Thursday, October 17, 2024



Yesterday I got Lacy to show me how to do a 'Story' on Facebook again.  And I posted a little video of Marley.

You might have already seen it on Facebook, but if not, here it is:

I don't think anyone likes the sound of their own voice on a video!  I sure don't like mine.  But I'm told some people really enjoy listening to me and my KIWI ACCENT.  lol
What accent?  It's all you buggers overseas that talk weirdly.

I am going to try and do a few more videos of my daily doings and put them on here.  Certainly not daily, but maybe weekly if I can.

Now, while I know I really don't need any more runners to add to my stash, what else am I gunna do with my time?

I don't need to pack anything else right now in preparation for our eventual move, so that's not an option.
The house is perfectly presented and 100% de-cluttered, so that's another thing I don't need to do.
So... sorry to bore you lot, but I'm just gunna sew and sew to keep myself busy.

This evening is 'pub night' for Stew, and of course, I go along for an hour or so as well.  So that's something to look forward to.

but maybe not.  😂😅😊

11.40 am:  And my morning has been just the usual.
Get the house all tidy.   
I flung open all the windows as it's a gorgeous day.
No washing needed doing today.
Into the sewing room.
Lacy visited to show me some clothes she just bought from an Op Shop.  Not bad.

A couple of days ago someone suggested I put a SUN in the middle of the Top 'n Tail House Runners?

I'm like, nah, not  a sun.  Maybe some clouds?
So I cut out some cloud fabric...

ABOVE:  Sat it on the runner... stepped back and was like... OH HELL NO!
That looked bloody IKKKkkkk.
So, they stay the way they are.  Just houses at each end.

I'm about ready to take a break.  

8.20 pm:  lol, nice long break eh?   I did more sewing, then took Stew to the pub.
Visited the kids.
Then met Stew and everyone else at the pub.
It's such a neat place, everyone is so friendly.
AND they now have Diet Coke for me.  

We are now home, and about to just enjoy a few hours before bedtime.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Definitely cheating on the donuts! So true!

  2. Anonymous12:22 PM

    I agree, do not like the clouds.

    The idea of a sun is good in theory, but it would have to be HUGE to be proportional, which would not work.

    Perhaps, if you really feel you need something, do it with your quilt stitch. I don’t think you need anything.


  3. Anonymous12:31 PM

    I'm glad you tried the clouds because the other day I almost posted on here that you needed to put clouds there. But I agree with you, it does nothing for the piece. Ky Girl

  4. What if you did houses at one end with a sun peeking above them and at the other night time houses with their windows lit up and a moon? It looks good in my head but will probably be shit on fabric but you never know!

  5. Anonymous3:24 PM

    How about designing an over the shoulder bag with a pocket for phone and room for cards, car keys, and a pen, cash etc. I'd love one..hehe. have fun tonight kj

  6. Anonymous4:48 PM

    You could try a big sun, with puffy clouds partly in front of it xx Colleen

  7. You're dead right there....I hate hearing my own voice. Doesn't sound like me at all. It's a damn alien.
    Can't get away from those kiwi tones though. Still got mine after 50 years away with aliens lol

  8. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Agree with you re the houses and clouds. How about changing the clouds to smoke from the chimney? You could even have the smoke in a pattern or shape if you want to add something in the middle??

  9. Anonymous8:20 PM

    It’s good to have a blank space in the middle of the runners as people will possible sit a dish or a vase there. They are lovely. Catriona


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