Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Griffin can go back to school too.
He is supposed to be starting school at 8am for 'Bootcamp'.. a programme for a small number of kids who really need to improve their fitness.
I don't think he will be up to it this morning, so I've emailed the teacher to let her know.
Hopefully he is not thrown off the programme.
I've got to cough up for lots of school fees today... so fingers crossed I find NOTHING I must have at the shop today!
I really must learn to curb my impulse shopping!
After Hospice, If I'm still feeling OK, I will pop down to Manukau Mall and look in Strandbags at what I can use that $70 Voucher on..... WITHOUT spending anything myself!
That could be INTERESTING...
LEAP YEAR BABIES!!! HAPPY 12th BIRTHDAY to one of my best friends forever.... SANDRA in Palmerston North. I hope you have a wonderful Birthday Chick. And in two years you will be 50! or... 12 and a half ... however you want to look at it... lol.
Best laid plans! I did indeed find some treasure at the shop today... and SHOCK HORROR!!! I actually found some CASH in my wallet that I had completely forgotten about....
ABOVE: so, I got lots of baby girl clothes for Lacy's baby, a purple nightshirt for Brylee (Hanah Montana, which she loves), some delicious chutney, a little cross stitched tablecloth and napkins, and two pure wool blankets for Brylee's bed. She gets really cold in winter, even though it's not that cold here.
All that for $20! SCORE. When you can get so much for such a low price, it's beyond me why people shoplift!
I didn't get down to the mall afterall... so will have to do that on Friday.
ABOVE: it doesn't take Teddy long to find a new, nice place to curl up and sleep! Shame I will have to move him soon ... they need to be washed before I can use them.
End of Day: it's felt like a very long day today.
ON TRACK: yep. Still got a queasy tummy, but not feeling like throwing up anymore.
nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
6:34 AM
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
As I mentioned last night, Griffin was ill yesterday... and started vomiting last night at dinner time:
At least after he christened the carpet ( AND my white minky blanket), he used a big bowl.
ABOVE: evidence of a good weekend! Beach = lots of towels. Visitors = even more towels.
Yaaaa to getting it all washed and dry though.
Today: not sure yet... it will depend on how Griffin is feeling when he gets up. If he is feeling better, it will be off to school for him. If not... then another day at home ... and I won't be going out anywhere.
That's not a bad thing I suppose.
The thing is... I have a $70 loyalty voucher from Strandbags to spend.... and it expires in a few days. While I am remembering it... I really should use it. Otherwise I'm bound to forget and then lose the $70. I have a memory like a sieve right now. Probably age. Or just too much on me mind. I've been thinking I need a notebook and pen hanging around me neck so I can write stuff down when I think of it.... it's that bad sometimes!
Anyone else got that problem?
So, Griffin will stay home today, he is still feeling seedy. AND... so am I now. My tummy hurts and moving around causes waves of nausea to hit. GREAT.
I got Brylee off to school (Steve dropped her off for me) then I did the sensible thing, and went back to bed!
And I slept.
Until 12.20 in the afternoon!
Hells Bells, I must have needed it.
Got up, had a couple of dry heaves (ever so awful) and now... just taking it easy. Tummy physically HURTS.
Griffin looks like he's almost over it... I might see if he wants to eat something, that should be the best gauge on how he's feeling.
That kids loves his food!
I've had several people ask me what camera I have. It's a Panasonic FZ 100. It does take good photos.... but you have to take HEAPS in succession to get one or two awesome ones! I am not a very good photographer.... I want to go to a photography class to learn how to use more of my camera's features.
Griffin and I are feeling a bit better... him much more than me. I am a lot better than I was this morning though.
We picked Brylee up from school as it was raining cats 'n' dogs again. Stupid weather, can't make up it's mind what it's doing.
We had a really good thunderstorm last night... hope we get another one!
I cooked pork chops for dinner.. and I even ate some... not that I really felt like it, but I kept thinking it would be better to throw up SOMETHING than dry heave!
No Weight Watchers tonight, it would be a bit unfair of me to go and pass on this tummy bug.
Even if it does help us lose weight! NOT the nicest way to do that.
End of Day: well it hasn't been the best of days, that's for sure!
nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
6:42 AM
Monday, February 27, 2012
Here's a 'few' photos from yesterday's trip to the beach:
ABOVE x's THREE: Steve catching the frizbee...
the first photo is just awesome!
