Sunday, October 31, 2010
Will find out later on today no doubt, once it's finished eh?
This morning we are going over to Grey Lynn (part of Auckland) to a KraftBomb... A Market where crafts are sold... with a view to me getting a stall there one month soon? Maybe I will sell my bags and cards in markets around here... it's a thought anyway.
I can't keep making them with no purpose... I only have so many relatives and friends ... lol!
OH and I'm sick of Jelly beans... had a few too many now. Stew bought $20 worth!!!
We went out to check out two craft markets this morning:
Kraftbomb: no parking, very small hall... jam packed with vendors, no room to breath, not many customers. Nope, ain't going to that one.
Pokeno Market: Masses of parking, huge area, lots of room for individual vendor set up, food stalls, craft stalls, lots of customers. Think I will be giving Pokeno Market a go in November.
After that we had lunch on the Bombay hills... then into Manukau for a few bits and bobs for the bag making.
Our current small vacum cleaner died yesterday ... we use it to reach places the central vac does not I thought we would check out the local Vacum shop:
ABOVE: Godfrey's at Manukau Supa Centre.. OMG so many vacums! How the hell do you decide?
ABOVE: I liked the idea of a vacum you pushed instead of pulled behind you, which drives me nuts!
ABOVE: Stew liked the idea of a small, cheap pull behind you vacum... yeah, like he does all the vacuming.... NOT!
ABOVE: I WON. Goes without saying really eh? lol
I tried it out already, and it does an excellent job! You should see the shit it has sucked out of our carpet already! Central vac obviously is not that good! Pfffffft.
Off now to do more vacuming while it's a novelty... then Stew can do it!
End of Day: and I'm knackered. Coco kept us awake last night on and off till about 4am! She kept barking and growling at something... so tonight I am keeping the dogs inside. Sleep or lack thereof can make for a super grumpy me. nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
6:40 AM
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Is it possible to get so 'involved' with crafts/sewing that you would rather do that than anything else?
Cos that's kinda how I feel right now. Like all I want to do is sew. And sew.
It's the weekend. I don't think we have anything riveting planned, except maybe waterblasting the concrete and cleaning the windows. How bloody exciting is that? *sigh*
Summer is pretty much here already, it's been quite warm lately... and I have decided I don't like being hot anymore! I used to love summer the MOST... now I think I dread it! Being overweight again god damn it is no fun in summer.
I have not been sticking 100% to the NO CARBS... do jellybeans count? I had been craving them ALL WEEK, and last night Stew got me some. And I ate them. What is it about cravings?
I have no excuse... I ain't pregnant! *shaking me head*.... I really must try to stop giving in to my evil little 'wants' eh?
I've been sewing this morning, and watching a few things on the telly... this cute card arrived in the post today:
It's from Froggy in Australia, she had bought the brown floral bag... which is gorgeous if I must say so! lol
I love how she selected at card with shells in it! It's a beautiful card, thanks 'Froggy'!
I'm off now to post her bag....
Bag posted.
Now feeling quite IKKKK... like... dirty ikkkk.
Stew and I are scrubbing and waterblasting the house, windows and concrete. So far we have done about 1/6th of the house. Next weekend we will do more. For now... I am feeling filthy, need to go have a shower. Ikkkkk....
End of Day: and I've had one 'finish' and two 'starts' today on bags today... and feel good that we are on to getting the house and grounds all nice for summer. Pleasantly tired now... my foot is almost all better too... no sign of infection which is neat, I was kinda worried about that as I refused to have a tetnus injection... well hell, last time I had one I had a really nasty reaction to it... and soooo didn't want that to happen again did I? If had NOTHING to do with my having a needle phobia, nope, nothing at all! lol
nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
6:31 AM
Friday, October 29, 2010
So, there is nothing I really, really have to do today, which is great as my foot is throbbing!
I am amazed that such a teeny tiny injury can cause so much pain!
Or maybe, just maybe.. I'm a sookie la la?
