midday when we go off to Lollipops, and have them do all the catering, entertaining etc.... ya hoo!!
I have woken up in a great frame of mind.... re: dieting..... I am going to cut out most of me carbs and see what happens, I need to do something radical to get off this bloody plateau. I know it will mean I have no energy for the first few days, and probably a headache too, but if it gets me going again it will be worth it. So....NO BIRTHDAY CAKE for me today. Till later.....

We have had the most fantatic time, we went to Lollipops for Griffin's party, everything was provided, and everyone had a really great time! And the best thing..... I got home and put my feet up with no mess to clean up... so worth the cost.
And I had NO CAKE, and only two tiny cherrios to eat. So I was pleased with myself for having the self control that has been sadly lacking over the past few months. Long may it last.
I am expecting a great night as well, cos the littlies will be knackered by 7.30 pm and will no doubt go to sleep the minute their heads hit the pillow. Ya hoo. I love their bedtime! I suppose I should do some exercise today at sometime, maybe later.... Well I havn't done ANYTHING ! Fed my face (steak and eggs), watched telly, and nothing else! So today is officially my Lazy Day for the week. I shall have to do some serious exercise tomorrow eh?
Kids are asleep, went out like a light. Stew is doing really well, he's going back to work on Monday for a few hours each day.
STEPS: 7225, WATER: 1.5 litres, STAIRS: 4.
you can do it!! sometimes you need to do things to shock the body!!