As you read this I hope I'm still in bed... but I'm probably not!
3 KIDS... one dog... and we are all cooped up in a little house.. thank God for Playstation!
I am going to do some SUDUKU puzzles... work the brain ya know? lol
And hopefully we can get out and have a play on the beach.. go for a walk... check out the local shops, have lunch out.... bla bla bla.
I will be back later on with photos hopefully of our day...
Alrighty ladies and gentlemen, due to unforseen circumstances (internet cafe closed lol) Chris will be unable to update todays blog, so you have the pleasure of being subjected to STEVE (a.k.a. number 5 child)!!!!!!
Weather is very nice in whitianga, Chris, Stew and kids had a lovely day (I assume lol), they ventured to an indian restuarant for dinner, it was lovely (so mum says). Well other than that there isnt much to say, i had a lovely day, thanks for askin :)
End Of Day: Lovely day all in all, NSV went a little skewif (im just guessing here guys so bare with me). Now just gonna relax and then go to bed. Night Night :)
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Posted by
Chris H
6:50 AM
Saturday, May 30, 2009
There was no way Mike could get Insurance for his car... so I am now the LEGAL OWNER of the car, and he's the 'Designated Driver'.... how cool! I own a Subaru WRX.... it's so pretty!
ABOVE: the car alarm bloke fitting my car with it's Alarm System... so no bugger can nick me car! Nice one. LOL
We are off to Whitianga for a relaxing few days shortly... just have to pack the car, feed the kids and go. Hopefully the traffic isn't too heavy... but as it's a long weekend it probably will be.
I will pop back in to update at the end of the day from the Internet Cafe' in Whitianga.
Well... the trip up was great... no major traffic jams like I was expecting. Sweet.
Once here we unpacked then went into 'town' for some lunch, picked up our Grandson Joshua who we have for the entire weekend.. and now I'm down at the Internet Cafe and Stew and the kids are at home. BLISS.
I'm gunna buy some Bacardi and have a quiet drinkie tonight too.
Here's some photos from today:
ABOVE: 40 minutes from Whitianga, we stopped for Teddy to have 'tinkles' and for the kids to stretch their legs.... this is Tairua Harbour... such a pretty place.
And I am proud to introduce our Grandson Joshua, who lives in Whitianga with his Mum, Step-Dad Shane and his 3 little brothers:
He is a delightful little boy, who just turned 8! We love him to bits. (photos published with the permission of his Mum and Step-Dad) As you can all see, another stunning family member! LOL.. I'm NOT biased you understand! *smiles*
Granddad had to go down and buy a small screwdriver set so he could get these cars out of their packaging! Josh loved them, and the big book from Grandma and Granddad for his birthday.
End of Day: after this I am popping into the supermarket, there's a local blogger who is working there tonight and I'm gunna go surprise her! heee heee. nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
6:41 AM
Friday, May 29, 2009
Stew, Me and 5 of our kids...
Rena and Uncle Andrew, she was not impressed with anyone holding her except her Mummy!
Finally... a little video of Rena who has just learnt how to walk...
Posted by
Chris H
6:21 AM
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Stew has taken the day off.... and we are taking the boys to the Sky Tower.... FUN! It is going to be a lovely day ... Stew can spend some time with his boys.....
Then tonight we are having a Family Get Together... and all our kids who can/want to be here are going to be! That means 5 out of 6.... it's going to be lovely! In all I'm expecting 10 adults and 5 kids. FUN.
OH and I'm so sorry, but blog reading and commenting just hasn't been on the AGENDA the last few days..... I will do my best to catch up soon. But spending time with me boys is my top priority right now... and getting some sleep!
ABOVE: Taken late last night when the boys roared into our street and woke everyone up in their racy cars. Mike just bought the one on the right, a Subaru WRX (Steve's is a Nissan Skyline). Mike's rather wrapt with his new car! Must say I think it's rather neat too.... though Stew and I do worry about him behind the wheel of such a racy car. The life of a parent is not easy!
REMIFEMIN: Lots of you have recommended I try it.. but my Doctor has said I must wait until he has heard back from the Heamatology Department .... because of the risks of blood clots , and with my history of bleeding etc I have to be careful. *sigh* so it's just a waiting game right now darn it. ABOVE: Steve, Stew and Mike, up in the Sky Tower.