NAhhhh.... I birthed 6 kids (two well over 10 pounds) WITHOUT any pain relief... I'm a tough cookie... lol. *smiles*
So, I think I will just have a lazy day here at home. Might make another bag ... am going to have a go at enlarging the pattern this time to make a 'beach bag' size.
Sandii... you might be interested in the next one?
MISS LJ: I am working on yours today too, finally found the right fabric!
I've been sewing all morning.. and now I must go down the road and get me more needles for the machine! I have been told over and over again that I must change my needles often, so I have now run out. Grrrr.. and I was on a roll too.
Oh well... gives me a good excuse to stop for lunch too.....
nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
6:35 AM
Thursday, October 28, 2010
YES... I'm a TRUE BLOGGER! I blog about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING! My family knows that IF I can blog about 'it' I WILL! lol
This morning has gone well... I dropped Griffin at his tutor's then nipped over to Pukekohe and bought a few more buttons, then I sat in the car and almost finished this bag:
I was supposed to go to my Aunt's for afternoon tea.. I forgot..ooops! Chalk it up to old age brain!
Then my kindly neighbour (Stephanie) called in to see how my foot was now... so have done diddly squat this afternoon really!
Stew is due home much later tonight (work commitments)... so the kids are having spagetti for dinner.... I will wait for his nibs to arrive home with ours (chinese).... YUM.
JO: as requested: some photos of the bag with Stew and dogs to get an idea of it's size...
Now, as I've raised 8
End of Day: and my foot is sore, so is my calf.... no doubt from walking on me toes on the left foot... hopefully it will be much better tomorrow. nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
6:43 AM
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
This morning: off to the Hospice Shop to do me volunteer shift.... and hopefully not spend too much money while I'm at it!
I'm still coughing by the way... I think I've got the 100 day cough that I've heard of .... so going by that I have about 40 days to go! I'm thrilled at that prospect. Really thrilled.
Stew and I are going Very Low Carb again... we have both put on weight over winter... time to pull finger and drop some kilos so summer is more enjoyable! AND I am getting more exercise too! I've been on the bike and murder machine (cross trainer) a few times now... and I am thinking of dragging Griffin out for a walk after dinner too ... he needs to lose a wee bit of the weight too... not that I'm going to tell HIM that! He can just think he's keeping me company... and helping walk the dogs. All good....
*Hi*.. back for working in the Hospice shop... where it was very slow today... not very busy in the shop.... which made the morning drag... but nevermind, I did manage to find a few treasures:
ABOVE: two small cast iron casserole dishes which will come in handy at some point... a tupperware container (you can never have too many of them) and a wooded snapper picture that I will eventually get around to brightening up with some blue paint.
That's it!
Now... going to chill out for a while before the kids get home from school... that's when I will vacum AGAIN... Coco is being a right pain in the butt right now bringing in all sorts of vegetation and chewing it up all over me floors. Grrrr, the place never looks tidy now. *sigh*
End of Day: I had a little mishap this evening and ended up at the After Hours Doctor's for 2 and a half hours. Just got home and a bit ..... tired. And hungry. And feeling stupid. Will tell you about it tomorrow. nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
6:40 AM
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
That had to be the nicest (weather wise) Labour Weekend I can EVER remember! Three days of sunshine.... what more could you ask for?
Kids back to school today .. yaaaaa... and me ... off to Patchwork class...not that I go to learn much right now! I am going for the company really. I shall continue working on the CUTE bags for now... seriously considering going to a market or two soon ... IF I can build up some stock! Thinking of selling my cards too if I do go ahead with it.
What else? Ehhhhh, not much! Stew did a shitload of the housework for me yesterday while I was out with Kate! What a man! Seriously, all I need to do today is wash the floors! Whoooop dee doooooo.
What a looooong morning I've had! Patchwork was LOVELY... got started on two more CUTE bags... then I went and got some more batting at Spotlight (I really should just take my bed down there!)... I'm there so often.
