Wednesday, October 02, 2024



I am 100% nervous as hell.

After waiting a few years, I am FINALLY going to be seen at the Dental Department at Waikato Hospital.

The long saga of my toothache might be ending soon?

in 2018 I went to a dentist in Cambridge, to have a root canal done on a very sore tooth.

I went to a second dentist in Cambridge a few months after that, to have it checked out after it was still damn sore, and he said it had failed.

I left it there, cos I was too scared to go through it all again.

But it kept hurting, so I saw a dentist here in Hamilton in 2021, and he said the tooth needed to come out, and he referred me to a specialist dentist, who could take it out.

But he said he couldn't because the roots went right up into my sinuses, and because of my 'bleeding issue' he wouldn't touch me!

So I got referred to the hospital.  In 2021.

And now I am finally getting seen today.  Probably, MOST LIKELY ... I won't actually get the tooth removed today.  It's just a 'consultation' today.

I'm taking Lacy and Keera with me for support, cos I'm a pussy when it comes to dental shit.

Keera can distract me, she's good at that.

OH for your information, my frequent headaches are cause by TOOTHACHE.

Because my appointment isn't until late this afternoon, I have all day to stress out about it unfortunately.

I will get into my sewing room and finish off that RHR # 2, then start work on the next one, which is going to have the same size 'ROUND HOUSES' bit, but no extra houses off to the side.  I've got two of them on the go actually.

I am thoroughly enjoying doing them, which is weird, because I didn't think I would want to make another one after the first one!

I'm sure it will be worth it, they will look neat in my stall.  They are different, and funky.

HAPPY 24TH BIRTHDAY TO BRYLEE, Dad and I hope you have a neat day, and you get to spend the day somewhere lovely.

In other news, I read last night that Weight Watchers here in New Zealand, and in Australia are ceasing in person meetings on the 2nd of November.  That means if you are still a member, you can only access the 'programme' via the internet.  No more meetings, no more seeing a coach, no more seeing other people or having that social interaction and support.

I'm so glad I got out before this happened, cos I was only going to the meetings for the support and interaction with other people!

AND I totally saw this coming.  It was obvious, after all the meeting closures around the country already, and the very small number of people who attended meetings.

It's pretty sad really.  WW had been a big part of my life for 40 years, even though I kept leaving, then going back.  But no more obviously.

That's me for now.  I'm off to get some work done, and take my mind off this afternoon.


9.25 am.  All morning jobs are done, and I'm in the sewing room.

ABOVE:  And I've just finished RHR #2.

Now I have to go to Spotlight and get more threads.  I've almost run out of Black, White and Blue.   lol   The colours I use the most obviously.

ABOVE:  And just like that... $90 for three reels of thread!  I bet hardly anyone gives a thought to how much the THREAD costs when looking at my runners. And when I'm doing applique', as I am with these Round House Runners, I use a lot of thread.

A necessary evil is thread.  And now... on with me sewing.

ABOVE:  And there's two more ready for the first stage of stitching.

I love the second stage, where I add all the windows/doors and chimneys.  It really comes alive then.  

It's now 12.20 pm, and I should have a dental appointment every day!  Great way to totally lose your appetite I must say.

I feel SICK.  With dread.  And it's ONLY a bloody consultation today.  Derrr.

4.22 pm:  Run down of my appointment.

First  off, we got parking down by the lake, and walked up to the hospital.

We arrived a full hour too early, but they called me in to the waiting room almost straight away.

ABOVE: We only had to sit there for about 5 minutes, and then I was taken to have an x-ray.  One of those where the machine goes all the way around ya head.

Then straight in to see the dentist. 

ABOVE:  As you can see, I wasn't too happy to be in that 'murder chair'.
I have me frowning face on.  lol

The dentist wanted a full history, so I had to give him a run down of my tooth issues, and also my bleeding issues.

He wants me to acquire all my medical records from other hospitals, so he knows what he's dealing with, in case he does need to pull the tooth.

AND that's where it got interesting!

He thinks it might not be my actual tooth that's causing me pain and headaches!

After examining my teeth, mouth and jaw, he thinks it could be my TMJ joint causing the pain?

ABOVE:  Seems I might be clenching my jaw when asleep, causing the problem.

So, rather than just pull my tooth out, he's going to get me doing some TMJ exercises for the next 2 months, then see me again.   

He's hoping the exercises will ease my pain/headaches.

We will see.

IF I am clenching my teeth/jaw when asleep, he can fit me with a mouth brace that will stop that from happening.

So... it's going to be a process of elimination over the next few months.

Removal of the tooth is his last resort.

It was nerve wracking, but once he assured me he wasn't going to do anything that might hurt me, I relaxed a bit.

Having the girls there was good too, they were BOTH  distracting.  ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜…

Thank you Lacy and Keera for being there for me today.  I really appreciated it. 

We passed a little gift shop in the hospital, and I couldn't resist getting this:

ABOVE: There were quite a few 'sayings' on hearts, but this one seem quite appropriate.  I do worry too much over everything.

After dropping the girls back home, I came home and had a very late lunch... could almost call it an early dinner?

And now I'm relaxing, winding down after a stressful day.

10.15 pm:  Well I have done virtually NOTHING since Stew arrived home from work.  Just watching the tv, and feeling thankful that I might not have to get my tooth pulled out after all.

I'm rather sceptical about the TMJ being the problem, but am willing to give the exercises a go. 

Now... I'm watching Coronation Street, then off to bed.  