ABOVE: Steve splashing Bex... who is not that keen on water...
ABOVE: Steve... triumphant after dunking Bex.
ABOVE: what was he doing? Handstands.
ABOVE: girls having fun.
ABOVE: Griffin digging holes in the beach... and getting covered in wet sand.
ABOVE: More of the beach babe... it was bright out there!
ABOVE: more girls...
ABOVE: our new beach shelter came in handy!
ABOVE: sleeping beauty...
ABOVE: on our way home finally... it was a lovely day. Fresh, healthy sea air... makes everyone happy and tired.
Today: Amanda and Emily go home, kids go back to school, blokes to work... and I get to tidy up the house after having visitors for days. And also... bask in the peace and quiet!
TWO PEOPLE ASKED ME YESTERDAY WHAT A 'DIGGER' WAS: well it's a big machine (a tractor-type thing) that is used to move earth around, dig holes etc!
so, I have done all my housework and got the house semi-shipshake again... was looking forward to a quiet afternoon watching a bit of the pre-Oscar show on E Online.
Well... I am, but I'm not alone.
Griffin got a tummy ache, so I had to go and get him home from school. He's being quiet though, so that's all good.
I got a HUGE PILE of towels washed and dry today... it has just started to rain... I got the washing inside JUST in time. Rather pleased about that.
There is a nice beef/tomato/mushroom stew cooking for dinner... and I'm craving chocolate!
Wonder if Stew reads this and brings me some home?
End of Day: well Stew didn't read it in time... so no chocolate for me.
Griffin felt ill all afternoon, but did not vomit... until dinner time... then he did LOTS of vomiting. No temperature though, and no pain in the vicinity of his appendix, so no doubt just a tummy bug. Hopefully he keeps it to himself.
ON TRACK: yes, no chocolate passed me lips today.
nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
6:13 AM
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Last night, having a few drinks:
ABOVE: playing with the glass...
ABOVE: share my spit Uncle Steve!
ABOVE: Bex having a gander around the neighbourhood... next thing she says, in this slow southland drawl: "Oooo, I can see a Digger!"... I think you had to be there to appreciate how funny she sounded. Like a kid seeing Santa for the first time... *lol*
ABOVE: cuddles with Granddad...
ABOVE: gorgeous. I think she is just so photogenic, she's a dream to photograph.
TODAY: Bex heads home today, she's got work tomorrow after having a whole month off!
Not sure when Amanda and Emily are going?
Don't care really... as long as they don't stay forever! lol
Hopefully we will think of something nice to do today... after staying home all day yesterday I feel the need to get out for a while.
It was a lovely sunny day (for a change) so we went to the beach. Spent about 4 hours at Orewa, one of our favourite beaches, and the nicest and nearest one to us.
I took 268 photos! LOL
I will post some tomorrow as there are enough on this post.
End of Day: not cooking tonight... I made a huge pile of Bacon/Cheese/tomato sandwiches for our picnic at the beach... so tonight it's gunna be sausages and chips.
ON TRACK: na not really!
nite nite
Posted by
Chris H
6:47 AM
Saturday, February 25, 2012
FAT CHANCE of a sleep in really!
I just hope I can keep the household quiet so Stew can sleep in! He went to work very early all last week so he could catch up on work that was just getting out of hand, so he's really tired.
Now, of course I have photos of Emily I took yesterday to show you!
ABOVE: we see this expression a lot... giving life some serious thought...
ABOVE: pretending to 'talk' on the telephone... so damn cute!...
ABOVE: Yes Emily... it's me with the camera in front of me face AGAIN!...
ABOVE: such a gorgeous wee baby... she just makes me melt.... grandbabies are SO PRECIOUS.
ABOVE: OK, they are not teeny tiny newborn toes anymore, but still cute!
ABOVE: Steve and his darling niece.... Bex doesn't get a look in!
TODAY? No firm plans at all. Steve has to work until 4pm... and if it's fine I really would like Stew to mow the lawns and do some weeding! AND I have quite a bit of washing to do.
Oh yaaa....
I'm sure we will have a nice day no matter what we do...
ONWARD... Well Stew didn't get a sleep in either, he got up and took Steve to work then went to the Dr's for his blood tests... a monthly occurrence.