Home now, it's almost 1.30 pm and I really need my lunch! (well.. it's my breakfast too)...
End of Day: and I'm going to bed sooo crabby! I have been making a bag
Posted by
Chris H
6:04 AM
Monday, October 25, 2010
This morning I am going to have morning tea with a girl I have never met before.... but she is someone who I kinda know.
Kate has been reading and commenting on my blog for a couple of years at least, and we are finally going to meet each other 'in the flesh'.
I always feel a bit nervous about meeting someone who knows so much about ME, yet I know very little about her. Hell, I will be surprised if I even recognise her!!! I've only seen a couple of photos of her on Facebook...
So... I will let ya all know how it goes when I get back!
Yep, and when I get back it will be 'do the bloody housework' day. Oh JOY.
The only other thing I want to do today is read some of the 500+ blog posts I have not caught up on! Yikes....
The meeting with Kate went really, really well! We got on just fine. When meeting a person for the first time, just be yourself... it works for me. I've yet to meet anyone who takes a dislike to me!
We popped over to Spotlight... I was looking for more of that brown flowery fabric... they didn't have any... but ALL PATCHWORK fabric was on sale... HALF PRICE! Awesome.... got more:
After lunch I said to Stew "How about we go to Spotlight in Panmure?"... thinking I might be lucky enough to find some more of the brown flower fabric there... AND WE DID (even though it wasn't on sale at that Spotlight store). AND I found more of the Beach Bum ladies fabric too! I AM THRILLED TO BITS:
End of Day: I forced myself to get out of the sewing room and park me bum on my lounge chair and read blogs tonight... I managed to read about 150 and leave comments on most of them! I think I did well..... even though I had to leave the 'last' 458 .... and I doubt I will go back to them! Off to bed shortly, just watching Mr. & Mrs Smith on the Telly... I love Brad Pitt... *drool*. lol nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
7:02 AM
Sunday, October 24, 2010
ABOVE: Look at what I made last night! How bloody cute is that???? I used the new heavy cotton canvas that I got from David's Emporium for this teeny tiny CUTE Bag... it sewed up beautifully.... this wee bag has a certain little Granddaughter's name on it for Christmas.
I am sure she will love it.... and it's too small for her MOTHER to nick. lol
Today: dunno! Maybe if it's fine we will go for a drive somewhere... most likely ending at a beach... which would be lovely.
KATE from Onehunga: You're ON... Monday morning..... 10.30am at Columbus Coffee shop at the Super Centre, Manukau... suit you?
Well... we did indeed go out ... to visit Stew's sister on the west coast. I stayed yakking to her while Stew and the kids went down to the beach. It was a lovely visit.
ABOVE: 'junk' at my Sister-in-Laws... wish it was mine! I love junk...
Home again now and I must get dinner ready...
KATE: I've sent you a text with suggested times... check ya phone and get back to me.
End of Day: totally absorbed in a TV Movie... will do more 'catch up blog reading' tomorrow. nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
6:52 AM
Saturday, October 23, 2010
PATTERN FOR CUTE BAG: (2nd Post for today, first post is below this)
*** WARNING: as there MIGHT be copyright issues with this pattern, I am going to delete this post in a few days. Make sure you copy it before then! ***
Cut 1 Rectangle : 30” X 15” in fabric and batting.
Quilt it… trim to 28” X 13”
Cut 1 Rectangle : 20” X 17” in fabric and Batting.
Quilt it then cut two semi-circles from it using the pattern.
Make or buy piping to match lining fabric.
Attach piping to the long sides of the rectangle.
(Piping is optional)
Sew the semi-circles (quilted) to the long sides of the rectangle.
LOOPS: Cut a 36” X 1 ¾ “ strip from main fabric, fold both long edges in by ¼” , press then fold in half. Press and stitch down the long side to close. Cut these flattened tubes into 10: 1” X 3 ½” pieces. (Approx width)
Fold each piece in half, space 5 of the loops evenly onto the straight edge of each semi-circle and baste in place. Repeat for the other 5 loops.