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Heavens, I hope your tooth problem gets sorted.... Or on the road to being properly sorted. That is terrible having to wait since 2021.
    And wishing Keera good luck in her difficult job lol
    Happy birthday Brylee ๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽˆ

  2. Anonymous8:39 AM

    It’s funny the things that trigger people. I don’t like going to the hairdresser, I have short hair and have had a number of instances where they’ve gone too short, I don’t stress about it but it’s not my favourite place. On the other hand I don’t mind the dentist at all and have had major dental work. (My dentist has a comfort dog that people can book and she sits with anxious people, I don’t need to use her). Good luck Chris and think ahead of how much better you’ll feel. Marie, Melbourne

  3. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Keeping my fingers crossed for you Chris. Hope they can do it asap to stop your headaches. You might want a new tooth for Christmas but I think the tooth fairy has retired lol.

    Happy Birthday to Bล•ylee! Where have those years gone?

  4. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Hi, that is a long wait to have a tooth in Australia you can get an appointment, privately with an oral surgeon very quickly within days if an emergency and weeks if you can wait...I have been quite a few times...when root canals have gone "wrong" good with a specialist fixing up the problem..extraction is so easy so don't the runners....Peta

  5. Anonymous12:42 PM

    You need to add the cost of the thread into the price of the product. They are worth it Chris. Kj

  6. We are the same. Petrified of dentists. And I have sooo many tooth problems. I have since baby teeth. When I was in my 20's a dentist told me I would likely have dentures by the time I was 30 !!!!! Good Golly NOOOOO. So I started going to a specialist dentist (periodontist) every three months! You don't want to know what I have gone through. Ironically the periodontist doesn't count as my actual "dentist" . I am afraid to go there - and only do it once every 4 years or so. Basically when the perio threatens to stop seeing me due to some BS like "dental neglect". I am now due to see the regular dentist and am too scared to call and make the appointment. Dental torture over here. So, believe me, when I say I am PROUD of you for going in today!

  7. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Happy Birthday Brylee! Hope you have a lovely day. Been reading your moms blog since you were like 8 years old! Time flies! Good luck today Chris! Laurie

  8. Good luck at the dentist. I have the sane fear so understand. The fear is worse than the actual procedure though so glad you ate finally at top of the list

  9. Everything is so expensive there! They have those on sale a lot here where you can buy 3 threads and get 3 free. Might be worth the shipping. Maybe haha. Hope the dentist goes well. My mom has those kinds of roots and had to go to a specialist too.

  10. Checking in for the dental update. Thinking of you! You have got this!

  11. Anonymous4:55 PM

    My daughter grinds her teeth and clenches her jaw when asleep so she wears a special implement at night. It could be the same one that the dentist at the hospital is talking about. She had her wisdom teeth extracted some time ago because they were impacted and not growing through otherwise she has never had a tooth even filled. My son takes after me (even though I took calcium tablets when pregnant with him and not with my daughter) and has had several fillings. You did well today although I find that dental procedures don't hurt these days but that doesn't stop me being scared beforehand. Audrey

  12. I get tooth pain from time to time and have been x-rayed and checked three times. Each time I'm told it's actually coming from the nerve above in my sinus. I don't understand that but as the pain goes again I don't worry. I hope you don't need your tooth pulled given your bleeding issues.

  13. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Wow great news from the dentist. Hopefully! I hated going to the dentist too so you're not on your own. Kวฐ

  14. I have been to the dentist twice for terrible pain (my worst nightmare too) and the worst they could find was a bit of receding gum but yeah mine stems from an old sinus infection thing during lockdown which i couldn't get drugs for... Im pretty sure if it is that joint thing you can get botox which relieves the muscle... but at least they're not just going to whip it out willy nilly.

  15. I love those xray that go around ya head...sure a change from the olden dental history is a checkered one. On news other day harley buildings going to be bulldozed to the ground good the orthopedic surgeon there ficked my top teeth. Now I have no teeth... tried lettuce Salado tea last night not great trying to eat with no teeth

  16. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Check that your thread isn't on sale at Spotlight I'm sure they had a big sale starting soon. OMG maybe that's why my tooth is painful. I had a major car accident a few years ago and it's starting to give me grief, my TMJ was affected in the crash. Definitely food for thought GM ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™

    1. Nope it wasn't on sale at Spotlight unfortunately.

  17. Glad the dentist wasn’t too bad.
    More RHR funny how something has caught your eye again they’re really neat.
    24 already happy birthday Brylee.

  18. Leeann8:25 PM

    Hi Chris did you know the quilt symposium is on in Cambridge til Sunday. The exhibition and merchant vhall is open to the public $5 to enter. Worth a look I went today.

  19. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Oh Chris, I know your fear of the dentist all too well! I'm glad it went okay for you though and you are getting sorted. I've suffered with TMJ for about 3/4 years now and yes it does develop into a monster of a headache. To ease mine, I use one of those rechargable hand warmers as it is small enough to hold on the joint, jaw bone and around the ear. I find it really helps and even my dentist said it was a good idea. Gail x

  20. Are you loyal to Gutermann thread?
    Rasant thread is really good and less expensive. Zip Co op on Facebook sell it really reasonably.
    Love the new runners ๐Ÿ˜Š

    1. I am pretty loyal to Gutermann ! But as I'm going to a quilt show tomorrow, I will look at other options as it is bloody expensive!

  21. I loathe the Dentist. Glad to hear it went well.

  22. Give those exercises a Thorough Go. I hope the solution is as easy as it sounds it Could be

  23. Anonymous5:17 AM

    Unless I am missing something, Gutermann 1000m is $5-$10 here, regular price. With the exchange rate, that is about $16 NZ.

    I agree, everything goes on sale in turn, but when you need it you need it.


  24. That is amazing! I hope exercises and a mouth guard are the answer. Can you imagine? What a relief that would be!

  25. I did grind my teeth & with a mouth guard that the dentist made special for me was a blessing. No more pain. I really hope this will be the case for you too.


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