Tuesday, October 08, 2024


Hi ho.  Well... my plans for today are:

Go for a walk with Coco again.
She dictates where we will go, depending on which way she heads off from the gate!
She's such a dag.

When we get home, I am pulling out ALL MY RUNNERS, hanging them on racks, washing any that have marks (specks of mud) on them (2-3), and then ironing them all again.

I anticipate that taking me several hours.
Oh well, at least I won't be idle eh?

Once that big job is done, I shall go back to finish off Round House Runner # 4.  It got put on the back burner so I could get this one done:

ABOVE:  This is the cute little Wonky House Wall Hanging I made yesterday.
I still need to paint the dowel white and attach some string for hanging.
But at least it's 95% done.

So my friends, that's me for now, I'll catch ya later.

11.55 am:
And that little job took me 3 hours, and I've not actually packed it all back up yet!
OMG that needed doing so badly.
There were only two runners that needed spot cleaning. Thankfully.
But sorting them all out was a mission.
We tend to just throw them in bags willy nilly at the end of a market, so things get all muddled up.
Today I spent the majority of my time sorting them all out, working out what will go on which rack, and so on.
Now I have it all written down, what goes where, how to pack in and out etc.
I hope it remains organised from now on.

ABOVE:  I have packed up two of the runner bags, just two to go.
But for now, I'm taking a lunch break.  I'm starving.  And tired.

4 pm.  And I've finally got all that stuff packed up again, and put away, all ready for the next market.  Which is Tamahere on the 19th.

I'm now in the sewing room, working on RHR #4.

ABOVE:  I just had to take a photo from my sewing room today.  It's beautiful out there.  Not cold, not hot.  PERFECT in fact.
It won't last.
The forecast is for... more rain.  😖😠😡

9.41 pm:  I stopped working on the latest creation when Stew arrived home from work.
We both had a light dinner, then settled down for the evening.
So, that's me for today.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Good morning to ya. Just checking in before I start my "work" day. Started the day with Pickleball.

  2. Cute wall hanging!!

  3. Trying to pay a bill some reason PayPal giving me a real headache today any other time it goes thru first pop gggrrr

  4. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Love the crazy houses Chris. Kj

  5. Just home from work….beautiful day here. Late breakfast which I’m going to eat outside on patio in the sun 🌞


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