Amanda found a rather big spider feasting on a dead cicada... and she was going on and on about all the cobwebs....
ABOVE: yep, one fat as spider! I gave the girls a broom each so they could sweep webs away...
ABOV: Bex wasn't at all keen on that!
ABOVE: Even Amanda didn't look that thrilled.
Stew is now doing the gardening/lawns... yaaaa...
Talk about a quiet day! This must be one of the few saturdays we have simply stayed at home and done bugger all!
Feels a bit weird.
Emily is doing a good job of entertaining us though... cos she has no intention of going to bed by the look of it. Every time I take her down the hallway, she cries cos it's heading to bed!
ABOVE: looks like we have to wash the windows *sigh* !
Amanda just put Emily to bed... Bex is wiping window sills for me and now Amanda is catching flies! lol
What a life eh?
We are having pre-dinner drinks, watching the telly and so on. I have a 1/4 glass of me tipple... run out and ask Steve to get me a refill.
He comes back with this:
ABOVE: now to the uninformed, this is like 5 drinks in one glass, cos me tipple is a liqueur ... so you are supposed to drink it in VERY SMALL QUANTITIES! Steve's excuse for giving me 5 drinks in one go? He didn't want to be getting up and down refilling me glass! LAZY SHIT!
NOW he's gunna have to get me a bowl with ice in it to keep me tipple cool... it ain't NICE warm let me assure you!
Did I mention Amanda is cooking dinner?
Well... she is.
Only *hic* I might be too pissed to eat it soon!
End of Day: well dinner was nice.. even nicer when I don't have to cook it!
ON TRACK: maybe not.
nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
6:42 AM
Friday, February 24, 2012
You have to be watching... cos they come and then they are gone so fast.... we are having the most amazing dusk skies at the moment:
ABOVE: see what I mean? They are gorgeous, but do not last long.
ABOVE: Cookie jars... I have had the one on the right for a few years now, and the little cow one? Bex bought it yesterday in the Steven's Sale. She also bought matching sugar/milk dishes, coffee cups and teapot! So, I was not the only one to 'shop' yesterday! lol
TODAY: well... I really do need to pull finger and do some housework. The garage, which doubles as a spare bedroom/gym/sewing and craft room is a shambles. It's got crap all over the place... so that is my mission today... clean it up!
AND I might even choose one of my patchwork UFO's (unfinished objects) to work on this weekend too!
Miracles do happen, I want to get back into my sewing. It's so good for stress relief eh.
So yaaa. The garage only took an hour to sort out... except for all the photos on the spare bed. I will get Stew to put them all back up in the loft this weekend.
I WAS going to sort them all out for my Mother, but just looking at them makes me shudder... so I ain't gunna do it afterall!
I would far rather do my OWN photos... and there's a lot of them to be sorted too.
Another day/month ... it can wait!
Surprise... Amanda is coming up for a visit today... which means Emily too. Yaaa... gunna get me some baby loves.
As Amanda wasn't due to arrive until after lunch, Bex and I went to Sylvia Park ... I wanted to get another drink bottle for Stew. I bought myself one yesterday at the Steven's SALE... down from $30 to $20.
When we got the shop the sale had finished, I was a bit bummed about that... but I decided to buy Stew a bottle anyway.
The saleslady was SO NICE... and only charged me $20 anyway! SCORE!
ABOVE: his 'n' hers.... they have a really dinky lid... you can keep the mouth bit covered when not in use... and it can be tipped upside down with no leakage.
ABOVE: also on the lid, a handy clip/carry handle bit. Handy if you want to secure it to something.
ABOVE: the last handy dandy bit! It flips open on the side so you can store something small or your house/car key while out walking or whatever.
Amanda isn't here yet... she is running late... Amanda and Emily finally arrived mid afternoon and I've been having fun taking a million photos, as per usual! In fact, me camera battery just died...... luckily it does not take long to re-charge.
End of Day: Bex was talking about these cheese and onion roll up thingee's... and how she would make them for us... so I said "COOL... YOU ARE COOKING DINNER TONIGHT"... YAAAA. There was a kinda shocked look on her face.... then resignation when she realised I was serious! LOL.
So... we await dinner by Bex.
ON TRACK?: Hmmm, maybe not today! The big kids have been out and bought grog, chips and dips. Somehow I think I will be indulging tonight.
nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
6:41 AM