Time to get out..... and Griffin packed a monumental shitty!
Me: "What's the matter?"
Griffin: "YOU said we would learn to swim! But I still can't swim!"
I got it in the ear all the way home.... he grizzled, he kicked the back of the seat, he huffed and he puffed.... till I got really mad at him!
Next time we go I will take them a good hour earlier, that way his nibs won't have so much energy and drive us all batty.
Today I am going to do some more sewing.... mostly hand sewing of the black edging around the Seahorse. Then it will be totally finished. Yaaa.
Weight Watchers tonight.... cross EVERYTHING I have a decent loss... cos I have tried hard this week!
It's done and on the wall. You can see it when you enter the house... and from all of the 'public' rooms... I LOVE IT.
Started May 2nd, Finished May 6th. Maybe next time I will TRY to make the project spin out longer!
I havn't done any sewing yet and it's already 12.15 pm....I've been tidying the garage (again)... and jumping on the bloody scales every 30 minutes to see if they have changed! I might get a semi-decent loss this week.... nothing startling, but a loss?
Time to start thinking about my next project too.... I am going to make some of the kids a wall hanging for Xmas... Amanda wants a Frangipani... so I will start working on a pattern for that I think.
I like doing the wall hangings, they are quicker than a quilt, and arty-farty... right up my alley!
One hour till weigh in.....do ya reckon shaving my legs will help? What about going 'commando'? Hmmmm..... how much do knickers weigh anyway? lol
End of Day: well... I'm happy with my weigh in... and you can all wait till tomorrow to find out how much I lost! ha ha ha. nite nite.
Haha love that "you said I would be able to swim" we used to say to the children at pre school "and when you go to school you be be able to read and write" we had a parent come back after their child had left to say the child was cryoing when she picked her up because she couldn't read!
ReplyDeleteGood luck tonight
Been there done that what Libra said...I have had kids thinking it was just going to happen...but then again I thought my first baby was coming on her due date..and like a dork sat there with my bag packed waiting...hahaha...good luck at W.W.!!!!!! Everything is crossed and double crossed....
ReplyDeleteaww, poor Griffin. Guess he thought he'd walk out of there a pro! Cute pics though:))
ReplyDeleteeverything is crossed for your loss! Good luck Chris
Good luck at the weigh in!
ReplyDeleteMonumental shitty is a phrase I LOVE!!! I might be stealing it for a future post.....I'll be sure to give credit where credit it due!!!
ReplyDeleteLove the pics of the swimming lessons....
ReplyDeleteAll the best for weigh in tonight, sure it will be great!
And I love the seahorse...AWESOME!!!!
Love the seahorse..
ReplyDeleteThe kidos swimming, Told ya!
I have found 9 times out of 10 kids who hate water on their faces are ok when they are a little older as long as they can touch the bottom.
I'm thrilled for them. You just wait and see the improvment, it happens so quick. That is why I loved teaching so much.
Good luck at WW!
Good luck with the weigh in. Hate the nervous tension before hand though..*shudder*
ReplyDeleteI woulda told Griff that if he continued to behave like that he wasn't going next time. Then next time warn him if he repeats the behavour he ain't goin back! Reminds me so much of Jr Her it ain't funny! Very headstrong and it's her way or the highway! lol
And man, that seahorse... clever bitch you are! :-)
Love the way that looks on the wall. And I can't wait to see the frangipani. You are a very clever girl.
ReplyDeleteHad to laugh at Griffin ... some kids can take everything so literally sometimes. Very hard for the poor little buggers.
Love the wall hanging!
ReplyDeleteLOL at the swimming lessons. Oh to be able to swim after one lesson. Our grandsons seem to lose their listening skill when they go as they are so excited.
Good luck tonight:-)
Good luck with the weigh in...
ReplyDeletethat's so cute with the kids! :)
thats what i really need to work on with my son this summer too... he still cant really swim and i want him to really learn it this year..
ReplyDeleteI like the idea of a wall hanging - would make great presents! Lovely for a baby's room or kid's room too. Did you put dowel across the top to hang it or how is it up on the wall? I think you are very clever, I'm just not a quilt fan at all but do appreciate your talent :)
ReplyDeleteSeahorse looks brilliant! You are one clever tart aren't you :0)
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the weigh in and once again I love the seahorse
ReplyDeleteThat looks magnificent!!! Really, really good!! You are soooooo talented!! I wish I was a member of your family......*sigh* *pout*
ReplyDeleteI'm going out to mow the lawn now..... I have no life!!!!
Funny boy! He reminds me of Trevor a bit lol.
ReplyDeleteSo was the weigh in today? Oh yeah your day isn't over yet lol. Time for bed here, I guess I'll check your update tomorrow!
Can you believe I actually got my man to hang up that hose hanger thing!
OMNG your seahorse looks amazing on the wall, From the previous pics I didn't realise how BIG it was.
ReplyDeleteMy clothes today weigh 1.3kgs! I reckon stripping off anything could help.
ReplyDeleteI came back 'specially to see your result!
Poor Griffin! I guess he wants immediate gratification. Poor kiddo. Just wait until he finds out that isn't how life works!
ReplyDeleteThe seahorse wall hanging is wonderful! It looks perfect on your wall!
Congrats on the weigh-in victory!
His reaction was too funny. Hope he gets the hang of it quickly. Lovely wall hanging, you've got talent. Not nice to leave us hanging in till tomorrow about the weigh in. Take care.
ReplyDeleteLove the wall hanging! You are so talented!