Wednesday, October 23, 2024



An issue I'm sick of talking about... but I'm gunna anyway.


Trulicity is NOT working to curb my appetite at all.  Something to talk to the Dr about ... hopefully it is working to keep my Hba1c level down.  My next blood test will show what's happening there.

Since I stopped regular walking with the FBG's, I've been too scared to get on the scales.

My eating has been, to be totally honest, out of control.  I have eaten whatever I felt like, and more often than not, in excess.

THOUGH, I have mostly stuck to my 'main meal' at lunch time, and only something very light for dinner.

So, getting on the scales yesterday morning was scary.

And I was super surprised to see NO CHANGE!  I am up about 4 kilos on my lowest weight this year, but no gain in the past few months!

I was shocked.

I have been 'emotional' eating like there is no tomorrow.

It should have caught up with me by now, but it hasn't.  So obviously I have the balances right?

Interesting.  Very interesting.

If I was content at my current size/weight, I'd just not be bothered about it.  But I do still want to lose another 10 kgs!

TEN KILOS.  I've been saying that for how friggin long now?  Two years?  Yep, at least that.

It's not impossible.  It is in fact, totally doable.  I just have to want it badly enough.  And not let my emotions sabotage the goal.

So... in saying all that, I don't know when the 'I WANT TO' will kick in again.  I hope it happens soon. 

Weight Watchers has decided in their infinite wisdom to stop Face to Face Group Meetings in New Zealand and Australia.  So if you are a member, you can only access the programme online after early November.

The WW Leader here in Hamilton is losing her job.  And lots of 'us' in the WW community have suggested she start up her own Weight Loss Group.  

She is bound by a 'non compete' clause in her contract, but once that time is up, she is going to set up a group.  I have already expressed my interest in joining.

I have found being a part of a group is THE BEST way to stay on track, and be accountable to yourself. Stepping on a scale in front of someone else makes YOU accountable.

Hell... I avoided my scales for two months!  That's not exactly being accountable now, is it!  lol

So, I can't wait until A starts her group.  It will be nice to be around the WW ladies again.  I have missed them, but not WW itself.

ANON who keeps leaving me snarky comments about "falling off my diet", "losing the plot", "eating crap again I see" and so on... fuck you.  I am NOT ON A DIET.  I am simply working on trying to be a healthier ME.  And what I eat is 100% my business, and nothing to do with YOU.  So stop leaving those shitty comments, because I can hit 'DELETE' faster than you can type them.  Alright?

Why do trolls bother leaving shit comments, when YOU know I am just gunna hit 'DELETE'?

Seriously.  Don't bother. And putting "lol" on the end?  Twat.

Moving on.  I'm going grocery shopping soon, just as soon as my phone is charged.  I forgot to put it on the charger overnight.  Derr.
Nothing else on the agenda right now.
Looks like we are not having an Open Home this weekend.  Bugger.
I've messaged the Estate Agent to find out what is going on... waiting to hear back from her.

12.16 pm:  Shopping all done.  Home, unpacked and ready to move on to the next job.  Making a new hanging strap for our gazebo.


  1. Catherine7:28 AM

    I was surprised when you first reported that your physician prescribed Trulicity to aid in weight loss since it is not one of the medications that is prescribed for that. Ozempic and Wegovey are far more successful in weight loss and diabetes control since their active ingredient is semaglutide. You don't have to believe me although I have a pharmacy degree. You can do some online research on your own if you wish.

    1. Oh I believe you.... I was prescribed Trulicity to help get my Hba1c level down, which it did. I was told it would also block feelings of hunger and help with weight loss. It did that for about 2 weeks. Now? Nope. We cannot get Ozempic or Wegovey here in New Zealand. It's hard enough getting Trulicity!

  2. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Sneaky suggestion - why don't you start the group as the 'head' with the former leader in the 'background' doing all the leading etc, rather than wait until she can do so... too much damage can be done in the time you/everyone who wants the group to go ahead. Although I had the GBP the weight gain with menopause has hit me hard and I would love to have a group that I can relate to again. Funny thing is I was trying to remember how long I had known you and where we met LOL. You don't have to post this Chris, just so no one can point the finger if you do it and the leader is the brains behind the operation, as no doubt the trolls try anything to bring it down if they can. I can't log in at work which is where I am typing this, so its Michele here in PN. Have a fabulous day xx

    1. 'A' wants a complete break over summer, she's not had a break in over 3 years. So maybe I won't do that, but it was a good suggestion. Thanks Michele.

  3. You always do so well and will continue too think of grand babies Stew and most importantly do you chick do you,
    Walking is your buzz.
    Have an awesome day
    See ya Sunday x

  4. Anonymous10:16 AM

    No open home probably due to Labour weekend. Audrey

  5. You are doing well.

  6. I just started Saxenda. Wow, wow, wow!!! It has killed my appetite. It's amazing! The disadvantages are: you have to inject daily and it costs about $500 a month. But the fantastic feeling of not being constantly wanting to eat is worth it for me.

    1. Yeah that's awesome! I doubt my Dr would prescribe it for me somehow. Plus a daily jab would do my head in! Once a week is already stressful.

  7. Anonymous11:51 AM

    I'm on a new drug for my probs and the only good side effect is it curbs your appetite. I asked in a support group whether it works and a lot said it made a huge difference so fingers crossed. ❤️ kj

  8. Just a thought about your weight being stable while on Trulicity - insulin plays a large part in how your calories are stored or used so by having better blood sugar control that is perhaps why you have not gained weight recently. I agree that it is a constant battle. I'd LOVE to lose just 5 kilos but mentally I just can't do it. I don't binge or overeat but my body seems to want to stay where it is... overweight. Bugger.


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