Monday, October 21, 2024



I fully expect this week to be very quiet.

I don't need to sew anything... except one runner for a Christmas Order.

It's going to take a bit of prep work before I can start actually sewing it.

Apart from that, I don't need to make anything else for now.

My only jobs will be to keep the house spic 'n' span, do the housework and try not to stress out about things.

We have two big markets coming up this coming weekend.  And the weather forecast is for rain/showers.  Bugger, damn and blast.

I'm hoping it's not going to be too bad.  I've been looking forward to both these markets for months.

Right, I've gotta get moving, there's washing to get out of the machine and hang out - or throw in the dryer.  Which I tend to do more and more now.  I just get sick to death of hanging it out, only to have to rush out and get it in cos it's raining.

I can't believe how wet the past few months have been.  Seriously want to KILL the weather gods!


'Someone' let the cat out of the bag.

It's me birthday.  66 today.  I've been kinda NOT looking forward to it, head in sand type of thing.

My Dad died aged 66.  And I thought he was fairly old then.

OLD?  I don't feel old at all.  

I feel sad that my Dad didn't get to live longer, he could have had another 20+ years in front of him.

I hope I do.

This morning I've decided to go to The Base to do some banking, and just have a wander I suppose.  Call it exercise.

11.38 am, and I was out and about WAY, WAY longer than anticipated this morning.

First stop was my bank (KIWIBANK) where I just wanted to change some larger banknotes for smaller ones.

They have  a 'cash in and out' teller.  So I stood in the line to be served.  There was one man being served when I arrived, and one lady ahead of me.

So.  I stood there for 35 minutes while the man deposited his considerable amount of cash, with each denomination counted, weighed, recorded and so on.  It took forever.

Then the lady in front of me got to be served.  And fuck me!

She too was depositing copious amounts of cash... so I then knew the process was going to take at least 35 minutes.

So I looked around at the other 3 Kiwibank staff in the bank.  None of them were dealing with anyone right then, so I asked if one of them could serve me?

NOPE.  I had to stay in the line if I wanted to get smaller notes than what was available from the money machine.

So I stormed out of there, went over to the BNZ, opened an account.   Went back to Kiwibank, took out all my money, and put it all in the new BNZ account.

Then I had to go to the WINZ office in 5 Crossroads to get my pension re-directed to my new account.

Far out.  Not what I had planned for my morning at all.

But, I did finally get my larger notes changed for smaller notes ... at the BNZ.

I've been with KIWIBANK for 25 years.  And have had that loooooooooooooooooong wait at the counter once too often.  

It is particularly galling when there's staff there, doing nothing, and they won't serve you. 

Hopefully that never happens again.

Now on to something nicer.

ABOVE:  I arrived home to flowers at the front door!

ABOVE:  I knew who had sent them immediately.

Thank You Lacy.  I shall enjoy both the flowers, and the chocolate.

It is now close enough to lunchtime, so I'll get myself something to eat.

We are not doing anything for dinner.  

ABOVE:  Steve, Bex and kids called in after dinner with this lot!

OMG anyone would think I was a piss head!  That bottle of Bacardi will last me two years for sure.

The cake?  Yeah that will be gone by tomorrow.

ABOVE:  It was nice to see family, after me saying I wasn't wanting to do anything special today.  

I've been feeling really 'flat' of late.  I'm sure it's just the uncertainty of the house selling process, all the markets coming up and so on.

Just a bit like... gimme a break!

But, I'll come right.  I always do.

Time to sign off for the day and look forward to starting a new project tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous7:17 AM

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY πŸŽ‚ πŸ₯³ GM πŸ’™πŸ’™

  2. Happy Birthday Mum xx love you to the moon and back

  3. Happy Birthday Chris.66 Years young. Enjoy your day.
    Southgirl. xo

  4. Happy Birthday. Enjoy your day and I hope you have some nice dinner plans tonight. Paula

  5. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Happy Bithday to my awesome friend. 66 is a good number. Have a wonderful day and spoil yourself. ❤️

  6. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Happy Birthday and hope you have a lovely day. Catriona

  7. Happy Birthday Chris!!! I know what you mean about remembering people as older - times have changed though and I sure don't feel as old as my Nana acted or looked at my age. My Mum died aged 58 so can't compare to her. I see you have two markets next weekend, how exciting. I hope they both go well.

  8. Happy Birthday Chris. Have a lovely day.

  9. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Happy birthday Chris. My dad died at 48 and I remember thinking as you did when I reached 48, I’ve passed him by 22 years so far. Have a great day. Marie, Melbourne

  10. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Happiest of birthdays to you Chris, I hope its a great one. Krissy xx

  11. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have a wonderful day!!!❤️

  12. Happy birthday Chris! I hope that you have an awesome day. πŸ˜€

  13. Happy birthday Chris! 🌺

  14. Happy Birthday Chris πŸ’

  15. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Happy birthday to youπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰Margaret

  16. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Happy Birthday Chris! Beautiful flowers from Lacy! Enjoy the rest of your special day!! Ky Girl

  17. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Happy Birthday!!!! Lovely flowers from Lacy. Laurie

  18. Anonymous1:53 PM

    My bank ASB has a machine you can put money into and change it.

  19. Happy, happy birthday!

  20. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I knew someone at your house had one close to Scott but couldn't remember if it was you or Stew lol. My Gma died at 67 and I know my mom was afraid of that but she has surpassed her now at 72 and is pretty healthy.

  21. Happy Birthday Chris! I hope you enjoy your afternoon/evening πŸ₯‚πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‚πŸ₯³

  22. Trish from Oz4:49 PM

    Happy, happy birthday Chris! How thoughtful of Lacy to send those beautiful flowers.

  23. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Happy Birthday!!!! sounds like you had a slightly annoying day....lovely flowers from the lovely Lacy....Peta

  24. Happy birthday Chris. Kronia polla. Many many happy returns

  25. Glad you’re day was filled with family x

  26. Anonymous9:03 PM

    A super duper birthday by looks Chris. Felicity

  27. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Steve and Bex know you too well. They are so awesome to you both. You are fortunate they love you and Lacy. Xx

  28. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Happy Birthday! Hope you’ve enjoyed your day and realised how loved you are!

  29. Think I just posted birthday wishes 3 times as Anonymous!

  30. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Happy birthday Chris. I posted earlier but forgot to change to anon and it got rejected


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