Today's weather was awesome, we had an amazing view of Auckland from the Sky Tower... and I forgot my camera! Well not really... I ASKED one of the boys to pick it up off the bench but he forgot... so I had to make do with me phone.
After taking in the view, we had a look around Queen Street then came home to start preparing dinner for the family's visit.
Stew is mowing the lawns cos he won't get a chance to this coming weekend as we are heading up to the beach. I love the smell of a freshly mown lawn..... mmmmmm.
End of Day: Dinner with the family was fantastic.... we all had a lovely time.. it was just so nice to see most of the kids together again. (photos tomorrow) nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
6:33 AM
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Did I show you my purchase from yesterday? NO!.... It's an awesome book.... my FIRST ever quilting book.... bet I have heaps more eventually! And would ya check out that price.... SCORE!
Mike's lying there... and he said "Something smells like cat food"..... then he raised his arms and mumbled "OH no, it's me... me armpits smell like cat food, Hmmmm ... I need a shower". EEEEWWW... boys. *shudder*
But in a funny way... I'm loving it ... they keep coming out with totally random things/snippets of songs/jokes.
NEVER ever go out in your car with BOYS! They kept tooting my horn and waving at total strangers! And offering people on the street their jackets to wear... cos they smelt good! I wanted to throttle them, I'm sure they were only doing it to embarrass me! It didn't work.
Anyway... They are not waiting for Steve's car to be ready then they are driving up to Kaitia (5 hours!) to pick up a car for Mike. *sigh*.... and to think I was gunna make nachos for dinner JUST FOR THEM! Pffffffft.
The Dog Groomers told me off AGAIN for not brushing Teddy enough and letting him get knots.... bummer. I felt like I was being told off by the teacher. ... at school. Derrrr. Next time I take him they are going to TEACH me how to do it properly. YES MA'AM.
The doctor had NOTHING for me in relation to the Hot Flushes... even if I wanted to, I can't go on HRT due to being a bloody bleeder who's had blood clots. So I have to suffer..... but it won't be in silence, you can be sure of that!
ONWARD.... must do some housework!
End of Day: and I got the vacuming done before I stopped and had to take a nap! I am just so tired all the time at the moment! I am sure it's due to being woken up all night (hourly) with a hot flush... and all the shopping and traipsing around we've done lately! Anyway, I have just done some more grocery shopping for tomorrow night's get-together.... nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
6:33 AM
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
MINE? Soon!
DROOLING? You bet!
- kids to school
- boys to Outlet Shops in Onehunga
- Me to Patchwork Class
- Pick up boys, then kids, then Swimming Lessons.
THEN home to do some housework... cook dinner ... etc! I'm thinking it will be a busy day. But I'd rather be busy than bored any day.
CLAIRE: yes I am a spoilt BRAT.... SOMETIMES! Not always. Feast or Famine around here usually! (Yes mate, I knew you meant it in a lovely way! *smiles)
Posted by
Chris H
6:16 AM
Monday, May 25, 2009
Posted by
Chris H
6:36 AM
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Last night I went through the kids clothes... taking out anything that was too small or too old or had holes in it.... as you do when the seasons change and you have to spend hundreds of dollars on new clothes for da kids.
AND I am horrified to discover that we must have a PHANTOM UNDIE EATER in our midst, cos Griffin used to have at least 14 pair of undies... and last night I counted 5 pair, and that included what he had on.... HMMMMM..... where could they be???
After turning the house upside down I have come to the conclusion SOMEONE is throwing them out.... now who could that be? (has to be Griffin!) And why? Some serious thinking to be done on this one.
Today I have to get the house sorted as Steve and Mike are coming up from Palmerston North tomorrow for a 5 day visit... I can hardly wait! I have missed them so much. I am planning a family Get Together for Thursday night, hopefully all 3 girls (and their little families) are going to come for dinner. How neat, most of the family together!
We are also going over to Milford to get some more of those gorgeous gourmet sausages....
That's about 'it' for now......
Four hours shopping.. we only needed undies for the boy... I was thinking we would spend about $50-60... HA! Undies for him (9), undies, matching crop tops and long black socks for her and socks for the man... nearly $300 later we leave the shop! Pffffft.
Stew wanted some more weights too, but on seeing the prices I've decided to look on TradeMe!