Prepare Lining: Cut 1 rectangle 28” X 13” AND cut 2 Semi-Circles (using pattern) from lining fabric.
Cut 2 : 9” X 12” rectangles for pockets.
Prepare pockets by folding in half with right sides together, stitch around the 3 open edges, leaving a small opening to turn it right side out. Turn right side out, press then stitch ½” all the way around all 4 sides.
Centre Pockets on the right side of semi-circles (lining fabric) and sew on.
Sew semi-circles onto the rectangle, leaving a small opening for turning the bag right side out later on.
PIN outer bag to inner bag ( right sides together) to check it fits, trim upper edges so they are the same.
ROD CASINGS: cut 2: 3 ½” X 12 “ strips, Hem each end, then fold in half lengthways and press.
Stitch one rod casing to the top of the quilted rectangle, and one rod casing to the other top of the quilted rectangle.
Join lining to outer bag, turn right side out through gap left in lining, press then top stitch all around the top edge.
Cut 2 lengths of dowel as long as your Rod Casing and screw eyelets to ends of dowel, slip through rod casings. Stitch at each end to hold dowel in place.
ABOVE: eyelets.
Make HANDLES/STRAP: Cut 2: 4" X 20” from fabric.
Cut 2: 20” lengths of webbing or batting. Fold and press the fabric in ¼” on both long edges, press… lay on top of webbing and sew together. Make 2.
Attatch ’D’ rings to each end of both straps . (You can actually make the handles/straps any way you like, with or without the webbing)
Cut two lengths of cord, 38” long, fold each in half and ‘half hitch’ through a ‘D’ ring on each strap.
Thread through eyelet, then loops, then the other eyelet and fix securely to the ‘D’ ring on the end of the other strap.
ABOVE: last photo, stitch down the cord securely so it doesn't slip out of the D ring at this end.
Repeat on the other side.
Adding a button loop and button is optional. If you add a button loop, it goes between the rod casing and the right side of the bag when you are joining the lining to the outside of the bag.
I hope my instructions are clear enough! If you have any problems just email me at : and I can help ya!
Posted by
Chris H
4:48 PM
Morning! I slept in...... it's 10 am!!!
Well, that CUTE Bag's pattern is certainly doing the rounds now!
I had a girlfriend call in yesterday for it, I'm sending one to Singapore shortly, a girlfriend in Wellington wants it... anyone else???
It is super easy to make, the only 'tricky' part is the threading of the cord at the end, you have to do it 'right' so it opens and closes properly! If I can do it, anyone can! lol
Today: probably go get a few more bits and bobs that I need to finish more bags! Lunch at the mall.... maybe some housework (IkkkK)... just the usual sorta Saturday.
I plan on catching up with all the blogs I've missed lately over the weekend too! Hang in there, I ain't forgotten ya! *smiles*
ONWARD.... Yesterday I had a friend from my 'old' patchwork class call in... and she told me about a shop in Manukau (just down the road) that sells craft/sewing stuff... and had a HUGE variety.... so we popped in there this morning.
End of Day: and it's been a really NEAT as day! I can't wait to go back to David's Emporium on Monday!!! nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
10:10 AM
Friday, October 22, 2010
I went to Spotlight at Panmure.... couldn't find any fabric I liked... so was heading to Spotlight in Manukau when I remembered I had a lady coming to the house THIS MORNING to talk with me about Brylee's anti-social behaviour at school. YIKES... rushed home, beat her here by 3 minutes!
Upshot... more observations to be done on said child, more meeting, more 'strategies' to put in place... WONDERFUL...(heavy sarcasm)... I felt like saying "Read my lips, she won't change"... but I bit my tongue.
Off to Manukau NOW....
