Saturday, October 05, 2024



This morning Stew and I are doing a 'dummy run' to the site where tomorrow's Pukete Market is being held.  We have a site number, but have no idea where it is.  We do know where the Market is being held, so will go over there to suss it out.

It's not that far from our home, so we won't have to get up at an ungodly hour tomorrow.

In fact, it should only take us about 5-10 minutes to get there.  Excellent eh?

I will post a photo of the area later on.

After our dummy run, we plan on visiting the Home and Garden Show here in Hamilton.   After that we will come home and I will hopefully finish this:

ABOVE: RHR #4 is on the table, ready for it's final stitching.  It will take me about 3 hours to get this one finished.  Just in time for tomorrow's market.  

ABOVE:  Remember this runner?  This is the one that New Zealand Post said HAD been delivered to KJ's home?  And presumably been stolen?

FUNNY.  It actually arrived on KJ's front porch yesterday!   Miraculous.  And suggests it wasn't delivered at all, but was lost within the postal system, or by the delivery person.  OR the person who took it felt bad and returned it?  WE will never know.

Either way, I'm just SO HAPPY KJ received it eventually, and loves it.  AND I don't have to make another one.  Phew!

Right... I'm off to start the day.

Catch ya later.


3.10 pm:  And hello, I'm back.

We have had a full day of it.

ABOVE:  This is where tomorrow's market is.  I think we will be over to the left, on the grass.

After looking around there, we went and looked around a few furniture stores. NOT that we actually need more furniture, but we might switch a bed we have for a Sofa Bed instead.

Just working out our options for our new place, once we get there.

ABOVE:  We quite liked this one, it had a good mechanism, and was comfortable.

ABOVE: We went to the Home and Garden Show.  We didn't feel like there was as much there as in previous years.

We found a few Xmas Presents, and some AMAZING cheese!  And crackers.

Super, super tasty cheese.

Seems you can get it in the supermarkets, can't say I've ever seen it before.  But then, I wasn't looking for it.  lol

ABOVE:  Bleeped out faces, we had lunch at The Foundation, before coming home.

I had a Nana Nap, and Stew did the edges and mowed the lawn.

Now?  It's raining.  Fingers crossed it stops before our market tomorrow.

5.54 pm: Well we went out again, but just to drop the dogs off at Steve 'n' Bex's.  As we won't be home tomorrow, but still have an Open Home, we needed to make sure the dogs were not home.  So they are having a sleep over with the kids.

It has stopped raining ... for now.  It seems to have been a short, sharp thunderstorm.

We have both decided to have our main meal at lunchtime from now on, and only have something very light in the evening.

So, crackers and some of the new cheese is on the menu this evening.

I have to say it, that Mersey Cheese is bloody rich!  I found it difficult to eat much in one go.  Just lovely, but only in small amounts.

Time to sign off for the day.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Thank goodness it turned up. KJ must have been so happy too.
    Good luck with the new market

  2. Anonymous7:44 AM

    The runner that didn't run away after all. Have a great day Team Harvey. FELICITY

  3. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I was thrilled to see a parcel on my doorstep at last. And it is even more beautiful than in the photo. I love it and Chris, thank you for your kind words and to you and Stew for your ongoing support and friendship. πŸ«‚ KJ

  4. Kiwionholidays4:23 PM

    So happy the parcel turned up and you’re happy with it too KJ
    Sure is pretty ,

    Lovely you’ve done some out n about things today ,
    Must be the time of year for updates etc Chris,
    We ordered some new furniture last week and delivery on Thursday so gotta do another de clutter on my side of the wardrobe lol DH is way ahead of me today πŸ•ΊπŸΏ
    Enjoy the markets tomorrow at your new space ,
    Cheers πŸ₯‚

  5. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Hi, we get the Mersey Valley cheese here as well...have had it lot over the years..looks like you had a good day....Peta

  6. I wondered what 'roka' was. Here it's either 'rocket' that green stuff from the garden you put in a salad or those plastic things you, we, use to keep screws and nails from falling out of walls. Lesson over 😁

  7. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Mersey Valley very popular here Chris, it’s a Tasmanian cheese. I see it’s on special this week at Woolworths, $6.90 for 235 grams. Marie, Melbourne

    1. We paid $20 for three today at the show. Normally they are $9.99 each.

  8. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Rather ironic that you buy Australian cheese and most of the cheaper block cheese that I buy comes from NZ


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