I had hoped to go to the garden centre too for some winter vege plants, but it's raining now so I can't be arsed. I'm cold and GRUMPY... funny that.
Going to set to and read a few bloggitty blogs now...
End of Day: and I'm totally knackered! All that shopping has done me in... it's all good exercise though. Food intake has been shocking though...bugger. Going to bed shortly, where I expect to get stuff all sleep thanks to the hot flushes. Last night I woke up from a nightmare where the whole world was exploding into flames.... but it was only me burning up! Derrrr. nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
6:40 AM
Saturday, May 23, 2009
We have lots of problems finding shoes for Brylee, she has a long thin foot.... but the other day we saw a shoe shop in Howick that caters to her type of foot, so that's first on the list.
Then Pumpkin Patch and JK for some clothes.

Posted by
Chris H
6:49 AM
Friday, May 22, 2009
Posted by
Chris H
6:36 AM
Thursday, May 21, 2009
This incredibly grumpy, knee jerking bitch is BACK...
NOT that I was gone for long of course.... but it was close people... very close.
Today I am going to go out and celebrate my grumpiness by getting me a t-shirt with the words "WARNING.... GRUMPY TART" on it!
So there!
Do you realise that I 'threaten' to delet my blog on a fairly regular basis for various reasons? I am so fickle! Maybe I need a t-shirt that says that too! Ahhhh I'm such a tart.
Luckily it would appear quite a few of you seem to like me... that's nice.
so.... leave me a comment now and then.... this bloody blog is HARD WORK... you have no idea!
It would be nice to actually hear from a few more of you lurkers!
I didn't go to weigh in last night, I was too BUSY deleting things... then re-instating them....
Right, I'm outta here... got t-shirts to get...
BONUS: I have a perfectly lovely birthday present waiting for the next person who is in me line up ! *smiles*
Stew seems to have had a moment of total madness too! Last night he asked me to look at this:
And he wanted me to go have a look at one! Me! Drive a FORD??? The man is mad.... but just to PLEASE MY MAN, I will go and (ikkkk) look at one today. *sigh* The things I have to do.
I am so, so sorry all you FORD lovers out there, but I did not like the Ford Territory.. not at all. And it has nothing (really) to do with it being a FORD either... it just didn't impress me like the Toyota Highlander that I have set my heart on.
After looking at that car I went over to Manukau Mall and got me this:
And to make the day even better, my darling husband rang me up and told me I could go order my NEW SEWING MACHINE... so I did! It should be here in a week or two.
AND... When I got home the postie had been and.....
TODAY TOTALLY ROCKS. And thanks a million to all the girls who have 'de-lurked' in the past day.. it's LOVELY to meet you! *smiles*
End of Day: and hasn't it been a friggin GOOD Day? I reckon. nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
6:23 AM
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I am deleting my blog... you have a few days to email me for an invite to my private blog...
FAR OUT, I am not deleting it afterall. I am terrible at changing my mind... but on this you can blame Stew and Amanda, they talked me out of it.
OK.... now my FAMILY is pissed off with me.... I can't please anyone is seems.
My SON Russell is out to hurt me OBVIOUSLY... he hates me, he cannot/will not tell me what I have done to upset him and why he hates me.
I had a TOTAL knee jerk reaction to his latest communication... he text'd me and said he did not WANT my present to him.. and that he left New Zealand to GET AWAY from me and his FAMILY.
So why would I want someone who hates me to be reading all about me and my FAMILY.... someone who I thought was a part of my FAMILY???
It's a bit like having a stalker who wants to know all about me, but actually HATES ME. It's not a nice feeling.
I don't care that he will read this... because as my DARLING HUSBAND said, if I delete my blog he will have WON.... and hurt me again by stopping me doing something I really love.
So, my son does not get his birthday present.
It took me an hour to 'remove' 6 months worth of my blog... and another 2 and a half to put them back! Now me butt's killing me from sitting here that long... AND I havn't had me dinner either.
Time to take a break, chill out... have something to eat and stop letting certain people annoy me. NO MORE.
I am not a bad person, I have always done THE BEST for all my kids. I am not the horrible person some would have me believe.
End of day AGAIN.... it's a bit like "The Days of Our Lives" in this house sometimes... it can be a trail .... but would we have it any other way?
