Saturday, June 14, 2008


- Morning tea with the girls... taking Bry and Griffin with me cos my big son's have been noticebly ABSENT from around here this week... I am hoping like hell Steve will turn up tomorrow to help me get ready for Open Home!

- I have a parcel of 'stuff' almost ready to send off to the Flat Stanley's family in Missouri..... hope to post it today... lots of KIWI things.... lollies, books, magazines, toys etc for the children... hope they like it all!

- And yes, it will be housework... dusting/polishing, washing done etc in the afternoon.... how thrilling!

I was thinking last night.... how bloody neat... once I have my operation I will NEVER EVER have to buy 'those girl products' ever again! Gawd it's going to be so neat!!! And no more having to stay home 2-3 days out of every 3 weeks....or worrying about "is it coming"?.... bring it on I say!

OK... time to get a move on....later...

Let's play on the couch, then the evil fluffball can't get us!

SHOELACES for breakfast anyone?

We are getting ready to go out.. Griffin is struggling with his sweatshirt..

Brylee: "do you want a hand with that ?"

Griffin: "OH YUK NO, you are a girl, girls are disgusting!"

NICE ONE SON....I bet in a few years you are not saying that!

Lovely morning tea... followed by a wander around town for the kids... tried to buy another pair of those awesome boots (as spares) but no luck, all sold out. Boo hoo. Oh well, I will just have to hope the ones I have last for years!

Very tired this afternoon, tried to have a lie down but B&G are being little shits... can't wait for tomorrow's Open Home to be over cos then I can start packing for Melbourne!

Pretty sure I have everything sorted for when I get back too, Stew is going to be here for the first few days after my surgery and then Mike is going to stay and look after the kids for me while I recuperate... AND if I have any problems my darling girlfriends are just a phone call away. I am so lucky to have such neat friends.

End of Day: so-so afternoon... going to feed kids, let them watch Ice Age movie on the telly while I make a start on getting house ship shape for tomorrow.

NSV: My jeans still fit me bum, this is good! nite nite.


  1. Will you sell that house already!!

  2. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Your new baby is so adorable!! I think I am in love....

  3. Oh, yay, I'm so excited!!

    I'm hoping things go well with your operation. It's good Brylee and Griffin are old enough to do most things themselves as you recover.

    I think that puppy is the cutest! Hopefully he isn't teething on your furniture; you have such a pretty house.

  4. PS Have you ever sent a package this far?? You might have to re-mortgage your house. ;]

  5. Yes Chris.. I'm from Aussie, but Syd, NSW near Blue Mountains.. so yep.. very cold here in Winter.. :)

    you asked about study?.. I do web design already from home as work but am always looking to further develop skills including "paper" qualifications so that WHEN (see, not if LOL) I am able to go back to working in "real" world, I'll have not only the practical, but theoretical qualifications as well.. or that's the plan LOL :)

  6. Hey glad you have a date for your op!!!
    I hope it isnt going to spoil your trip to Aus worrying about it!
    Not long now!!!!
    See you in 6 days!!

  7. ya, it will be soon enough that your boy will like girls. Mine, at 6, still seems to like them a bit.
    Good luck on your operation! I think it will bring you lots of relief and getting back to the gym will be great. I've started back to the gym too and can tell a difference in my mood and just how I feel.
    Have a great meet and greet with the bloggers!!!

  8. Anonymous4:21 AM

    Isn't that pup darling!

    It's good to know things are falling into place for you. Hopefully, your house will sell soon!

    I had a doctor's appt. yesterday and thought of you when they told me that I am anemic. No wonder I'm always dragging about.


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