There is a naughty TART in America who does not understand the meaning of "Cards only" !!! A parcel arrived on my doorstep late yesterday .... Inside ... a wee gift for Brylee, Griffin and Me!
Thank you Lynda, you are naughty... but nice. LOL
FRIDAY, yipee.... cos after today it's a long weekend here, no work for Stew on Monday.... no school.... so we can all chill out for 3 whole days. OK, the weather looks like it's going to be shitty... but that's OK. It will be the first weekend since we moved here that we can just relax and do NOTHING!
Stew is going to love that! I am hoping the we can go on a 'ticky tour' around our most local beaches... there is the Manukau harbour on our East side and the Hauraki Gulf on our Right side.... and both an easy distance for daytrips.... neat!
Today? Dunno! Read? Tidy the spare bedroom wardrobe? Just the usual stuff I suppose......
Might not 'look' pretty, but tastes amazing!
1/2 cup standard flour
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
4 eggs, lightly beaten
2 cups milk
75 grms butter, melted
1 X 440grm can pink salmon, drained
1 cup grated tasty cheese
1 small onion, finely chopped
1 Tablespoon chopped fresh chives
Sift flour and baking powder into a large bowl. Make a well in the centre and pour in the combined eggs, milk and butter.
Add the salmon, onion, cheese and chives, mix well. Pour mixture into a greased ovenproof dish.
Cook in a moderate oven at 180oC (350F) for about 45 minutes, or until quiche is set. Add garnish at end.
This recipe is amazingly quick and easy, and I usually double it so we can have a 'spare' quiche for another day cold. It's lovely cold as well.
Onward with me day.... so far so good. I've finished one of the books, was a really good read.
What else have I done? NOTHING, see I can do it!!!
I've been out and about! Still trying to find the perfect squab/cushion box for the outdoor squabs.... the Mitre 10 man has seen me so much that he now calls me "Sweetheart".... ewwwwwww.... so not right! LOL
Also been in long conversations with Mid Central Health about my LACK of care after my surgery... they are still doing the INVESTIGATION after nearly 4 months! Durrrrr. I don't expect anything but an APOLOGY and an assurance that it won't happen to any other poor bugger! Still waiting on that one!
JULIE: in New Zealand we can't sue the hospital/doctors for money!
End of Day: a nice day overall.... really looking forward to the weekend.
NSV: is not happening any more, I am really struggling to find one every day! So, if I actually have a GOOD NSV, I will let ya know. Till then, it's off the 'menu'. nite nite.
Hey! I know that tart! ;)
ReplyDeleteActually, I found your blog from hers. Glad I did too! I'm still cracking up over some of those birthday cards you got! What a riot!
Belated birthday greetings from San Jose, California!
Our Blog: Double Happiness!
Diet Coke does rock.
ReplyDeleteHow sweet! Bet you wished you told everyone to send you a package now...
ReplyDeleteUmmm...can't really imagine you doing "not much"!! Bet you can't!
ReplyDeleteThat quiche sounds yummy and since I love salmon I've emailed it to home..HOME what's that.. actually I'm going there on Sunday.. heaven knows what it will be like after being shut up for a month. I know the weeds must be 3' high.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your leisurely weekend. I might get back into blogging I think.. hopefully I will have fun stuff to talk about and weight loss... geez that is a priority!
I like being called a me I've been called a lot worse. I was never one to follow the rules.
ReplyDeleteI hope you like it. I couldn't send a gift from America and not include something for the wee ones.
Hey, I have variations on that recipe, called "Impossible Quiche" ha I even won a plunket competition about 21 years ago - a wheelbarrow full of groceries, for it. So its lasted all these years, good stuff, have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteHave an awesome lazy weekend ;-) and love the look of that quiche going to give it a go.
ReplyDeleteNice loot! I'm hoping my wife gets me something tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteI think they should send you some money too. Fuckers.
ReplyDeleteThe sad thing is that to give you an apology means they're admitting fault and i've yet to see anyone in the medical profession that's prepared to do that - but hopefully you'll prove me wrong!
ReplyDeleteHope you have a fantastic weekend - sounds like it's going to be a relaxing one! ENJOY!!!
Enjoy the three day weekend. I'm looking forward to the holidays coming up soon.
ReplyDeleteI love Burt's Bees!!! I get the chapstick they sell that has color to it. I like to wear lipstick because my lips are such a plain color. But I love to have chapstick. They make a chapstick that has a color to it and you can pick a shade. It's really super awesome!
ReplyDeleteMannnnn, I wish I was as tidy as you. I work "harder" not "smarter". I generally am terrible at organizing and I don't know when I'm making a mess. So all of a sudden I'll look around and say "who made this mess in here???". I was the baby of the family. I clean a lot, but I do it the harder way. I don't just keep things up as I go along.