Monday, October 14, 2024



NOT the best photo of us (blurry), it was taken around 2005, just before I started blogging.

I have been a blogger for EIGHTEEN YEARS today!

I am proud that I have managed to blog every day for EIGHTEEN YEARS...  except a few days when family did it for me, as I was in hospital.

I think I mentioned shopping yesterday eh?

Well I will now show you what we got:

ABOVE:  This lovely bowl from Tony Sly Pottery.

NO, I didn't need another bowl, but come on!  It's gorgeous.  I had to.

ABOVE:  We were GIVEN these colourful socks!  Yep.  The shop owner just gave them to us.

Well, OK, we DID spend a lot of money in her shop.

ABOVE: We both got a new sweatshirt.  They are soooo warm and comfy.  Yes, we are coming into summer, but they will be good for the next few winters.

We also bought some stuff for Xmas presents for grandkids.  

And that is all .... not much, but it was fun.

Any shopping is fun.

Now back to today.


Get the washing on.

Water the plants.

Tidy the house.

Finish Round House Runner #5.  That should happen today.


10.32 am:  I forgot a couple of questions I wanted to ask you!


How did you find me?  

Why are you reading my blog?

Next.   I had to visit Spotlight for some plain blue fabric for binding the runner I'm working on.

ABOVE:  I saw the vibrant blue fabric and just had to get a little bit.

ABOVE:  Spied this thread too.  Am I the only person who salivates over fabric and thread?  Please say no! 😂😅😖

ABOVE:  Round House Runner #5, and it is, by far, my favourite of the 5 I've made in this style.
I made the 'round' smaller, and popped the taller houses out more.  Then on the end, well how gorgeous are those three houses?!

It is now 10 to 12 midday, and I'm stopping for lunch.
My next runner is already on my mind.

I started blogging after reading a weight loss story on Weight Watchers, and she had a blog.  

Joanna Beckford ... you have a lot to answer for!  I met many bloggers via the Weight Watchers Community group, but literally ALL of them have stopped blogging now.  

I'm just a dinosaur stuck in the past.  I do 'Facebook' a little bit, but will stick with my blogging for the foreseeable future.

I do not know how long I will keep going, I suppose while I still enjoy it I think.

All you ANONYMOUS people who have left comments... I am not that clever ... I have no idea who some of you are!   But thank you for leaving your comment.
Today has been rather fun I must say.  I've loved reading your comments.

But now... it's time to sign off, something I forgot to do yesterday!  Whoops.  Sorry Felicity for worrying you.

Catch ya tomorrow.

Heading into YEAR # 19.  Phew.

And yes, we are heading into SUMMER.  Expect me to start bitching about being too hot.
Will make a change from being too cold! 


  1. Awesome older photo! Lovely to see a younger You 🤩
    18 years of blogging. Hell, thats bloody amazing. Well done. I just can't imagine how you did it. True dedication. And a wonderful way to remember it all

  2. I can remember finding your blog back then! I have been blogging since 2003 but that was not on this format. I started 'blogger' in January 2006. I don't blog every day but still like to record aspects of my life. I have two travel blogs as well - one for our motorhome adventures and one for all other travel. I would find it difficult to stop blogging altogether, it gets rather addictive :)

    1. Anonymous6:25 PM

      I followed lots of blogs including yours. Was a great distraction during the Chch earthquakes. However, having to change email addresses I lost contact with you all except Chris’s blog!

    2. Anonymous7:24 PM

      That was me Margaret

  3. You both look so happy in the photo. 18 years of blogging? That's amazing. I love the sweatshirts & socks.

  4. Anonymous9:41 AM

    You both look gorgeous. So envious of your skinny legs. I'm giving up my alarm today. Going to make a bag to hang around my neck for my phone. And if I fall and forgot my phone I'll lose heaps of weight lol. Joke but alarm keeps breaking so not worth $75 month. Have a great day Chris.

    1. Stew's legs are skinny, lucky bugger.

  5. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Lovely both look great in your new sweat shirts.....Peta

  6. Love the sweatshirts! And the socks. And that bowl is lovely. Have a great day.

  7. OH! And congrats on your blogaversary!

  8. Gosh, I can’t remember when I started reading. I think I found your blog via Julie’s blog. Enjoy reading about your family and everything you do and see in New Zealand.

  9. Anonymous10:35 AM

    I can't remember how I started reading your blog, I think it must have been related to weight loss. Its been well over a decade since I started reading your blog.

  10. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I forget when I started reading your blog but it has been a long time, maybe 12 years or more. And I continue to read it because I enjoy your writing. Ky Girl

  11. Congrats on 18 years. I think I have been reading since 2009.

  12. Congrats on 18 years. I've been reading since just before Keera moved in with you. I remember you building a little bed for her. I don't know how long ago that was. I think I found you through another bloggers sidebar. I enjoy seeing N.Z. and hearing about your family. I like that you update throughout the day too, no other blogger does that.

