While we have only been sleeping in our new bed for 5 nights, and it might be a bit early to 'critique' it, I have to say it.
IT'S AMAZING! I used to wake up every hour (minimum) during the night, tossing and turning. AND I used to always wake with a sore back and hips, and SO TIRED.
But I have had four nights of GOOD SLEEP since the new bed arrived. No waking up at all, no tossing and turning, no soreness in the morning. It's just incredible.
Stew is sleeping better too, though as he's had a cold and snoring all night long... it's a bit hard to tell.
Anyway, I'm so happy we decided to get the new bed.
Today I will be in my studio, I think I will make another cot quilt.
Not sure which one yet.
I have an order for one from a dear blog reader in Perth, but there's not exactly a rush for it yet. Baby isn't on the way yet. 😂😆😄
So maybe I will make another one, like the last one I made. I bought three panels of that print, so yeah, might do that.
Today is the last day of June! Half of this year from HELL is over. I doubt anyone is going to forget 2020 in a hurry.
We have had A BLOODY PANDEMIC, bad news, and good news, and long awaited reconciliations... so it has been very up and down.
I hope the 2nd half of 2020 is not so rocky!
ABOVE: OMG just saw this online.... STEVE... surely you have to agree? 😂😄😅
Yaa, I'm having a really good morning. Got washing out, house is tidy and two ladies in the shop already this morning. Sold a couple of bowl cosy's, man those things are popular!
I've also started on TWO cot quilts... both the same. Seemed silly not to do them both at the same time.
ABOVE: I'm feeling so chuffed with myself!
FREE MOTION QUILTING again, and it's going good. I'm certainly not that good at it yet, but practise makes 'perfect'. I'm still a bit jerky, but at least I'm not running over my own stitching now.
I've probably got another half an hour before I stop for the day. Very happy with how much I've managed to do today.
It's card night in Cambridge this evening, so I've just finished cooking dinner for Stew and Brylee.
I'll be heading off soon as I need to get over there before the Vet closes. We need a Spey Certificate so we can register the dogs here in Hamilton, and without the Spey Certificate it's WAY more expensive. So, that's me for now.
Catch ya when I get home.
9.55 pm: Well another fun card night in Cambridge. We always have lots of laughs. It's been quite a long time now that I've not been either Winner or Loser! I'm not complaining, I just love playing cards.
It's going to be a very cold night, we could even have a frost in the morning.
I'm trying to decide what to start on next in the sewing room.
A cot quilt... or another Wonky House Runner?
I will be going to the Warehouse sometime today as well... I need more containers for all my WOOL!
Which will probably mean an hour in the study re-organising it all. COS THAT'S WHAT I DO.
ABOVE: Rainbows! All the way home yesterday, we had a rainbow in front of us! I don't think it was the same rainbow either... it was neat.
ABOVE: Bex, just for you. All the wool at the Pokeno Market. In fact, there were two stalls selling the same wool, and the same price.
We will be doing a few road trips there I think. 😂😀😆
11.40 am: back from The Base, where I got 4 containers for wool.
Brylee has been wonderful this morning and washed the floors for me, and cleaned the family bathroom, which is really like three rooms. So, apart from getting all the washing done, I don't have to do much more today.
ABOVE: A little video.... still trying to get them to load on here how I like... still not happy with it, but it's better than nothing.
Seems you can't view the video on your phone. OMG this is so frustrating.
ABOVE: Next attempt. Fingers crossed this one works.
It did! So now I have to remember...
1. Send video from phone to my email.
2. Download the video
3. In Blogger, go to the three dots and choose 'Insert Video' - Upload from Computer - and choose the video to upload.
4. Wait for it to upload, then process.
5. DONE.
It will be visable to all modes of viewing.
LYNDA: Where is the 'movie button up the top next to insert photo'? OK... ignore that. I went to the three dots. And following the steps it worked. BUT I did all that earlier and it copied the video to an entirely new post of it's own... which I didn't want. So, clearly there's still quite a few glitches with the new interface.
Does my head in 😖😓😠
It's nice we have emojis though.
Thanks for your help today Lynda. My window was actually too big, once I downsized it a bit the task bar had more on it!
So, tomorrow I will give putting a video up a go again.
And that's me for the day. I've done bugger all. Had a decent lunch and took me freakin' diabetes meds... and ended up having a nasty blood sugar low later on in the afternoon. Felt dreadful. Grrrr.
Today we are heading up to Auckland with our trailer again.