SOMETIMES. nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
5:59 PM
I may have sweet F*#K all to talk about some days...
But.... I have to just get over it and try to make the most of my days.
It's the school... .Griffin has stubbed his toe REALLY BADLY and they want to know what to do? Errrr.... clean it up and put a plaster on it! So they decide that 'YES' they would do that. But he probably needs some panadol for the pain, and they are not allowed to give him any.... SO... I run back out in the pouring rain and go home, pick up some panadol and take it up to the school and pour it down his gob. MOTHERING DONE.

Posted by
Chris H
6:23 AM
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I am thinking of NOT going to Patchwork Class today.
They are all still tracing out the pattern for their Dragonfly Projects that they started 3 weeks ago... meanwhile I have finished my first one (the Seahorse) and am half way through the second one...
If I go I will just sit there and yak... and I'm not in the mood for it.
So... what to do?
The kids have swimming again this afternoon... yaaa. I can hardly wait.
THAT'S IT.... unless something really interesting happens today... I'm not coming back ... until "nite nite".
SO.. I'm sitting here feeling grumpy and cry-babyish... and I've decided that the only way to snap outta this funk is to get outta the house. So... I'm going to the bloody class OK. I may be bored to tears.. or I may not! I'm hoping for the "NOT"... else I'm going to be really pissed.
I better pull finger and get moving too.... the class starts in like... 10 minutes!
So it was worth dragging me sorry, grumpy butt out of the house.
Now I need to sort out the kids gear for swimming tonight, and dinner too... hmmmm I so havn't given that a thought till now! Yikes....
BLONDIE1: yes my Mum LOVED her Chooky Quilt... she has it on her bed.... and in the lounge on the back of the couch too she can look at it!
KAREN: nice to know you are happy I am gone.... NICE. I will catch up with you eventually ! Then look out. lol
End of Day: Brylee is going up a class in swimming... she can almost swim! Well, as long as ya don't breathe *smiles*... and Griffin is doing well too... he just needs a HUGE weight around his bum cos when he tries to 'swim' his butt juts up and his legs go down... he looks hysterical! But they both love it so that's great. Much more positive this evening. nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
6:29 AM
Monday, May 18, 2009
But of course I have to finish the Star Quilt and the Frangipani Project FIRST..... and talking of the Frangipani Project.... this is where I'm at:
I can't do any more now till I get some more material.... either some that's coming from Aussy or something I get here....
Today: kids to school then the big 'Clean up' after the weekend... Griffin spilt chocolate milk all over the floor last night... so that's kinda high on the 'to do' list.....
Here's a story for Virginia:
Years ago I used to always be looking after my girlfriend's kids... you know... so they could go do the grocery shopping, take a break.. whatever. I didn't mind. That's what girlfriends do eh?
Then one day Stew got really sick, he had Rhuematic Fever and had to be admitted to hospital, where he stayed for a month, then he was home for a further 2 months getting better.
While Stew was in hospital I had to manage on my own with the 6 kids, aged 10 months to 10 years... to complicate matters Mike was a sick baby and had to go to a different hospital on the SAME DAY that Stew was admitted to the Public Hospital. Fun!
Anyway, I asked a few of my girlfriends if they could watch MY KIDS in the evening so I could go and visit Stew in the hospital and get a break... and not one of them would! Suddenly they all had other things to do, they couldn't possibly manage to come over and babysit. One girls' husband even had the audacity to say "You are the stupid woman who had 6 kids, you look after them"!
Suffice to say those 'girlfreinds' never heard from me again...and funnily enough none of them ever asked me to babysit their kids again either!
They say some things 'shape who you are'... well that experience has shaped me for sure. I never offer to have other people's kids over here.. I am never getting taken advantage of again. I have learnt that lesson well.
300,000 hits since I put that counter on me blog... that's quite neat!
I'm feeling blah today... can't be bothered doing anything really... maybe it's winter, maybe it's boredom, maybe it's loneliness.... or a combo of them all. Whatever, I'm just blah. I don't even feel like blogging... maybe I will stop for a while? I am thinking about it... I feel like I have nothing to say anymore. edit: oh ignore me, I'm just having a grumpy, woe is me moment....
End of Day: another day bites the dust... nite nite.
Posted by
Chris H
6:27 AM