Tuesday, October 22, 2024



First of all... Thank You to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday yesterday.  It was much appreciated, and brought a smile to my face.  πŸ’™πŸ’—πŸ’š

Today I am starting a new sewing project.  It's going to be a bit of a 'Challenge', as it's a little bit fiddly.

ABOVE: That is part of a company LOGO that I have to put on either end of a table runner.

It's an order, for Christmas, so I have plenty of time to get it done.

I will be going to Spotlight first thing this morning to get the orange fabric.  Not that I expect to be cutting it out today.

But it's a start.

The other thing I will be doing today?


OMG that is pretty much what I did yesterday.  I was in such a funk.

Not even sure why.  Just a whole combination of things getting on top of me.  I am trying to adjust my attitude.  MUST. BE. MORE. POSITIVE.

Find the happiness in life, and be so thankful for what I do have.  A very loving family and the most AMAZING, LOVING husband any girl could ask for.

Right, enough misery guts.

I'm off to start me day.

Catch ya later.


12.24 pm, and it's been another busy morning for me.

I had to re-visit the bank as my card wouldn't work.  I also spent a good half an hour there while they set up internet banking for me.  Talk about a rigmarole!  So many steps involved.

But, it's all done now, and me EFTPOS card works.

Just as well, cos I did use it a couple of times this morning.

ABOVE:  I went to Bunnings and got a decent sized work box for market stuff... instead of having 3-4 smaller boxes.

Then out to Tamahere (Bower Bird), for Steam a Seam and that cute blue/teal fat quarter.

After that, chemist for the next month's supply of Trulicity (ain't killing me appetite), and finally Spotlight for the orange fabric.

Now (sigh), home and having some lunch.


  1. You do have an amazing family, those we we see on your blog anyway. Be happy. Lots of love there !!

  2. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Is there a way of using the copier/iron on stuff to recreate the logo? I have not used any of those products in 25+ years. They used to have to be kept out of the sun. I have no idea about current products.

    Or having someone scan it and then machine appliquΓ© it on to runner?


    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Embroider I meant machine embroider

  3. Birthday blowout done now back to the healthy eating that makes you feel good πŸ’•

  4. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Birthdays are allowed to be a blowout lol. But back to normal today. You are so loved not only by family but friends like me.

  5. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Try and go a day without swearing that'll be a challenge πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ did Kiwibank ask why you closed your account? GM πŸ’™πŸ’™

    1. That would be called the 'IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE' my friend. I swear like a trooper. I'm not proud of it, it's just a fact.

    2. As for the bank... no they didn't ask. I told them in no uncertain terms why I was hauling out all my money and taking it across the road to another bank! Wankers, all they had to do was change some notes for me. How goddam hard would that have been????


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