The more of Steve and Bex's stuff we can get down here before they have to move out of their Auckland house, the better.
Their big move down is in 10 days, that's when they get the keys for their new home here in Hamilton.
Stew is taking that week off work (6th - 12th) to help with the move.
I will probably have Dante and Archer here for a few days, so they can get on with it without the little kids underfoot.
But enough waffling for now... we need to get moving. The weather is supposed to be fine today for the most part. We've had so much rain and shitty weather the past week! Need to make the most of it today.
ABOVE: Hello Auckland. This is probably the last time I will be coming up here to Steve and Bex's.
I wont be coming back when the main move happens, so visiting Auckland will just be for shopping trips after today.
ABOVE: Taking a break before loading up our trailer and car and heading home.
1.10 pm: On our way home we decided to stop at Pokeno and buy some of their 'famous' Pokeno sausages. The weekly market was on, so we popped in to have a very quick look around. It wasn't heavily patronised as it was, by then, very cloudy and slightly damp.
ABOVE: STEW spotted a stall selling wool. So umm... I got some. It was only $2 and $2.50 a ball! Cannot get it any cheaper than that anywhere!
We also bought 5 packs of sausages of various flavours... and the butcher gave us two lovely cooked (hot) sausages to try too. SO YUM.
We unpacked the car and trailer the minute we got home, which was just as well because it's now pissing down with rain. We sure timed that right.
ABOVE: we are not even at capacity yet! What comes down next will be going straight into their new home, not here. All this stuff can go over at our/their leisure once they are down here.
Time for lunch...
4.26 pm: Such a dreary afternoon. Seriously. Just sat in front of the TV all afternoon with a blanket on. I could be sewing or knitting but I'm just like... NAH.
Don't feel like doing anything.
We are having chicken kebabs for dinner. Should be good.
I've decided I'm not really a fan of chicken kebabs. I'm so OVER chicken to be honest. A roast chicken is fine, but most other ways of having it? Nah. Had it too often.
Since I changed to the new blogger interface, I've used two font sizes.
For a while I was using this one (Large) and had no problems with it.
Then a reader said it was too big, so I changed it to this:
The next size down (Normal).
I want to know.... which do you find easier to read? Which size do you prefer?
Whatever one comes out on top will be the one I use going forward from today.
LYNDA: I cannot change to a mid-size font by going to my Layout/Theme ... it's not an option.
Now back to today.
And the dilemma Stew and I had yesterday, trying to get a good background sorted for taking photos of my stuff.
Stew hung my big new blind in the sun room, thinking we could just pin my runners etc on it to take photos.
NOPE. It just put holes in the blind.
So back to square one.
We looked around the house for an alternative background.
And YES! We decided the white wall in the spare bedroom would work.
But... we didn't want to be poking holes in the wall to pin things on it right?
So, thinking caps on.... and we came up with this:
ABOVE: We put a shelf up high, then ran curtain wire along the front of it so we could clip runners etc on it. That works perfectly. SO HAPPY we finally found a solution.
I will be spending some time today taking photos of all my runners so I can list them on Facebook.
I will make a new PAGE to advertise everything. It will probably take me a while.
I'm not sure what to do with the blind in the middle of the sun room now!
For sure it's coming down and going SOMEWHERE else.
Right now though, I'm gunna roll over and catch a few more zzzzz's.
9.07 am: didn't go back to sleep so got up and into me little shop by 8.30.
Turned the lights on... and before I was even half way ready to put me OPEN sign out a lady walked in off the street!
So... she had a good look around, sounded very enthusiastic about my bowl cosy's and said she would be back another time to get a few things.
Time will tell. At least she knows what I have right? She was walking her dog, so obviously wasn't carrying her wallet. I've had quite a few instances like that... it's all good! People are interested enough to come in and see what I have.
While in the shop today I will be sewing bunting together. This afternoon I will start photographing my runners.
I don't know what Stew's getting up to today... but for now, he's still snoring his head off. 😂😀😅
Testing.... did what you said Lynda. Had to tinker a bit... but let's see how that goes.
I presume I can still change each post if I want to, like have bigger here and there?
Testing... testing...testing...
Still testing....
Right. I've set a 'default' font size, so let's see how that goes. I hope it suits everyone.
And now... back to my stitching.
I am sleeping really well on the new bed... still wake with hot flushes but that's just life. As for Stew? Not sure ... still too early to tell I think.
It is certainly FIRM!!! WE both comment on it when we first get into bed! I love it, it makes turning over so much easier on a firm bed.
