Tuesday, October 01, 2024



Today I'm off to Cambridge to do the very last Challenge Walk of 2024 (for me).  Some people finished the Challenge last week, and there's plenty who still have a few (or more) to do.

Not everyone tries to do the entire 40 Challenge walks in the year.  This year I decided I would do it.

Next year I am going to be very much a 'Social Walker' with the FBG's.

No more going over to Cambridge so often, it has cost me hundreds of dollars in petrol this year.  Not to mention the time travelling to and from.

But I have enjoyed it, and am proud that I did the Challenge again.  Next year I am planning on doing heaps more swimming for exercise. Plus some walking.

ABOVE:  Yesterday.  I don't know what Lacy was thinking, taking Coco for a spin around the driveway!

ABOVE: The crazy tart.  There was no way Coco was enjoying that!

Right... enough waffling.   I better get up and prepare to head over to Cambridge.

I am SO looking forward to this final walk.


ABOVE:  And ....  it's done!  There were three of us completing the Challenge today.

I am just so happy that I did it.  We all went for  morning tea after the walk.  Lots of chatting and laughter.

ABOVE:  Walk stats.  A nice distance today, not too short, not too long.

Now that I'm home, I've had me lunch (a Ham 'n' Cheese toasted sandwich), and I'm now contemplating heading off to the sewing room.

ABOVE:  Official Walk photo ... done and dusted.  From now on, there will only be a few FBG Social Walks happening for me.  And only if its not a stinkin' hot day.

I am going to do some more sewing now, hoping to finish RHR #2 today.

7.06 pm:  Well I sewed until Stew arrived home from work.  Then I stopped, deciding the last little bit (sewing the binding on) could wait until tomorrow morning.

We had Chicken Schnitzel and veges for dinner, it was rather yum.

Now... just chilling out in front of the telly, taking nuisance phone calls from Lacy (she's a dick), and looking forward to Coronation Street later on.

Catch ya tomorrow.... when I have a hospital appointment!