  13. Anonymous12:12 PM

    At least 17 years 2 months and 9 days being a follower...cause that was when my grand daughter was born. Was concerned all was ok last night when u didn't sign out.

  14. Anonymous12:23 PM

    I purchased one of Coco's puppies back in 2013 and we met up in Te Kuiti to transfer the precious cargo. Gosh time flies doesn't it 😬 GM 💙💙

  15. Congrats on your anniversary!! I've been reading for so long. When I started you still lived in Wellington I think. Brylee and Griffin were young so it must have been shortly after you started. You always write so honestly and I admire you and your love for your family. XOXO ~Nicole in CA

    1. I think you mean Palmerston North Chick. 😊 thank you for your lovely words.

  16. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Not sure hw long I’ve been reading Chris, found you on another blogger sidebar. It was well before Keera was born. I love reading about others lives but have never and would not consider blogging myself. Marie, Melbourne

  17. I think I started reading when B and G were like 9 and 10...I remember them being pretty young. So quite awhile! I still read daily!

  18. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Several years, not sure when I started, because I went back and read all the previous years. Have read it all.

    Maybe thru Lynda.

    I enjoy your cooking (previous years) and sewing/quilting and daily life.

    I really appreciate how clean you are and your Monday habits. It helps me motivate myself.

    I deeply appreciate that you post every day. You keep me company.

    I always enjoy the NZ bits, some things are unique (vocabulary, food, sights/locations).

    I also enjoy your personal growth. You have dealt with a lot and I recognize and appreciate your evolving boundaries. It is easy to get sucked in and upset. I think you are doing a good job of focusing on your own priorities.


  19. Happy 18th Blog-a-versary!
    It is Jethro's one year birthday today. See Facebook for his party photos!
    I started reading your blog when Cocoa was preggers with her first litter.
    My Mother in Law (JANICE - From NORTH DAKOTA) told me about the blog because of the "doggy updates".
    She still reads daily but has NEVER commented!
    I continue to read because, at this point in time, I feel like you are a friend. I like checking in a seeing what you are up to each day.

  20. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Oh wow!! I’ve been reading since 2007 when I found you while on one of my many weight loss attempts. Have to say that it wasn’t so much the weight loss info that kept me reading, but rather your matter of fact attitude, furniture moving, sewing, quilting, and how you uniquely tittivate 😊 your homes. Four, I think, in the last 17 years I’ve been reading.
    Seen your downs and have always seen you find your way up again, and have
    watched you raise a family with exceptionally great love.
    Thank you Chris for sharing your years with us. Caroline

  21. I've been around for ages but i can't remember how... i remember a couple of visits early on in Auckland.. i thing Brylee and Griffin were really little.

  22. Anonymous2:59 PM

    I started reading your blog when you were in PN. Maybe Stew told me about it when you were moving? I know B & G were little and I may be wrong but you Han an op to fix the fufu??? I know ive not missed a day as I've loved keeping up with you and Stew. I remember you both coming to visit me in LH hosp when I had my 1st cancer op in 2007. I started work with Stew in January 2006. It was my dad's bday and a day after Stew's.

    1. KJ you knew me even before my blogging days! You are a very favourite person of ours, part of our family in a way. I consider you like a sister.

    2. Anonymous11:07 PM

      Oh Chris thats the.nicest. thing anyone's said for awhile and so true. You've been awesome friends for so lon̈g. Well actually your Bèx made me cry too, on weekend. I bought that gorgeous alpaca and sĥe wrote some beautiful things and gave it to me. I was overwhelmed.. why on earth do I feel so lonely when n I have friends like you. XX

  23. I can't remember when I started as I read back after finding you. Love your blog.

  24. Anonymous3:10 PM

    I don’t know how long I have been reading. It’s not from the start but a long time and I went back and read from the start. I hate it when bloggers suddenly stop 🛑 are they ill ? Dead ? Or just feel it’s time to stop

  25. I've been reading since 15th October 2006... I commented on your third post and probably found you via other blogs I used to read.

  26. Anonymous4:00 PM

    I have been reading your blog for many, many years.
    I used to read the two Sue’s blogs and found yours through them.(unfortunately neither of their blogs are now current)

    1. Anonymous5:18 PM

      I'm thinking of reviving it, 👍

  27. Anonymous4:14 PM

    I forgot to say, the three houses are really lovely. Also like the changes in the circle houses. All the colors are terrific.

  28. Found your blog through weight loss blogs many, many years ago 😁

  29. I started reading your blog just after you left Palmy , I ran into Steve in the super seven and I asked him how you were doing and he told me about your blog and how to get it, i love seeing all your crafts,you are so clever and I enjoy seeing your young ones.

  30. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Oh i commented hope you guess it was from Anne - Palmy

  31. 16 or 17 years I think. I can remember reading your blog at work in a job I had from 2005=2008...