8.30 pm: Well... it's been a quiet afternoon, then not such a quiet evening!
We had visitors for dinner:
ABOVE: Amanda and her two youngest came over for a few hours.
Pizza for dinner tonight.
The kids have now gone home to bed, and I'm here still watching some kids movie called The BFG. It's....... entertaining.
I love how it looks with the headboard raised up so the shelves show above the pillows.
Stew had to put blocks of wood under it to raise it, he did a good job.
How did we sleep?
Well.... I slept really well. I'm a bit achy, which is to be expected with getting used to a new bed. It's really FIRM! I love it. Stew? Still asleep, so can't ask him.
Early days... let's see how I feel in a week.
Today we are going out. I am not sure WHERE yet, but we are getting out of the house.
Lacy is going to pop in at some point to pick up our old bed, so we can actually MOVE in the garage again. With a lot of Steve and Bex's stuff already in there, it's actually FULL!
I accepted a quote for a new sectional garage door yesterday, I forgot to mention it!
So that will be happening towards the end of July. The garage door company are fully booked for a month, hence the delay. But that's actually good, cos it gives us more time to save up the money. They are not exactly cheap.
But it will be so worth it. No more freaking out when I go to open the door, then have to race outside to make sure no one's car is too close to it.
THAT is a pain in the bum for sure.
I have to laugh at myself.
Now that Stew and I are 'being good' again with our diet... I am spending an extra ordinary amount of time on Facebook, looking at people cooking FOOD. Mostly shit we can't have.
Why am I torturing myself? My mouth is constantly watering. I dream about cakes and ice cream and sausage rolls... 😭😪😫.
I've had NO SUGAR for 5 days! And already I've noticed that my need to go piddle has halved at least! As the Dr said, my body was trying to rid itself of all the sugar I was consuming... hence so many piddles.
I am ENJOYING not having to rush to the bloody loo every hour or so!
But, it is hard to self deny all the time. My motivation is not as high as it was two years ago. It is going to be a long, hard slog to get those Hba1c levels down I think.
Right, I'm off.
Catch ya later.
Brylee's Covid-19 test came back... NEGATIVE. As we knew it would be. She's already recovered from her cold and is back at work.
Stew just attached my large, white roller blind to the ceiling in the sunroom, so now I have a good backdrop for hanging and taking photos of my things.
OMG it's like one step forward, then two steps back. We can't pin my runners to the blind cos it just makes holes. So now we have to try and work out how to hang the runners IN FRONT of the blind to take photos. I'm so crabby right now. I have no idea what to do to make this work easily, and not spend a fortune working it out either.
11.55 am: We MIGHT have found a solution. Working on it...
SORTED. Will show you tomorrow.
Well ... after resolving that issue, we went to Chartwell Square for a very late lunch. Now home again and just gunna chill out for a while.
ABOVE: This is the latest Wonky House Runner finished.
For the next few days (when I can), I will be working on taking photos and making an Inventory of most of the things in my Studio that are for sale.
Then I'm going to list them on Facebook and see how that goes.
9.10 pm: about once a month Stew meets up with an old mate at the local pub for a few drinks after work. Tonight I joined them at 7 pm, as his mate's wife was there too.
And we had a really lovely evening having a few drinks and laughs.
It's been many years since I hung out in a pub!
I loathe the noise, and see no point going if I can't even hear what people are saying. But this little pub does not have any loud music blaring, so it was neat!
We had a nice time, and I do believe it will happen on a regular basis.
As Steve and Bex will be living literally 3 minutes from this particular pub, I suspect we will see them there too, provided Brylee can babysit sometimes. 😊
So, a lovely end to the day. Might get us something to eat soon... soak up the 2-3 glasses of wine I've had!
Under three weeks ago we ordered a new bed from Harvey Norman's.
Monty, the salesman, told us it would be 5-6 weeks until it arrived.
In the meantime, we picked up the new headboard, which we LOVE.
So... we got a call from Monty a couple of days ago to let us know the bed was here already!
I was amazed to be honest. To arrive early is unheard of.
It is being delivered ...
*** TODAY ! ***
Stew has today and tomorrow off work (using up some holiday time cos he has far too much accrued).... so he's home to help get our old bed out of our room so the new one can come in.
Lacy is going to have our old bed. Makes me laugh how we hand our old stuff on to one or other, or other ... of our kids. 😆😅👍
My biggest fear is that the new bed is NOT comfortable, and we both hate it. How bad would that be?