ABOVE: who needs a cushion? Dat's what sister's are for! LOL
I found some fabric in Manukau... so am now working on another bag... oh AND I found fabric for Emily's bag too! Can't show that though... it's for when Emily GETS HERE. *smiles*.. only 18 weeks to go!
It looks like we are in for great weather this Labour Weekend, which is not 'normal'... it's usually dreadful weather on Labour Weekend... So, there will be lots of people heading off to their holiday homes, beaches etc I should think.
End of Day: and I've been sewing (what's new)... almost finished no# 4 bag... but need some Eyelets and 'D' rings to finish it off... grrrrrr.
nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
6:16 AM
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Going to be busy today... have to be out of the house till at least 3 pm... so ain't gunna be around to update!
First off I have to take Griffin to his Speld lesson, then when we get back to his school I (and Stew) are staying to watch his School Production.. which he has been VERY EXCITED about for days on end.
Then I will be home after 3... the poor dogs will be thinking I have abandoned then after being locked out of the house 'proper' all day! They have access to the laundry but that is all when I'm out. Coco can't be trusted inside on her own, she does not got 'potty' inside anymore... but she chews EVERYTHING in sight. Grrrrr.
OH! And before I forget... I was talking to eldest Daughter: Amanda last night, and she wants me to be with her when she gives birth to her and Andrew's baby girl ... I am thrilled to bits! I love seeing my grandbabies born! And seeing wee EMILY born is going to be just as magical as the others!
So.. until much later today...'s me BIRTHDAY TODAY TOO..... 52!!! Hell's Bells I'm getting old (ish)! lol
WHOOT! Another parcel from America just arrived! It's from Sue in San Diego.... that lucky Tart is on a Carribean cruise right now... so wish I was there too!
Took Griffin to his lesson, rushed over to Pukekohe to the Bernina shop there as they have an AMAZING selection of buttons, and I found the perfect buttons for the new bags.
Picked the boy up.. back to school for the production.
Sitting there with Stew and a couple of hundred other people listening to the kids production... and me phone starts bleeping quite loudly ... it's the CRAZY FROG tune.... eeeekkk! Luckily everyone thought it was funny!
Anyway... I get home to find these waiting on me front doorstep:
ABOVE: beautiful flowers from Amanda, Andrew, their boys and EMILY-in-the-oven! lol
End of Day: awwww I've had a lovely day!!! THANKS for all the Birthday Wishes I really appreciate it. Sewing this evening...finishing off the first 3 CUTE Bags...they look neat with their buttons on! nite nite
Posted by
Chris H
6:17 AM
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
I will rectify that today! LOL... AND knowing me get I'll started on ANOTHER ONE. I'm sending one of these bags to Jane P in Singapore so she can make them too. It will be so much easier for her to see the finished bag rather than me just send her the instructions. She's promised to send my bag back once she's sussed it out, which is cool as I think I will be using it as a Christmas present.
Today I'm working at the hospice shop again... so any sewing will have to wait till this afternoon.... as will blogging.
OH and I KNOW I haven't been reading or commenting much lately.. but hey.. I'm busy!!!
ABOVE: Bry modelling the CUTE Bag so you can see it's size.
It's 1.30 and I just got home from the Hospice Shop... man we were busy in there today! Literally rushed off our feet at times... and it was GREAT!
I did indeed buy a 'few' things, but before I take photo to upload.. I need food! Will come back later and show ya.
ABOVE: today's treasures! Baby GIRL booties and 4 cute little dishes with SHELLS on.. how could I resist?
I'm back sewing for a wee while are due home in a minute or two...
End of Day: and it's now 9.30 pm! Where has the day gone? I don't seem to be getting on my computer much lately... sewing... sewing.... I finished that brown bag (above) and have started another multi-coloured one. I'm loving making these bags, me fingers? Not so much! I seem to prick myself on an hourly basis, sometimes it really hurts! Oh well... what's a little prick now and then? ha ha ha! nite nite.
***I promise to get back to blog reading/commenting soon!
Posted by
Chris H
6:04 AM