  32. Gosh I remember Keera being born so well before that I honestly can’t remember how we
    Meet but feel it may have been trade me , I love the
    Laughs tears advice stories pictures especially puppies! Oh and babies Keera Dante Archer Lily to name a few!
    I hated it when you went off grid for awhile but here you are…

  33. Anonymous6:03 PM

    I found your blog via Jo Greens blog. She has since remarried and has a different name. I think it was at the time you had your surgery and I think you were in the woman’s weekly or woman’s Day magazine. Margaret who still having trouble commenting lol

    1. Yep, she is now Jo Beckford... though I think she has recently separated from him. (don't quote me on that, but I think from her Facebook Posts it might be the case) I started blogging after reading her weight loss story on the Weight Watchers Community site!

  34. Trying to think, but I know I’ve been following you since 2006/7 so a LOT of years 😘
    Found your blog with a lot of other weigh loss blogs.
    Happy Blog Anniversary 🥳

  35. Anonymous6:39 PM

    I think I started reading blogs in general when I retired 15 years ago, so maybe 15 years!! I started reading yours as my daughter spent 4 months in New Zealand (Blenheim, South Island) when she was 17 (1990) on a student exchange programme and loved it. We are still in contact with her host family. I love reading about your life and think you are very talented. Please keep blogging. (Ro ~ N.W. Italy)

  36. Anonymous7:14 PM

    I found you via someone else’s blog with weight watchers. May have been Jo’s too. Was a long time ago, you were still in Palmy North. Maybe 15 or so years ago. We meet when I’m up in Hamilton visiting my grandchildren and the first time was 6 ish years ago.

  37. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Yes, I have been reading your blog for many years, also through weight loss groups or Joanna....and Lynda...hard to remember...really enjoy your blog ...Peta

  38. Kiwionholidays8:21 PM

    Bit late to the party but I am the same as Caroline at 4 pm post through the two Sues
    Cheers 🥂

  39. Like lots of us I found you though Jos blog too - just4jo? And yep you were still in palmy - so a long time now.
    I’ve never met you - but I live in Kinloch and hope to meet you at the market - and check out your amazing sewing!

    1. Well Emma, you will know who I am.... I won't know who you are! YOU better come and say 'Hi' at the market and introduce yourself! I will love to meet you.

  40. i've been reading your blog for some years. Can't remember how many . I was homesick one day and googled NZ blogs. Yours was the first to come up. I was a bit puzzled about the name but eventually worked it out....of course. I like the stuff too!! You were a breath of fresh kiwi air. And through you I found a few others. I love it when you post videos and hear that lovely kiw accent!!

  41. I started reading your blog when I was blogging back in 2006? Is that the year you came to Sydney and we met?

  42. Anonymous2:53 AM

    I have been reading your blog since about 2006. I can't remember specifically how I found your blog, other than I was searching through WordPress and just happened upon it. I'm so happy you've continued to update your blog daily. So many people stopped blogging when Instagram came along. I still read a few here and there. Congratulations on 18 years!!! Melaka

  43. I don't remember how I found your blog but it was many years ago. If I like a blog I like to read it from the beginning, so I did, and then I left a comment. I remember you saying to Stew that someone was reading from the beginning and he said I must be a nutter!! Hadn't heard that expression since we left England! I've loved following all the stories of you and your family. Your sewing is beautiful. I had been reading Sue W's blog for a while and I thought you to would really get along, that's why I gave her your blog info. I see she is going to be moving again as well. Love reading about life on the other side of the world!!

  44. Anonymous4:32 AM

    When Brylee and Griffin were young and you also had Keera with you. Gigi

  45. Anonymous5:14 AM

    I started reading your blog in 2006 when I read lots of dieting / weight watchers blogs. Was living in NZ then. Moved back to the UK in 2008 and read your blog everyday without fail! Lucy in UK.

  46. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Happy Blogging Anniversary. I know you have seen some of my recent posts last week and the weekend about my son; it is really a trial but I will get thru this for my son, to do what he wishes and always told me he wanted done. It won't be long now... Dawn P. Albany, GA USA

  47. Anonymous5:53 AM

    And I am sorry, I just can't remember when I actually started reading your blog; I read it for some time before I ever made a comment ! Dawn P. Albany, GA USA

  48. Anonymous10:22 AM

    I don't remember the year I started reading your blog but it predates Miss Muppet & Bex, and Brylee and Griffin were only very young. I'm thinking I met you through Khristina, Lucky Leanne, and those ladies. I think Sew Prim Khris. So maybe around 2009 or so? Can't remember! xx Colleen

  49. Stunning photo of you and Stew.not sure how long I have been reading but many many years. I used to blog 20ish years ago so through that I think .I read everyday and font read others. Except rately catch up on a couple . Makes me smile as I now consider you a friend.

  50. Sorry I'm a little late to the party (i.e. commenting). I can't remember what year it was that I started following your daily blogs - but you were living in Palmerston North and my friend Karen introduced me to your blog. I also followed Felicity's, Joanne's and Janene's blogs at the time. Happy blogger-versary :)


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