Fingers and toes are firmly crossed it is OK. If nothing else, I will smile seeing a FLAT bed top, instead of one that has two long indentations on either side where the pillow top has FLATTENED permanently. Such a horrible look.
Now... here's a question for you.
ABOVE: What is 'wrong' in this photo???
I might just hold off publishing any of your answers for a while, let's see how many of you see it! lol
ABOVE: This is the haul Amanda bought yesterday ... I HAD two round Wonky House Placemats. Now I have to make more. Luckily I know how to now.
Right, I shall now get up, help Stew with the bed then get into my Studio. I'm dying to get the latest Wonky House Runner finished.
9.31 am: Wow, there's quite a few observant people out there! Stew took AGES to find the thing 'wrong'. lol
I'm still not gunna publish the guesses, keep them coming!
Our old bed is now in the garage, ready to go over to Lacy's on the weekend sometime. Not heard from the delivery company about when to expect our new bed yet. I will give them till 11 then ring Harvey Norman's to find out what's going on. I totally expect it to arrive at 4.50 this afternoon.
But hopefully I'm wrong.
And BOOM! I am wrong. Stew just got a call saying the bed will be here between 10.30 and 12. Yaaa!
I can feel an afternoon nap coming on already. 😂😄😆
12.16 pm:
ABOVE: And it's here... and Stew has assembled it and now I'm just waiting for the duvet cover to dry then I can make the bed and take a photo.
Stew has raised our new headboard too.... it's gunna look so lovely.
I'm still in the Studio, finally caved in and turned on the Heat Pump as I'm freezing. It's a miserable day today. So wet and cold.
Very stormy further north, where they have had two weeks worth of rain in one night.
SPARKLING: OMG your comment made me crack up laughing! So, so true.
I will start publishing the comments soon...virtually everyone is getting it right.
I wonder how Stew and I never noticed for WEEKS, yet it's right in front of our faces every day???
CONGRATS to everyone who guessed correctly! WOW so many guesses too.
I just cooked Stew and I a healthy lunch.... bacon and onion with scrambled eggs thrown in, and a little bit of grated cheese. It was really nice.
Time now to catch up on Home and Away then perhaps a nap? Gotta try that bed.
No nap happened. We decided to do a 'Top Up' grocery shop ahead of the weekend.
So we did. Right on end of school time... the traffic was crazy.
Now home again and it's starting to cool down, time to go around and close all the curtains and turn on the heater.
Dinner tonight will be Pork Sausages and veges. I reckon Stew will be our chef tonight. *smiles*
Well Stew did well with dinner, it was really tasty. Lots of cauliflower and broccoli which we love.
And now... it's veg out time.
Can't wait to get to bed for a change.
Usually I put it off until I literally can't keep my eyes open.
Today Brylee will probably have to go and get a Covid-19 test.
She's got a cold, sore throat etc.
And if she doesn't get a test and be cleared, she won't be able to go to work.
So, she might be home for a few days.
I will be working in the sewing room all day.
And my house will be getting vacumed by... AMANDA. Yeah, how awesome is that?
She is coming over to visit, so I told her she was on vacum duty. ha ha ha.
Right, how about last night's dinner photos?
Come on... ya know you want to see...
ABOVE: Entrees, which we shared, were Pork Belly Bites and Calamari. So damn YUM!
And we both had a Seafood Chowder, served in a Cob Loaf.
OMG so delicious. Obviously, we didn't actually eat the Cob Loaves...
ABOVE: What we left. Such a waste of food. As Stew said, it would have been better served in a bowl, without the bread. But still, a lovely dinner.
I finished the second round Placemat yesterday afternoon, quite late. So here it is:
ABOVE: I like this one. So colourful.
I might make some more soon. But today, I will make another Wonky House Runner.
ABOVE: Well... seems I have help in the studio/shop today.
Which is just as well cos I needed to pop down to Spotlight for more roof fabric, so Amanda watched the shop for me.
And she has a shopping spree. Spent a LOT of money on stuff! Nice one.
She learnt what Bowl Cosy's are for... liked that idea and got a few of them too.
Alright, back to it.
3 pm: And I closed shop after 1.30 pm, and the girls and I went to the Base to pick up my repeat prescription, and some vacum bags. REALLY interesting shit eh?
We had one lady in the shop today, she was lovely. We had a nice chat, she had a good browse and might come back closer to Christmas for presents.
