Friday, October 11, 2024



I had a shit night's sleep.

I had too much on my mind.

The Real Estate Agent really got to me yesterday.

I am gunna have to try VERY HARD to get back to some sort of happy place in my brain.

Easier said than done.

Today I am going to work on yet another RHR.

I got some new fabric at the Quilt Show last week, so am using some of those.  Nice to have some lovely new fabric.

You can never have too much fabric!

Someone said to me recently that I have ENOUGH fabric!

Ha ha.

I can remember that person wanting Barbie Dolls as a little kid.  I gave her ELEVEN.  Cos she didn't think 1 or two was ENOUGH.

Shows the difference in how we treat people.  I am a GIVER.  

Right, I suppose I shall start my day.  Try to find my happy place again.


OK.  Lets address a couple of things mentioned in comments.

Correct, we do not have to move.  We have chosen to for quite a few valid reasons.  Mostly to set ourselves up for the remainder of our lives.  Smaller house, less overheads, NO MORTGAGE, no maintenance, lock and leave, ability to travel, and so on.

I am the one who has to make the most compromises with a smaller home.  But I don't mind.  There is more to life than having a BIG sewing room!  I can sew anywhere.  And one day, I won't be sewing anymore.  

The Estate Agent has never said potential buyers have said our home is priced too high, NEVER.  

She is just after a quick sale, for her goddam commission.  She doesn't have a vested interest in what we get for this home.  If she doesn't pull her head in we will be changing agents come December.  We are locked in with her till then.

We have been in this situation before, and we will ride it out.   The market is improving, interest rates are coming down, and summer is around the corner, which is always a good time to be on the market.

And I will try to not be so negative.  No one likes a negative moaner.  Even I don't like myself right now!  😂😅😊

Have you seen the Tom Hanks movie 'The Terminal'?  There's a scene where the 'boss' of the airport tries to trick Viktor into leaving the airport, which would result in him being arrested?  Well, when Viktor realises what's going on he looks at the camera and says "I WAIT"..... that's me.


12.45 pm:  I literally stayed in my PJ's this morning, and did some sewing.  

Then Lacy came around, YAAA!  Some company.

We ended up going out to lunch.

ABOVE: We went to Fergus Bar and Kitchen, and had a different Pizza from what Stew and I had on Wednesday night.  It was lovely.

It was rather enjoyable spending some time with Lacy, just chatting about our lives, and where we are at right now.  She's facing some decisions, which I hope I've helped her with.

All is good though.  I am feeling WAY happier than I was this morning. 

I also appreciate the support I get on here from YOU fullas.  It backs up how I am feeling about the Estate Agent etc.  

Now, there is some sewing awaiting my return to the sewing room.


  1. Those nights when some scenario whirls round and round are hellish. The best therapy is getting absorbed in your talented works of art!!! Hope it works and you find your happy place

  2. Anonymous8:18 AM

    You can always say "no" to the Real Estate person, it is your house and your decisions. Don't get angry about it, not worth the energy and sleepless nights. Is it possible the two registered interests are asking for the price to be reduced? Audrey

  3. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Yes its a waiting game, as you say market is slowly moving, interest rates are moving, I reckon you’ll see it sold before Christmas and on your terms. Margaret 😍

  4. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Yes, don't stress or you'll be like me!! You are a giver Chris. A very kind an̈d creative woman with a ❤️ of gold. You and Stew will get what you want and it will be the best. Kj

  5. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Tick,tick, tick to everything you said. Fuck her, there’s no need for stress, everything you’ve said is positive for you, agents are in it for themselves, don’t let her bully you, stand up to her, she’s working for you, you’re paying her, not the reverse. Marie, Melbourne

  6. You are not in a hurry to sell, you do not have to sell and I am not impressed with this agent. I agree she is after a quick commission because this is the second time she had suggested it be reduced. I know you are contracted to her til December but can you look at getting another agent to look at your place & give their price recommendation and if it does not sell by December you can change to them.

    1. We have already had another agency come in (at the beginning) and their price expectation for our home was the same as our current Agent's. We will definitely be looking to change agencies in December, if not sold by then.

  7. Anonymous1:24 PM

    I was just reading about a woman whose realtor (also female) urged her to take the first (low) offer.

    And then she closed, she overheard same realtor telling someone about the sale and saying should have waited and held out for more $$$.

    She was angry beyond belief.

    I agree, since you are in no hurry, wait and see. Keep decluttering and getting rid of stuff. It will make house look good and reduce what you need to move.



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