Tuesday, May 28, 2013


First off for today, I will show you our poor little Keera's face.  She has just recently been seen by the Doctor for a rash on her face... and sadly it's eczema...

ABOVE:  She only started getting the rash about a week ago, but it is quite nasty now.  No idea why.  When she gets hot and bothered it gets worse... poor little Miss Muppet.

ABOVE: Next up is a video of Dante rolling over for the second time ever last night.  He rolled over first in front of only Steve while Bex and I were in the kitchen last night ... so I sat down and took numerous little videos until I 'caught' his second ever roll over... he made it look effortless.

I can't stop feeling rather chuffed with myself about my update on PEPSI ... life has it's up's and down's, but right now it's not too bad!
Also, I'm coming up to my next weigh in, in about a week?... so that is something to look forward to.  *smiles*

Today... going to visit Lacy and Keera this morning, then after that... I am going to the mall.  


It's also Hospice Shop duty for me this afternoon... so that means Bex gets to cook dinner!  Yaaaa.

Last Tuesday we went down to the mall, and I had a hot chocolate drink.  Today, we did the same thing.
And both times, right after I'd had the hot chocolate drink, I came over all hot and sick, with nasty shooting pangs in me tummy and an overpowering urge to throw up!
I do believe I can't drink hot chocolate ever again.  Cos seriously, feeling sick as a dog for half an hour or more sucks.

I'm hoping this passes quickly because I'm due at the Hospice shop in an hour.

Well... after spending a few HOURS sitting down quietly, I came right.  It was rather awful I must say, I couldn't even drink me Diet Coke!  Now that is tragic!

The girls looked after me.. Bex made me a rather late lunch (a baked potato with baked beans, YUM), then Lacy did my hair for me.
I was spoilt.  

Awwwww the girls ♥ love ♥ me.

PAULA:  yes, it was from the same shop as last week.  I don't usually EVER buy a hot drink when I'm out... but last week and today I did.  
NEVER again from that shop though.

Right, here's a few photos from this morning:

 ABOVE:  our babies off to the mall, all snug and warm.  Dante went to sleep the entire time we were there.

ABOVE:  Dante having a look at himself.  Cute!

ABOVE:  I bought this new wooden board.  We have been using a set of plastic boards for meat, cheese, vegetables and bread ... but they are not much good now.  The meat one kept growing MOULD overnight!  It was revolting.  It's not like I didn't wash it after use either.  It just got too many ingrained cuts and they held on to meat blood I suppose, so I threw it out weeks ago.

I am going to buy a new wooded board for each 'food category' ... this one is for meat.

I've got the delectable Kate coming to visit after dinner with my Tupperware... yaaa!  and now she's not.  Her car broke down.  Bugger.
Waiting to see if Stew and I are going over there now... I can't wait to see my new Tupperware.

Stew and I went over to Kate's tonight to pay for my Tupperware... which will arrive tomorrow, not today.  That's fine... it gives me something to look forward to tomorrow.

End of Day:  well I had planned on having a spa tonight with Steve and Bex... but feck that!  It's raining pure ice drops... I mean it's FREEZING rain out there.  No way in hell am I gunna sit (even in the spa) while it's raining freezing ice on me head!
Gunna go to bed with me electric blanket on HIGH.  That will be bliss.
nite nite

MARGIE UK:  Dante with an 'O' so you could be saying 'Don...tay'


  1. Has she changed formula or started to eat a new food? Woodjie had VERY VERY bad eczema. He has a milk and egg allergy. We didn't know.

    Did you have her tested? It never would have occurred to me or the doctors if I hadn't asked to remove milk from his diet to see if that helped his autism-type symptoms (not talking/certain behaviours). Doc said let's test for allergies first...

  2. The look on dante face haha like WTF how did that happen and who did it? Me? Poor Keera could be dairy allergy could be wheat allergies or gluten and pinpointing a cause will take time.

  3. Hey Chris. Josh suffered from the worse Eczema on his face known to mankind although you wouldn't know to look at his beautiful skin now. I had every 2nd person give me their 'expert' opinion including strangers in the supermarket etc.. The only thing that worked was a cortisone cream. He had eczema between 10 weeks old and 2 1/2 yo. The worse thing was the itching kept him awake. Josh's egg & nut allergy had nothing to do with the eczema as he still has those allergies. There's my 'expert' opinion for you. She's still the sweetest littest thing though.

  4. It would be interesting to see whether it is the sugar in the chocolate or the dairy from the milk.
    Hope you feel better soon !

  5. I hope you're feeling better soon Chris - hopefully it's not the hot chocolate making you feel yuck. Maybe it's the brand that the shop is using - or did you get it from different places each time? Poor Keera - her eczema can't be much fun for her. Has she had any new foods introduced to her diet lately which could be causing a reaction?

  6. Hi Chris, check out www.betterbods.co.nz Rachel had a daughter with bad eczema which was cured by eating a natural (no preservatives or additives) diet with lots of good fats. She has quite a following

  7. Penny6:39 PM

    My first thought with the hot chocolate was bad cream, or bad milk. Either that, or something you are not good with in their brand, or perhaps just not a good time for you to drink it?

  8. When you read a blog you decide yourself how names are pronounced. However when you watch a lovely little video of Dante you realise just maybe you are imagining wrong.
    So, to get it right in my head is it Dante with an A for apple or Dante with an O.
    Whatever way is right he is a gorgeous little chap.

  9. Super duper to see you tonight (and Stew!). Have heard re: Tupperware and we should be able to squeeze it in before she goes out which means it might be here tomorrow late arvo. Will text you tomorrow.

    Catch ya!


  10. Hi Chris

    Maybe you are slightly lactose intolerant. My kids get a runny tummy after drinking products with milk in it. Hope you feel better.

    Take care
    Dominique xx

  11. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Hi Chris,
    Oh your poor little Keera~ It looks like she must be itchy or in pain. I hope not. I'm going to pray for her and hope the doctor has some good medicine to help. My daughter's nephew had it really bad, and his itched terribly...he was only about 3 or 4 months old when it started, and now it is gone...and he is about 15 months old. I hope that is encouraging~

    Glad you got to see Dante roll over~

    I'm waiting for a phone call from my youngest daughter who went to have her ultra sound today. She is due in 2-3 weeks, and hoping everything is okay. She has very low fluid. Anyways, I love the babies in arms and worry while they are in the tummy~ ♥

  12. Oh my that looks very sore. Hopefully there is something that can help out. Enjoy the cool temps.


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