ABOVE: It's like being out in public with two bloody giggling school girls! Seriously. No matter what configuration of daughters I go out with, it's THE SAME!
We are home now.
Update on Brylee. She couldn't get an appointment to be tested today, so she's getting tested tomorrow morning at a drive through testing station.
9.30 pm: It's the end of a lovely day. Very enjoyable having company all day. Can't say I'd like it every day, but occasionally is nice.
Nearly time to relax and watch Coronation Street! Catch ya tomorrow.
Wow, it's taken me a couple of days, but I think I am slowly getting the hang of the new Blogger interface.
I had a glitch yesterday with getting a video on the blog, but found a way around it eventually.
I just hope I can remember how I did it for the next video. 😌
So anyway... back to today.
I've got a bloke coming around this morning to give us a quote to replace the garage tilt-a-door with either a roller door or a sectional door.
I LOATHE the tilt-a-door! It freaks me out every time I open it, scared whatever car is parked in front of the garage is too close, and will get smacked by it.
We have never had a tilt-a-door before, they suck. I'm hoping like hell a new door isn't too expensive, and of course none of the websites have prices eh? You have to get someone to come out and give you a quote.
So, that's what I'm doing. I've only heard back from one company so far. I emailed 3.
I'm in the studio today, 9 - 2 at least. Making another Wonky House Runner.
ABOVE: Another nice photo from yesterday... a bunch of girls... and Goofy. 😀💜💚💙
ABOVE: It took a while, but I found a list of foods and their carbohydrate values on the net yesterday, so printed it off.
Might help with meal planning.
OLD MOO: I've sent you a copy too.
10.55 am: And I'm making very slow progress in the sewing room today.
I decided to try making a couple of round wonky house placemats, as one of my neighbours wants them at some point.
I've spent a good hour finding the right sized round things to trace around for my placemat template.
ABOVE: Probably the only time it's really good to have so many platters and bowls.
These two are perfect (I think) for the placemat size.
ABOVE: Each placemat will have one house on it. So... off to stitch these two and see how they come out.
Rounded edges.... hmmmm....
Right, it's nearly time to head inside for lunch.
I've finished one placemat:
ABOVE: Please tell me what you think? It's rather difficult getting the outside curve perfect. So it's not.
ABOVE: A table and 6 chairs just got delivered. Sheesh, I had forgotten it was arriving today!
Just as well I was busy sewing, and not out shopping.
Stew and I will check it over tonight to make sure there's no damage to the contents.
I am expecting a 2nd garage door company here late this afternoon to do a measure and quote ... the first guy has already been, gone and submitted his quote. I was super impressed with his company... so fast and efficient.
On Saturday I requested quotes from two other companies as well, one I rang an hour ago didn't even have my email read yet, and the other ... well he said sorry and his guy will be here this afternoon to do the quote.
It is now after 2 pm, time to go inside and have some lunch I think.
5.45 pm:
The 2nd garage door guy has been and gone, Brylee is due home from work soon, and Stew is on his way home from Rotorua.
We are having a date night tonight, probably going to Iguana again for dinner.
*** 👫💙💚💜👫 *** DATE NIGHT!
8.45 pm: And OMG dinner was wonderful!!! We had a delicious dinner at Foundation, after first going to Lone Star and finding they had a new menu... no Hoover Hog anymore! Probably won't go there again. Oh and Iguana's Special tonight was DESSERT... so clearly we were not going there! I thought it was Pizza, but no. That's on a Monday night. So glad we went to Foundation.
I'll show you our dinner.... tomorrow. Cos I need to 'save' something for tomorrow!
I had two glasses of wine too. Kinda WARM and happy right now. 😂😆
I haven't mentioned COVID-19 lately. New Zealand has 10 active cases right now... ALL of them are recent arrivals in the country. All in Quarantine/Isolation. No new deaths for weeks.
A week ago I got a phone call from my doctor's nurse.
Seems my last blood test results came in.
They were kinda BAD.
Like... 7 months ago was my last blood test (I know, I should have been tested 4 months ago already)... but anyway. I didn't.
My previous level was 94, which was very bad.
I should be down around 45-50 to have good control of my Hba1c levels.
My latest test result:
ABOVE: Yep. 97.
So, totally out of control, totally in the RED so to speak.
Well... the nurse was adamant I come in and have a Face to Face with the doctor. Remember, I've not even met him yet thanks to Covid-19 not allowing regular visits.
So I'm going in this morning... and get this! I have to bring Stew with me... because they want to have his support in tackling me!
And that was BEFORE they realised he was 'that Mr Harvey'.... who they also wanted to see cos of his Hba1c levels too! ha ha ha.
So we are both in trouble. Feel like a naughty kid who got her hand stuck in the lollie jar.
Last time I spoke to the Doctor, he asked me why my levels were so high, what was I doing?
And I said I reckon they jump up every time I eat an easter egg, or block of chocolate! (it was around Easter). lol
Not really laughing.
Stew and I will just have to go back to the RIGID dieting and exercise that brought our levels down so well two years ago.
But ... it's just so damn hard. As an adult, no one likes to be told what they can and can't eat, what they HAVE to do. *sigh*
So, I'm feeling pretty crabby right now. At myself. At the Doctor. At life in general. And I'm going to be even crabbier when I have to go shopping and buy friggin salad shit to have EVERY DAMN DAY... only consolation is we can have lots of meat/eggs/cheese etc.
Just nothing with sugar or carbs. OMG I'm going to be impossible to live with.
9.30 am, back from the Doctor's. We had a 'good' chat. I pretty much told him what I was going to do, asked him to prescribe the necessary meds (what I was on 2 years ago) and told him we'd be back in 3 months with much better results.
I'm not sure I like having a doctor who I can literally walk all over?
But... as long as he is on top of it, and he seems to be, I shall keep seeing him.
I wanted to walk from Steve and Bex's new house to ours, see how long it took and how far, as there is a 'shortcut' for walkers, which makes the distance much less than driving.
So Stew dropped me off at their house and I walked home.
It took me 17 minutes (and I'm NOT fit right now), and it was 1.55 kms in distance. So they are really, really close to us.
I'm now off to the Base to get my new prescription and post a letter.
💙👅😜 And look at that! I just found something new... I can add characters! 👍💜😂😏
Ha ha! Got to the base and realised I'd left the prescription at home. Derrr.
So never mind, did some shopping, got some wool (just 4 balls) and a white roller blind from Spotlight, to use as a backdrop for photos.
I was browsing in one of our favourite shops (Acquisitions) and was yakking with the ladies. They know us quite well... 😆, can't think why.
Anyway... They asked me if I 'worked', so I said "NO, I'm a kept woman". But I did mention I did some patchwork type stuff and sold it from home.
AND they asked me to bring in my Business Card because they often get asked for table runners, but don't have any. So they will tell people about mine. Nice eh?
I did a small grocery shop at the brand new Countdown out our way, it's a gorgeous store!
Still pricey though, and with a fairly small meat department.
I think the best meat department I've come across is Pak N Save, Clarence Street. But as I don't want to be visiting 2-3 different grocery stores, I will just stick to my current one.
ABOVE: Just after I got home, this one turned up. Nice to see her. She's a bit stressed, lost some weight. *sigh* Nothing I can do though, I offered her food but she had already eaten.
PETA: This chart shows our numbering system better:
ABOVE: So Peta, at 5.7 on the top curve, you are doing fine!
Mine is 11.0 top curve, 97 in the middle. 😢
ABOVE: Just cos I can. There was a film crew in the store too... presumably to promote the new shop's opening.
I have been told the video is not showing on mobile phones. Sorry, I have no idea why. A blogger glitch obviously. I can view it on my computer.
ABOVE: Had this lot visit this afternoon. It was neat to see them.
Right, did a test of various ways to get a video to work for mobile phones.... think I've got it now.
Hang on...
ABOVE: did it work? Let's see.
YES IT DID. You have to tap the arrow twice.
10.00 pm: Dinner tonight was stir fried chicken and bacon with onion, a tiny potato each and coleslaw. Rather nice, and healthy. Oh yaaa.
Parents to several adult kids, and 14 Grandkids (aged 1yr old to 24 yrs old). FYI: We have a large 'family', but due to many and various reasons, we only see a few now. It is what it is. Attitudes. Personalities. Narcissism. Grudges. Perceived slights/favouritism. Backstabbing. etc. DAYS. OF. OUR. LIVES. SHIT. So, you get to see those who we choose to see, and those who do still see us as FAMILY, and who love us unconditionally. The rest can live their lives and just leave us alone. Thanks.
New Zealand, it's in the South Pacific... and it's NOT a part of Australia! We are home of the All Blacks rugby team, the Kiwi (bird, but can't fly) and lots of bloody neat people!
WHO AM I? Here's where to find out.
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
This post is going to be a WHO AM I, and my family run down... it is for people who have not been here from the start.